30 Jun 2017
Language / Short Polish<->English translations [1040]
My father, now deceased, used to say two phrases as we were growing up. He hinted it was Polish by saying it was from the "old country" but I am not sure. I have never been able to decipher his phrases so seeking help here and please accept my apologies in advance if these phrases are not polite. To the best of my ability the phrases phonetically were: 1) Hie yachtim dobscha; and 2) Schakraffe magretta. Can anyone help? Thank you in advance
Translation help
My father, now deceased, used to say two phrases as we were growing up. He hinted it was Polish by saying it was from the "old country" but I am not sure. I have never been able to decipher his phrases so seeking help here and please accept my apologies in advance if these phrases are not polite. To the best of my ability the phrases phonetically were: 1) Hie yachtim dobscha; and 2) Schakraffe magretta. Can anyone help? Thank you in advance