21 Oct 2013
Genealogy / I am looking for an African guy in Krakow, I dated [73]
No offense to anyone out there! (Of course there are exceptions) but most 'African' men just go for the....sleeping part. I don't know why, I actually think it's a habit thing for them. This generation might be more different, although most still have it, black men think 'seed is for spreading.' and the black women raise their children on their own, not wanting all tne trouble of the man. My grandma is black and she often says that if I find a black guy I should always be more careful since they are mostly ladymens. I don't know how you picture your life (with or without the biological father) but think carefully about it & I hope it works out for you! Good luck.
You should totally tell him about the baby, then you will know whether he will be there for you and the baby. Btw the baby will be awsome :3 mixed babies have the best of both worlds ;)
No offense to anyone out there! (Of course there are exceptions) but most 'African' men just go for the....sleeping part. I don't know why, I actually think it's a habit thing for them. This generation might be more different, although most still have it, black men think 'seed is for spreading.' and the black women raise their children on their own, not wanting all tne trouble of the man. My grandma is black and she often says that if I find a black guy I should always be more careful since they are mostly ladymens. I don't know how you picture your life (with or without the biological father) but think carefully about it & I hope it works out for you! Good luck.
You should totally tell him about the baby, then you will know whether he will be there for you and the baby. Btw the baby will be awsome :3 mixed babies have the best of both worlds ;)