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Posts by Mr Wiech  

Joined: 23 May 2016 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Jun 2016
Threads: Total: 2 / Live: 1 / Archived: 1
Posts: Total: 38 / Live: 13 / Archived: 25
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: women

Displayed posts: 14
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Mr Wiech   
2 Jun 2016
Life / Stereotypes about Polish people being stupid? [281]

if there is bribery involved I wouldn't call it help sorry

Told him that but he is an American and doesn't have a clue but like to pretend how brilliant he is.

Any idea why this is?

Ask you mama, what're u a sociologist?
Mr Wiech   
2 Jun 2016
Life / Stereotypes about Polish people being stupid? [281]

Sometimes a work of art not meant to be antisemitic in the original context can still have an antisemitic effect to a different audience in a different time

In short if that suits a Jew or some Jews.
Mr Wiech   
1 Jun 2016
Life / Stereotypes about Polish people being stupid? [281]

But you have I suppose, Mr. Wiech the Brilliant??!

About Poles and Poland comparing to you? YES! YES! You're the brilliant one - aplause, conffetti, crowd going crazy - bravo Lyzko!

Sorry to correct your English. It's a messy job, by someone's got to do itLOL

Knock yourselfs silly, I don't mind. lol!

Nighty night!

Back on topic please
Mr Wiech   
1 Jun 2016
Life / Stereotypes about Polish people being stupid? [281]

I think I undrestand you good enough. You're trying to sound smart, witty and learned at the same time, hence glitch, you're an American and you have no clue. Black market wasn't/isn't a charity or help, its bussiness. Yes, you're trying to turn it around to make some kind of pun to show your knowledge and learing - you're brilliant! bravo! cheer, aplause, flowers and conffettii.

Possibly, as with certain others on PF, your English skills might not be up to the job, so kindly admit to a communication glitch and I'd be happy to write more simply next time.

Could you? Please! You have mail.
Mr Wiech   
1 Jun 2016
Life / Stereotypes about Polish people being stupid? [281]

Oh, you're very much mistaken, Panie Wiechu!

What do you mean by help? I'm talking about helping not about black market deals, what it has to do with helping?

Please, don't insult our intelligence.

Americans don't have intelligence.Clinton prove it, and those people too


Mr Wiech   
1 Jun 2016
Life / Stereotypes about Polish people being stupid? [281]

What group doesn't help the other, Mr. Wiech? Germans help Germans, Poles help Poles etc..

I say Poles doesn't help each other much.


BTW what you wanted to say, do you have a point?
Mr Wiech   
31 May 2016
Life / Stereotypes about Polish people being stupid? [281]

@Polonius et al, the Jews are no more astute in business per se

Yes you're right but they're helping each other are they not?

Why worry about stereotypes? In Poland some people are laughing at Americans that they couldn't find their own country on a map let alone some other country, stereotypes.
Mr Wiech   
26 May 2016
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

Attempted coup of the highest law in the land

Oh shut up! only today that idiot Stępień couldn't explain how Trybunał is not breaking Constitusion, he couldn't, he was so pathetic hidding behind his law degree and being lecturer. We lawyers wonder that our country is such a state if incompetent idiot like that is considered as an authority. Trybunał wnated to avoid trapping itself he was repeating like a stiupiy parrot......they;re suppused to follow the law and Constitusion not avoid traps...!
Mr Wiech   
26 May 2016
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

If we went to Poland and only spoke English to each other in front of them and made no effort whatsoever to speak Polish

That is exaclly what you do.

many Polish customers

How many? Do you know all Poles and all Poles behave like that? I don't buy it.Are you working in prison?
Mr Wiech   
23 May 2016
News / Junkier&company want to push Poland out of the EU. [2]

Rumor has it that European Commission is acting in an offensive way to cause the Brexist and at the same time wnat to force Poland and Hungary from the EU. Seeing that old EU countries are more likely to form a new Federal Europe that'll be more convinient for them..Could that be the truth of it?

Junkier and his friends set on pushing out of the EU few 'difficult" countries acting crazy.