Genealogy /
Woloczyn or Wolosczyn: Am I Polish? Help [22]
My grandmother and father on my dads side (apparently) were 100% Polish, my Father was 100% Polish. When my grandmother died, I wasn't at the funeral, unfortunetley, however my mother attended, and said they were looking or talking about a family tree and someone saying they were actually from Czech? I'm a very proud Polish young man, who aspires to learn the language, I listen to a lot of polish rock, I have the flag in my room, ect...I would absolutely HATE to find out that I was actually Czech...not that I have anything against Czechs, but imagine being so proud of being Lithunanian or something, just to find out you were actually German...that would suck...
This post is for people who speak Polish or have a vast knowledge of Polish language and grammar. My last name is Wolosin. I was told that when my grandparents came over from Poland that the name wasn't orginally Wolosin, it was either Woloczyn or Wolosczyn, Woloszyn, something to that effect. I'm almost certain it's the first one, but could possibly be one of the last two. Do these names either my current legal one, or the other 3 possible ones seem Polish to you? or at least more Polish than any other Slavic origin? Would really appreciate the help on this.