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Posts by MarieAntoinette  

Joined: 1 Feb 2021 / Female ♀
Last Post: 9 Feb 2021
Threads: 1
Posts: 29
From: Praha
Speaks Polish?: Nope

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9 Feb 2021
Food / Is brain-damaging vegan fad growing in Poland? [176]

My friends are not pigs!!!!

animals in general once were your friends

now you pay to let them be slaughtered and you lick their bones

I will sure kiss pigs, I love pigs.
Did you know they are more intelligent than dogs?


Sleep well Milo.
9 Feb 2021
Food / Is brain-damaging vegan fad growing in Poland? [176]

Many of these body builders die prematurely,mainly from heart attacks.

A 65-year-old vegan bodybuilder explains how he builds muscle with 1-hour workouts and a diet of raw vegetables
Dudas is the 4-time winner of the Mr. New Zealand amateur bodybuilding contest, most recently in 2015 at age 60.


Milo, at least admit it. You pay for your old friends to get gaschambered and tortured for your bacon.
Because your personal lust is more important than somebody else's life.
They just want to live their life, with their family.
Just be happy with nature and what is given by that.
Something you are not capable of.
Maybe that is why you want to pay to let them be killed and eat them.
For sure you are better than them.
The ultimate dominator.
Slaughter, kill and eat.

Don't forget that the corona is coming from a disgusting way of animal slaughter and consumption as well. So healthy it is!!!

Check where your Corona is coming from. The beauty and superiority of humanity.

And another one, our beauty and superiority is everywhere

You know, a very wise man once told me, if you want privileges, they come with responsabilities.
Something we do not seem to understand.
9 Feb 2021
Food / Is brain-damaging vegan fad growing in Poland? [176]

You still do, just different ones....

Tell me which ones, I fight a lot of them already. Give me more.

Here's dinner Ms. Herbivore


Meat eating. Oh, but there is.... to keep a healthy, balanced diet.

owwww yeaaaahhhh Milo


it's inherently an unhealthy look.

Looks very unhealthy, indeed....
Lenka, what do you think, unhealthy huh.

9 Feb 2021
Food / Is brain-damaging vegan fad growing in Poland? [176]

Interesting dairy cattle channels...

Mafketis, you are a little boy believing in fairytales.
I don't blame you. I also used to believe them.
The Biggest Undercover Dairy Investigation in History Fair Oaks Farms and Coca Cola 2019
9 Feb 2021
Food / Is brain-damaging vegan fad growing in Poland? [176]

They're tasty.

No question about that.

There is just no reason for us to eat them.
The industry is absolutely disgusting.
You know, once the animals where your friends, when you were a kid.
Now you pay other people to kill them in horrible ways, and treat them like garbage.
Whereas they have done nothing wrong to yo.
On the way you lost your empathy and became heartless towards them.
Because they are not like you, you think you have the right to pay for their slaughter and lick and suck their bones.

Far from 'holy', a doctor so clued up on nutrition and as I said, looks 20 years younger.

Ah, now I understand. Your doctor fetish. Now all makes sense.
And she is not a vegan.

Not when I'm not hungry and know I can easily buy meat products in a store

Well, also not when you are not hungry. It is not in your instinct. You are not a carnivore.
You can eat meat, and you can survive on it.
And indeed, you are right, it is made very easy for us to succumb to this evil.
Packed in shiny plastic, like everything else.

Humans eat very little food in its fully natural state

Well, your choice to eat rubbish, not everybody does that.

So you swallow plant matter and then return some of it back into your mouth

I don't think it is necessary with an apple.

lant products undergo just as much treatment as do animal products.

Ah, I see, recently came back from the carrot slaughterhouse?

Animals are superior in very few areas.

Did you ever see animals destroying their own habitat systemetically, because other animals had pieces of paper they said had value?

How about a group of male adult dogs gangraping a puppy?

And did you hear about that one pig? He came home drunk and beat the **** out of his sow.

And you know, did you ever hear about this group of cows?
They took in some human females and put them in metal crates.
They inseminated them against their will to get them pregnant.
Once the baby was born, they immediately took it away. They saw it was a boy, and smashed it in the head in front of the mother. Boys are not productive you see.

