15 Aug 2017
Life / Sexual culture in Poland [66]
Very old thread but putting up the info I found.
In case anyone else looking for it.
⦁ Found these meds containing sildenafil and no prescription needed:
Maxon Active 25mg x 2 tabs or 4 tabs
Mensile 25mg x 2 chewing gum
I might put in a question aswell, is there any limit how many packages your allowed to buy of certain medications ?
Very old thread but putting up the info I found.
In case anyone else looking for it.
⦁ Found these meds containing sildenafil and no prescription needed:
Maxon Active 25mg x 2 tabs or 4 tabs
Mensile 25mg x 2 chewing gum
I might put in a question aswell, is there any limit how many packages your allowed to buy of certain medications ?