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Posts by VicPhilly  

Joined: 4 Aug 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 5 Aug 2011
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From: USA, Philadelphia
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Freemasonry

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5 Aug 2011
Food / Your all time favourite Polish Dishes! [108]

Fasolka bo bretonsku...... I miss it so much. I go to Port Richmond in Philly to buy some from time to time. This is where all Poles live.
4 Aug 2011
History / Kashubians are nation in Poland? [124]

Des Essientes: it obvious that people always interbread all over the world. Especially today. The definition of a nation has nothing to do with race anymore and this is my point. Today's Germany is vastly populated by races genetically far from those who lived in northern Europe 3000 tousands years ago. And in case of Poland, people who lived in the same area spoke different languages and were part of different countries. When you concider genetics, you will see that people who live around the Baltic Sea have the same characteristics although they speak and spoke different languages. Kashubians are not a nation, and genetically are equal to all tribes which occupied the Baltic coast. They have developed a culture which is a mixture of influences. Just like any other culture. This process continues especially in countries with high immigration. For example British culture influenced by Indian, German by Turkish.
4 Aug 2011
History / Kashubians are nation in Poland? [124]

Des Esseintes: The people I am talking about existed long before Germany or Poland were formed. 1500 BC. I hold three citizenships and I am far from worrying if I am German or not. You are missing the point.

Ironside: I would appreciate a little bit of respect and not calling me an idiot. You may not approve my comments but it is not a reason to call me an idiot. I am only sharing the information I have found. Nobody can tell the details of such far history but I thought it would be interesting to bring up these facts to get the discussion going. Gothic presence on these territories is proven. If you believe that by calling me an idiot you prove yourself superior, you only demonstrate redneck level of culture and primitive mind. I do not call an idiot even though your english is sometimes hard to decode.
4 Aug 2011
History / Kashubians are nation in Poland? [124]

This is interesting:

"The Goths in Poland —Where Did They Come from an When did They Leave?

Przemyslaw Urbańczyk
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, PAN, Warsaw


Recent archaeological discoveries and reinterpretations of written sources supported by the concepts of historical anthropology allow the creation of a new picture about the Goths. Most of the archaeologists studying the cultural situation in northern Poland during the Roman period admit today that the roots of the Wielbark culture commonly identified with the early Goths are to be sought in local traditions. The results of that proces, which can be explained in terms of change in symbolic consciousness rather, than by a demographic expansion, became archaeologically visible in the mid-first century AD. The decision to leave the Baltic zone could have been taken by a Gothic social elite endangered by tensions resulting from unstable trade relations with the Roman Empire and climatic deterioration. However, a substantial part of the agricultural Wielbark population stayed behind, preferring well-known circumstances than risks of an unpredictable fate in distant lands. Among those people, after some time, the hierarchization process was repeated, leading to the emergence of a new elite, which decided to follow their predecessors by migrating to the south east. They are identified by the sources as the Gepids. There are strong archaeological indications that some part of the Wielbark population must have again stayed behind in Poland maintaiing close contacts With their southern 'cousins'. Archaeologists today suggest that some 'Gothic' groups from the Pontic steppes retuned to the Baltic. The merging of Germanic and traditions resulted in a new cultural formation. In the ninth century AD, its material culture became more and more Prussian but there is evidence for lively contacts with western Europe, Scandinavia and the Abbassid Khalifate. A specific tradition recorded in the oldest Polish chronicles and in the twelfth century epitaph of the first Polish king Boleslav the Brave raises the serious possibility that some memory of the presence of Goths east of the Vistula somehow survived over centuries and it was used for construction of the Piasts' dynastic tradition. "

Best Regards to you
4 Aug 2011
History / Kashubians are nation in Poland? [124]

Des Essientes:

In South Africa the language is English but the majority of population is still native African. It doesn't mean much. Not that long time ago people in northern Poland spoke German and they owned their own country called Prussia which was in union with Germany for a while. They were my ancestors and my great great grandparents. Some of them moved to Germany after the war but there are still some living there. Those who live there concider themselves Polish and speak Polish. My grandmother spoke only German. People remain, languages change, counties arise and disappear. Look up Wielbark Culture.

"Wielbark culture (German: Wielbark-Willenberg-Kultur, Polish: Kultura wielbarska, was a culture that appeared during the first half of the 1st century CE. It replaced the Oksywie culture, in the area of modern-day Eastern Pomerania around the lower Vistula river, which was related to the Przeworsk culture.

The Wielbark culture has been associated with Jordanes' account of the Goths leaving Scandza (Scandinavia) and their settlement in Gothiscandza
Vistula delta with localization of the archeological sites of Wielbark and Oksywie cultures; actual and 19th-century-names
Wielbark culture was named after a village where a burial place with over 3000 tombs, attributed to the Goths, and Gepids was discovered back in 1873. Unfortunately, many of the cemetery stones were moved, and many graves were damaged by the early German discoverers. The report of the original excavation, lost during World War II was rediscovered only in 2004 and is about to be analysed in a cooperation of Polish scientists from Gdańsk, Warszawa, Kraków and Lublin."

Best Regards my friend.
4 Aug 2011
History / Kashubians are nation in Poland? [124]

They are the descendants of the Goths who migrated from Scandza (Scandinavia) to Gotiscandza (Northern Poland). See the attached map. Look up goths in wikipedia. This knowledge was opressed in Poland by the Soviets for a very long time.