Than they put some metal bars on the breasts of the human female, to take out the milk and sell it to their fellow cows, cos they liked it in their grass-coffee.

By the way, they did this every year, inseminated the female human against her will, and take her baby away (kill it if it was a boy).

They kept her in the cage for about 7 years, than she was finished. Her breasts were sore and full of inflammation and pus. Her body was no longer capable to produce enough milk for the cows, she was done.They loaded her on a truck and sent her to the slaughterhouse.

After she was dragged inside on the floor full of blood, she was humanely stabbed in the head with a metal pin, her throat was stabbed open with a knife, and they hung her upside down to get rid of the blood. She was still moving a bit, but the cows had no time, the next human was on the line.

You ever heard the inferior animals do any of this?

Hey Lenka, what do you think about it?

Please cut down on the number of quotes
9 Feb 2021
Food / Is brain-damaging vegan fad growing in Poland? [176]

50 or 100 or so years it will feasible but.... at present it's a non-starter.

What kind of reasoning is that.
What is different in 50-100 years.

Claiming that we are not superior equals claiming that we are inferior as no two things are ever equal.

That is the dumbest thing I ever heard.
Not being the same does not mean inferior.
It just means different.
Just let it be different as it is.
Unless you are so insecure that you need to see something else as inferior, so you can see yourself as superior.

And, you think the systematic slaughter and torture for lust for flesh is superior behavior?
What a joke.
It is disgusting.
The lowest of the lowest.

And especially you should consider your health Novichok.
Cancer cannot survive in an alkaline environment.
Eating meat makes you highly acidic, cancer cells thrive in an acidic environment.
Also, the only way you get cholesterol in your body is by eating meat.

So even if you only consider your own health (as most of us cannot have any consideration for anything else but ourselves), even than it would be the best option.

Tell me, how can a tortured, completely miserable animal be of any good for your health?
Do some research, see what hormones and antibiotics they get.
Or other crap against diseases that they get, because they "live" in an unnatural environment.
These chemicals don't all "die" when you cook them.
And you ingest them every time.

In the survival of the fittest contest.

Complete nonsens.
You don't need to eat tortured and slaughered animals to stay alive.
It is not true, look at the strong man.
You pay for this immoral industry because of your lust for meat and flesh.

How about survival of morality?
You pay for killing and torturing innocent beings, that can feel pain and misery just like you.
But you don't care.
You love to eat this misery and convert it to ****.
In our time it is pure lust, not survival.

So we evolved resourcefulness.

So we evolved ruthlessness, violence, self centeredness etc.
We evolved into developing a system of destruction, for our cousins in feather and fur, who have not done anything wrong to us.
You are so superior, you pay other members of your species to gaschamber lifelong tortured pigs.
Well, the result of all this is in our societies.
We care less and less about anything or anybody.
Misery in, misery out.

and occasionally enjoys (with the emphasis on the word enjoy) non-vegan things

So your holy friend is not a vegan. What are you talking about.

Humans aren't herbivores and many/most end up malnourished on vegan diets....

You are definitely not a carnivore.
Your instinct is not even there.
When you see a cow, you do not feel the need to press your teeth in her neck, take her to the ground and start swallowin her skin meat and bones.

And don't forget, for carnivores the stomach of a prey animal is the most precious.
How about you take a bite of a cow's stomach with contents? True carnivore that you are!
For it has pre-digested plant foods that she wants to have. Very healthy for her as a carnivore, because she cannot process them herself.
Also, you do not swallow meat without chewing, what carnivores do.
And, your jaw goes from left to right, something carnivores cannot do (cos they don't have to).

Biran Turner

Brian Turner

100% VEGAN
9 Feb 2021
Food / Is brain-damaging vegan fad growing in Poland? [176]

We are superior.

In what way and how are we superior?

If you contradict what I have just said then you contradict nature

Ask Patrik Baboumian.

100% VEGAN


Patrik was the "Strongest Man of Germany" winning the national German Strongman competition in 2011 in the open division.

By the way, he is a better sportsman than speaker :D
But I salute him.
8 Feb 2021
Food / Is brain-damaging vegan fad growing in Poland? [176]

any carnivore that would pass on a human

So first we are superior to animals, but now you want to compare yourself on an equal level.
That is weird.
8 Feb 2021
Food / Is brain-damaging vegan fad growing in Poland? [176]

Could you point me to a time in history when the world was or at least tried to be more humane to animals?

