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Do you support Poland's frisk and search policy? [10]
It seems to me that he difference between cops in Poland and usa, in terms or cops what they can do particularly New York where Hilary was campaigning big on not allowing cops to do this, is that in Poland they are allowed to frisk and search with no provocation other than their own suspicions.So if you are wearing hooligan or even soccer gear, they will do it and check you. If you are wearing any nationalistic or patriotic clothing or have such tattoos they will as well. Here is an example where they frisked a group who had ammunition and guns on them. and were doing robberies, below they talk about s group who either were preparing for na ustawka (soccer hooligan brawls) or using weapons in some way:,4303848,artgal,t,id,tm.html
So are you with Hilary and the rest of us hools and against this policy or are you with Trump on it and think Poland is doing a good job by allowing cops to harass people including fans for wearing fan-wear and nothing else here?