The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by O WELL  

Joined: 22 Jul 2011 / Male ♂
Warnings: 3 - TAB
Last Post: 22 Mar 2018
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Posts: Total: 150 / Live: 44 / Archived: 106
From: Usa,Brielle
Speaks Polish?: little
Interests: $$

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19 Mar 2018
News / Goodbye Sunday Shopping in Poland - Hello Electoral Reform [246]

PiS posel opened her shop all day (with hired staff

And how would you or media know that she didnt make the workers working .001% owner of the business??Owners are allowed to work on sundays REMEMBER?
5 Mar 2018
Work / Proofreading - What is the going rate in Warsaw? [40]

Since no one answered you,all I can tell you is what I have heard..Lately in Polish market depends what town are you in.In Warsaw I think they make around 25PLN an hr and maybe max 40 pln for 90 mins work i.e is they get any work at all.If out of Warsaw then I suppose way less.

Hope it helps.
4 Mar 2018
Law / Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun? [918]

Tell you man in europe they think in US everyone is running around packing and its a wild west here.Look at the stabbings happening in the EU.

Thing is 1 American dies whole world hears about it.10 Europeans die a flash news comes,200 asians/africans die no one hears about it.But thats the way it is.

Joker: chek ya pm box.
4 Mar 2018
Law / Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun? [918]

Brandishing????? I would always keep it hidden.Since crossbow is mostly an offensive weapon and not MUCH of a defensive( unitl you are highly trained) but still can save your life.Being a silent lethal legal(if i know) with force.I carry it always in my car in States as I dont have a permit to carry a concealed licensed also an baseball bat in Poland by my driver side door in Poland just in case?I aint goin down without a fight.
4 Mar 2018
Law / Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun? [918]

The one I bought is in states.I will not take it to Poland until I am dead sure.This time when I go I will take a walk to nearby police station with printed copies and ask them there if they say so maybe will ask them to write it or some proof if they will.
2 Mar 2018
Law / Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun? [918]

such as knives and pepper spray

I was thinking the same and I dont know what are the laws for carrying pocket mini cross bow in Poland.Most say its legal but I have not found it in written form anywhere.esp like this one I bought from ebay
26 Feb 2018
Law / Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun? [918]

Ha HA reminds me when I use to go to the army base with some friends for breakfast and some white boys with black eyes,who had never seen a black guy in there life and when they joined the army, met a black guy and called him a N!$$(r,LOL the worst was that they couldnt even report the nights incident as it would reflect as a bad case on them.
25 Feb 2018
Law / Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun? [918]

Lyzko,Nope.People will resort to some other means like knives or forks like they do in the UK.
Also buddy ask the mayor of your town Mr Fulop,how the crime rate is in control when there is one of the highest rate of gun ownership in your county in the state.

Here is the latest news about when there are no guns
25 Feb 2018
Law / Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun? [918]

Talk of Uk laws where guns are hard to find but knives are the choice.Here is how much the knife related crime in the UK compared to its Population and size with the USA
23 Feb 2018
Travel / Pot in Poland for tourists [285]

I found this on the web even though I dont use it but was curious
Also I didnt know medical marijuana was legal in Poland
23 Feb 2018
Travel / Pot in Poland for tourists [285]

I saw lots of ads in Craiglist Poland in for sale section.I wonder if they were from cops or real people though.
23 Feb 2018
Law / Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun? [918]

A question Dirk are hollow points legal in Poland? I couldnt find it.I have cpl friends who only use hollow points in Poland but even they dont know the answer.And its available everywhere openly also.Dont seem right to me?