I don't know Lenka. Maybe in Tibet or other bhuddist countries.
But I highly doubt it.

Humans are not very good at being nice to others, especially not if they cannot defend themselves.
This is because we are selfish and without morals.

We think we are entitled to enslave, torture and slaughter other living beings and their children
Lick our fingers from the fat that comes from their bodies.
Because we have the illusion that we are superior.

When I think about it, no, I think we have always been full of **** to animals.
8 Feb 2021
Food / Is brain-damaging vegan fad growing in Poland? [176]


hehe, looked it up, difficult word, wow I learn so much here!

I don't respond well to orders

well, that is a good thing

I'm not interested in consuming hyper-produced industrial plant sludge.

me neither

slaughterhouse footage is the vegan crucifix....

slaughterhouse footage is the reality, and you pay for it
you consume it
just because of your lust for flesh
you do not want to take the response-ability to change anything

the animals in this industry are so sick and tortured
they have to inject them with many chemicals to keep them alive
not to speak about the treatment they get
for no reason but our lust
and you absorb the result of that with your own body
including all the chemicals and antibiotics that the animals get
that won't break down when you cook it

you see, if you consume misery than....
see the result in todays world
we do not give a **** about other living beings
others don't give a **** about us

the world of today is the result of our collective lack of morality
enjoy the show, it's gonna get worse and rough
7 Feb 2021
Food / Is brain-damaging vegan fad growing in Poland? [176]

watch earthlings and watch dominion

than we can talk

as now you don't know what you are talking about

there is no point discussing anything

can find on youtube by that name as above
7 Feb 2021
Food / Is brain-damaging vegan fad growing in Poland? [176]


I watched it.

Very interesting.
Seems you are a big fan of fairy tales.
I cannot blame you, I used to like them too.

You think humane slaughter is a concept that exists?

If so, how would you want to be humanely slaughtered?
Any preference?

Did you see Earthlings and Dominion?

This is the reality of your bacon
5 Feb 2021
Love / How Do You Feel About a Black man marrying Polish Women? [157]

Again, raising kids can be great but to pretend it doesn't take a lot of effort is stupid and counter productive

I think nobody said that?
Just I think you should really be a team, husband and wife.
And hard to find, I agree.

Even though I must add, I know some fantastic men. Very reliable, responsible and thrustworthy.
5 Feb 2021
Love / How Do You Feel About a Black man marrying Polish Women? [157]

If after an awful long day your boss calls you 1 am and tells you you have to work through the night you say no.

Honestly, (mother forgive me) I think it is very difficutl to raise a family with 2 people working outside.
I have no idea how people do that.
5 Feb 2021
Love / How Do You Feel About a Black man marrying Polish Women? [157]

raising kids is a hard

You know Lenka, when you have a good solid base, it would be a blessing.

Just both sides are getting destroyed spiritually, men and women.
It is very sad.

When man and woman come together as a team, it actually is great to raise a family.

That was the 'libertarian' guy who used to promote conspiracy theories

Your words are just babble. A little kid that screams for fairytales to be true.
Watch the interview at least twice, than judge.
5 Feb 2021
Love / How Do You Feel About a Black man marrying Polish Women? [157]

stupid enough to plan their life and their family because of some campaign

It is the way things work, whether you like it or not.
Now the brainwashing is against the family. At least in our part of the world.
And it is working great. We make money and consume till we die. That's it.
5 Feb 2021
Food / Is brain-damaging vegan fad growing in Poland? [176]

an Australian referred to animal agriculture as a 'holocaust'

you need to check your resources better, this statement was not initiated in Australia
the first one who said that was Gary Yourofsky, a Jewish animal activist

here you see Gary comparing the animal slaughter business to the holocaust on Israeli national television
very provocative,
what can they say against him? he is jewish too
brilliant speaker, for sure
Gary Yourofsky proves the Animal Holocaust to Israel's most renowned TV host
Gary Yourofsky vs. Israeli Animal Abuser Reporter
Gary Yourofsky Talks About God in Israel

watched it again, especially the last one, brilliant
5 Feb 2021
Love / How Do You Feel About a Black man marrying Polish Women? [157]

From what I see Kalergi plan is not a plan but rather a consequence

These things are done by very intelligent design.
Communist Goals

All happening now, 25/26/27/28/40/41
Poland knows what "the powers that be" try to do, and does not want this happening to their people and country (even though the politics seem to be divided).

