The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by dany_moussalli  

Joined: 27 Mar 2013 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 May 2017
Threads: Total: 13 / Live: 2 / Archived: 11
Posts: Total: 259 / Live: 41 / Archived: 218
From: Damascus, PoznaƄ
Speaks Polish?: yes

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8 Aug 2013
Work / What is life like in Poland for a student? [26]

because of no time, not so good marks, or lack of willingness of better uni to let you do master there

no time mm there's time ,my bachelor is only 3 years (international business ) and i will probably do a master in finance .
no good marks ,i think i can manage ,i'm second in my university here (got 89 % ) but i have to go to poland due to the circumstances in my country .

or lack of willingness of better uni to let you do master there ,that's my biggest fear ,I have options though ,SGH warsaw is one of them (if i can't manage to get into my first option ) and SGH is ranked among the best in business schools .

But studying only master there = less colleagues.

good point ,but i must manage with what i got ...
8 Aug 2013
Work / What is life like in Poland for a student? [26]

not as good as their American or Western European counterparts

what about studying for a bachelor degree in poland and then doing masters in western europe ?
28 Jul 2013
Study / Poland-Germany university transfer? [16]

It won't work like that.

so ,in your opinion ,is it worth the transfer ? having a german diploma instead of a polish one ?
27 Jul 2013
Study / Poland-Germany university transfer? [16]

that seems like a smart plan ,i think you could transfer to germany (thanks to ECTS ) ,but it might take more than 1 year in germany ,that depends on the similarities of courses between both universities .

still i don't have a certain answer .
just wait and see if someone else has a definite answer .
2 Jul 2013
News / Poland to reject Snowden asylum bid [55]

Arab countries are anti USA do you think any would offer asylum to Snowden. ?

most of arab countries are allies to the USA (like saudi arabia ,qatar ,kwait etc .... ) ,and i think it would be better to snowden to get caught and not to live in an arab country
2 Jul 2013
News / Poland to reject Snowden asylum bid [55]

Stop with the anti USA propaganda.

this isn't anti US propaganda ,these are facts ,purely facts ,and i'm also living in a place where the US involvement made things worse
2 Jul 2013
News / Poland to reject Snowden asylum bid [55]

the USSR tried to 'convert' everyone to 'communism' back then

exactly ,back then ,let's talk about russia's foreign policies after the dissolvement of the soviet union ,it hasn't caused damage like the USA did in the last 2 decades
2 Jul 2013
News / Poland to reject Snowden asylum bid [55]

i prefer to side with the russians ,and not with the americans ,the americans have tried (and sometimes succeeded ) to change regimes in lots of countries .

and of course ,not to mention the wars they start .