The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by roca  

Joined: 3 Sep 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 5 Dec 2011
Threads: Total: 7 / Live: 0 / Archived: 7
Posts: Total: 43 / Live: 8 / Archived: 35

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5 Dec 2011
Real Estate / Moving to the Katowice area soon! Safe neighborhood for an Irish man? [38]

I will be moving to the Katowice area after the first of the year

Katowice is a very ugly city

Any problems bringing my car

don't bring a car there... you will have a lot of problems with the parking place and it will get surely vandalized unless you find a garage
5 Dec 2011
Life / Polish water safe to drink? [50]

Tap water in Gdansk is safe to drink

that's not true, make labor analysis of the tap water in Poland and you will find pure poision

you can drink the water after boiling- ie. tea and coffee

you cannot remove the hazardous chemicals just by ''boiling'' the water
2 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

No one is suggesting that corruption / lying / cheating Poland-specific although you seem to wish to justify the bad and unacceptable habits of many Poles, by suggesting it is ok, because other people in other countries do it. This is exactly the point that Poles always jump to, you wish to justify your bad habits, its about time you cleaned up your own house

I am agree with you
2 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

Someone said it right, Poland, its infrastructure, beaurocracy, is like in the year 1965 compared to western europe and the civilized world.

However, Poland is a paradise, compared to Ukranie and most places in Russia.
2 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

Please, give me examples of this cheating and lying. I particularly want to see how you came to the conclusion that it's "deep-rooted" in the Polish community specifically, as opposed to other communities.

Some examples...

For instance, one buys a second hand car, the seller will always say that everything in the car works perfectly so that it gets sold eventhough that he knows that the car has serious mechanical problems which would eventually let to expensive reparations. The seller is not honest and doesn't speak with the truth. Moreover, they modify illegaly the kms the car has in order to sell it to a more expensive price.

Another example, once I needed that someone helps me to make something work (which he knows about) and always he was finding excuses in order to avoid going and doing his work. He quite often said '' I am very busy today, I cannot come'' , then I look for him and he is drinking coffee with the secretaries.

Some of the workers, building the polish highways, steal the asfalt to re-sell it and get some money out of it.

Public workers, they REFUSE to work and to help other people,

Someone said it right, Poland, its infrastructure, beaurocracy, is like in the year 1965 compared to western europe and the civilized world.
2 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

There are a lot of very dishonest poles, who like cheating and lying. Much more than the average in any western european country. Thats a fact ! I have experience that myself, I had tried to help some people in a certain situation, but you give them a hand and they will take your leg. Never trust any polish people you don't know, trust only those you know and are 100% confident they are honest. The dishonest ones include, police, authorities, burocrats, doctors and so on... also average workers, they tend to cheat and make a mess in their work and find all the time excuses for not doing it. That is unbelievable, I have heard from them the most ridicously excuses ever.

There are also very nice people on poland, helpful and honest , which are the opposite of what I mentioned before. I'm sorry for those honest people who deal with the stereotype because some of their countrymen are dishonest.

There is still a very huge influence of the communist way of thinking in polish society. I hope this will change soon, but I am afraid it can take at lest 20 years to totally disappear.

ALSO, they HATE to hear the truth about their country, specially if a foreinger says so, and they will start to deny everything, eventhough inside them they know everything is true. You just need to read some answers of some polish guys here in PF, to realise about this