They see the consequences of letting this happen with the neighbours.

This is no natural consequence in Europe, this is all done by design.
It would be natural to defend what you have, but we are betrayed from the inside and our minds are unnaturally programmed.
For it would not be so difficult to propagandise Europeans to have big families again, just do the right marketing.
Same as they do the marketing now, to corrupt our souls.

it's all about the money

Money is totally innocent.
There she lays on the table, the piece of paper, does not even have the capability to do anything wrong.
An innocent convenient means of transaction.
Abused as a scapegoat for human greed and lust for power. Both endless in many of us.
Money is totally innocent.

Kalergi plan is not a plan. It's an internet hoax.

It is a book that was written by Kalergi.It is an actual historical fact.
Saying that things are hoaxes because you do not want to hear them, does not make them untrue.
It happened, the book was written.

Richard Nikolaus Eijiro Count Coudenhove-Kalergi was an Austrian Japanese politician and activist of geopolitics. In 1923 he published his manifesto "Pan Europe" which states that an International Pan-European Union was founded. With this manifesto the Pan-European Movement was started, the precursor of Europe of Maastricht and of the European union. This is the main part of the realization of the criminal "Kalergi Plan". Mr. Kalergi was calling the concept of a "Pan Europe" and "Pan Europe-ism" the meaning of "Unification of all nations of Europe under one single state" - with the side intention that continental Europe should be changed by the integration of different foreign races and cultures. In this way a cosmopolitan Europe should be created, multi cultural, multi racist and eventually all should be mestizos.
3 Feb 2021
Travel / Are Polish people as unfriendly as Slovaks? [84]

greetings from Prague here, average Czech hates foreigners, but loves and wants the money they bring
almost all foreigners that I know here, don't like the CZ mentality, cheap, sneaky and totally nuts, don't forget dumb
communist era is over, the mentality is still there
it get's a bit better with the younger people, but not too much
there is really no description for it, need to experience yourself
with all exceptions there are, this is the average experience after 5 years

when I went to Poland, I was wearing my Czech harness, to deal with all the rudeness and crap
I was very surprised that the people were much more friendly in general
even the lady at the gas station on the highway gave me a smile
you will never experience in CZ, ever

I suppose it's because they're tired of being condescended to by their wealthier European neighbors, realizing too that their English skills frequently lag behind other, more typically "desirable" countries such as Sweden, The Netherlands, even France. In addition, which person of any nationality wishes to be thought of as either a bone-head or a prostitute simply because of decades of negative PR?

Well that says all about what you think, and nothing about what they are thinking.
1 Feb 2021
Real Estate / Buying a house and staying away from the border [3]


Unclarity about the property you are allowed to buy in Poland when it is a freestanding house

we have decided to buy a house in Dolnoslaskie
I have contacted about 5 lawyers to get some clarity about the law, for buying a property as a foreigner who is an EU citizen (Holland)

I read the law myself, but still doesn't give me 100% clarity
( I guess that is the purpose, we need to keep these lawyers alive as well)

So, as far as I think I have found out:
a European citizen can buy any land that is smaller than 4000 m² without having to ask for any permits to the government
when the land is smaller than 4000 m², the land can have any purpose, even forest or agriculture

I'm referring to the act of 24 March 1920,Acquisition-of-real-estate.html
the law that everybody is always referring to

then my unclarity is the following:
what if the land is not designated as agricultural land or forest land?
Then what is the maximum, if any?
What other types of designations for the use of the land are there?
What if it is recreational? Or commercial?
Is there then still the maximum of 4000 m²? Or another maximum? Or no maximum?

does anybody here have any experience with this?
1 Feb 2021
Real Estate / Buying a house and staying away from the border [3]

Hi Y'all
does anyone here can refer to the law where it states how many kilometers you need to stay away from the border when you buy a house?

We are looking at houses in the area of Karpacz, which is around 4 km away from the Czech border.
We are European citizens.