11 Jun 2019
Off-Topic / Social Media - who uses Facebook or similar? [45]
No one should ever read the NYT, its a bunch of Liberal propaganda.
Its the same as CNN but in printed format.
The Dems hatred is reaching a fever pitch knowing they won't win in 2020
You know, Fartbook is in its death spiral also. Since their biggest customers ( snowflakes ) have moved on (think myspace) Its just a matter of time, like I predicted. Fartbook is mostly middle aged ppl and small businesses now. Now, with all the Big Brother propaganda from the left, its a total loser has been( think Joe Biden)
dumbed-down English for the rank-and-file who've never read the NYT
No one should ever read the NYT, its a bunch of Liberal propaganda.
Its the same as CNN but in printed format.
The Dems hatred is reaching a fever pitch knowing they won't win in 2020
You know, Fartbook is in its death spiral also. Since their biggest customers ( snowflakes ) have moved on (think myspace) Its just a matter of time, like I predicted. Fartbook is mostly middle aged ppl and small businesses now. Now, with all the Big Brother propaganda from the left, its a total loser has been( think Joe Biden)