The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by AnielaMaria  

Joined: 11 Mar 2018 / Female ♀
Last Post: 26 Jul 2023
Threads: 1
Posts: 8
From: Canada, Windsor
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: God

Displayed posts: 9
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11 Mar 2018
Language / What does Janina translate into in English? [27]

My mom, born in Poland, came to Canada as Janina. As a young girl, insecure, not knowing the language, she decided to go with an English version of her name. Back then without the internet or as many name resources as now she went with Jeannette. 50 years later getting a passport to go overseas the Passport Office said that is not her name. That she cannot use Jeannette. However when needing to show proof of her ID she driver's license and everything else has Jeannette.

What is the proper translation of Janina? She said she is not about to go by any other name after all these years and the Passport Office finally approved but used her Polish name instead even though her Driver's License did not have the Polish name but Jeannette instead.
11 Mar 2018
Language / It is not possible to translate names into English or Polish! [52]

My uncle's name actually translated to a girls name in English so he had to go with the closest English Male name possible and chose Walter. His parents put the English name on his application so he has no issues now in Canada. However with my mom they only translated her middle name as that is the name they always called her. They never translated her first name so it is still in Polish. She tried to translate it herself going by someone else who supposedly had the English version and her parents said it was the same name as hers. Years later the Passport office said it was not the right translation. Still, close enough so they finally allowed her to get her passport but had to keep her Polish name on it. Not the English translation. My mom told me not all names can be translated for a number of reasons. Not just different alphabet.
11 Mar 2018
Language / It is not possible to translate names into English or Polish! [52]

That is cool! I am asking my mom now what my Uncle's name was in Poland before coming to Canada and changing it. I know that she was saying it would have translated to Wanda but they didn't put his as that for English because that is considered a girl's name and he was just a little boy and would have been made fun of.
1 Mar 2019
Language / Dziadzia / Babcia - help me with spelling/pronunciation [81]

I was always taught to call mine Babcia (Bahb Cha) and Dziadzio (Dgeh Ah Zee Oh).

My mom was born in Poland but my dad is British and did not want my mom to teach my brothers and I Polish saying "You are in Canada now. Speak English only"... (Ya odd we also don't know French so we are not Bilingual thanks to my dad...)
27 Oct 2021
Language / What does Janina translate into in English? [27]

There's an English language name Janine.

Ya that is what I think they felt it should be. They looked on a list I think and said that Jeannette was not on there for Janina which is how my mom had it spelled. She went with that as a child new to Canada because she knew a Polish adult who had the same name and went by Jeannette. At least that is what my understanding of the story from way back then was. I wasn't born yet so just going by memory on what was told to me.. but my memory isn't the best anymore.

They did accept her middle name's English translation which is fine as that is what she goes by anyway in English. But at the time when getting her passport I think she was a little put off that they did not accept the name she had been using for over 50 years in Canada. Especially when her previous Canadian passports (and she had been back to Poland since leaving Poland with her family as a child) she never had a problem with and never was flagged. I guess that was before the world changed with 9-11....
29 May 2023
Genealogy / What does my Polish name mean? [400]

My God Father (Uncle)'s name was Walerian but as a little kid coming to Canada and wanting to use an English variant of his name like his older sister (my mom Zuzana) did he felt that Valerian in English sounded girly, so he went with Walter. I couldn't find much on this, but my mom also had issues as her first name (Janina) she mistranslated and went by the wrong name for years on her driver's license, health card, etc until just a few years ago in her 60s applying for a new Passport they had an issue. Which is odd because they never had an issue with her translation of her name before. So now legally she has one name on her Passport yet a different name on her other documents. She thought Janina translated to Jeannette because another Polish lady with the same Polish name went by that translation. According to the Passport people though it was wrong, and they would not accept it even though she went by that for over 60 years.
26 Jul 2023
Life / koty dwa lullaby [9]

[Moved from]: What is the lullaby said to babies in Poland?

There is a song my mom used to sing to me when I was little but my dad refused to let her teach my siblings and I Polish so I have no idea how to spell it. I wish to remember it. It starts off .. for lack of proper spelling ... Ah ah AH! Kotki Wa!

Does anyone know?
26 Jul 2023
Life / koty dwa lullaby [9]

Thank you! THIS is it! I have been looking everywhere for this! Dziękuję!!
26 Jul 2023
Life / koty dwa lullaby [9]

I did not have success as I did not know how to spell the words of it myself until I found this thread.