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Posts by Antek_Stalich  

Joined: 6 May 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Jun 2011
Threads: Total: 5 / Live: 1 / Archived: 4
Posts: Total: 997 / Live: 135 / Archived: 862
From: Poland, Brwinów
Speaks Polish?: Native speaker
Interests: Making music, photography

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11 May 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

I have given a second thought to Enga's questions.

Enga, it's not the matter of you being female boss at all. The matter is the cultural clash.

The Polish are adaptive, flexible, ingenious. They also hate all bans and prohibition as well as unnecessary injunction. This is the nation saying "Nie na nas Polaków zakazy!" meaning "Nothing is forbidden to us, Poles".

You tell your team use appropriate tools. I can easily imagine what they are saying behind your back:
-- The boss told us to use such-and-such tool...
-- Give it a f*ng sh*t, does she want us finish before the Winter or what?

As long as they are a qualified team, they perfectly know their tools are right for the work to be done and changing the tools would only mean hassle to them. They know nobody would come and ask questions on the tools used, and if such inspector would even come, the boss is responsible to cover the workers.

This is how we do it in Poland.

A word on flexibility, adaptiveness, ingenuity:
I often fly to Norway on business by On one of the flights, I bought me a sandwich and asked the Norwegian flight attendant if she could pass me some salt. She said: "No salt, sorry".

Next time it was the Polish crew. When I asked for salt, the stewardess frowned for a fraction of a second and then... she passed a Bloody Mary set to me! So simple it was, goddam...
12 May 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

I simply laughed at ItsAllAboutME fuming at the Polish men, wishing Poland were invaded again and that all men were sent to Siberia.
I shouldn't even laugh. My two uncles had been sent to Siberia and died there in uranium mine, and an aunt returned to Poland mad to die shortly afterwards.

Not only that.

If you read this thread carefully, you'll see yourself the OP (a Norwegian female construction boss) had asked for the reasons a Polish working team did not want to obey her orders. I have given the Norwegian full although concise analysis why I believe that was happening AND I said it had nothing to do with the sex of the boss.

Most of this thread should go to the bin as an off-topic. The Mod chose to remove one of my posts however.

Not only that.

I believe many of the posters simply do not get what traditional chivalry of Polish men towards women means. Instead, off-topic poster offending Polish men is protected by Mods.

So, may I know the reasons?
12 May 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

Guesswho: I refuse answering off-topic/flaming questions. Are you getting most of the talk here is off-topic and is a flame?

Eurola: Let me give you a very generic answer. Over 123 years of Polish partition and all those national uprisings (and also during WWII and whenever Poles had to conspire or act as partisans), the Polish women were giving total support to their men and Polish education to their children, preserving the nation. There is a notion of "Matka Polka" (Mother Pole) telling Polish men give all due respect to Polish women. Not without reason, Polish Catholic are devoted to Virgin Mary, a woman. Before the partitions, Poland was a republic. The Polish gentry style was to respect women very much, and chivalry was highly valued. This approach can be found in all novels of Henryk Sienkiewicz's Trilogy, and it even rings in the Quo Vadis. All those notions are still deeply embedded in the Polish mentality. The dying out habit of kissing female hands dates from the times I mention.

And yes, you'll find many low-life creatures in every country, not only in Poland.
12 May 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

God blessed us with communism ;)

Spit those words out, please. My first 29 years of life could be described as "missed opportunities".

You want equity? Go to China. China has enforced true equal rights for both sexes. Meaning:
1. If you are younger than I am, you are carrying my baggage after me
2. If your position is lower than mine, you open the door for me
3. If you were a Chinese woman and I were a Westerner, and our positions and age were equal, you should pay respect to me.
4. We are travelling in coed sleeping train car, so you need sleep in your T-shirt and shorts, and do not complain I'm watching you

In other words: Women and men in China have been made EQUAL. In every way. I doubt European women would like it very much.
The commies wanted both sex made equal for one reason: While men were expected going to war, somebody had to be able to operate a tractor in farming...
12 May 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

Antek_Stalich: Spit those words out, please. My first 29 years of life could be described as "missed opportunities".
What exactly did you miss?
What opportunities do you have now?

Natasa, I do not know how old you are. It's enough to say you should go back to the year 2000 (I've been to Pancevo and Belgrade at that time) and think about "merry life, full of perspectives" of that time in Serbia. For me, it looked like pre-1989 Poland. I wouldn't like to live in a country like that. I do not know what has changed in your country since. The only fact that matters for me we cannot sell software licenses in your country because you people steal whatever you can. Sorry for my harsh words, but we have licenses in Croatia, Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria and of course in Hungary. Not in Serbia, except two licenses granted to Universities.

Since 1989 I has been able to keep my whole family as the only person working, been to great part of the world, own everything I need, am FREE and HAPPY.

I can't spit those words out , it would be hypocritical because I enjoyed fruitful periods of it. That system labeled liberal socialism in Yugoslavia gave to me and others many opportunities people today simply don't have. To live, not survive for instance.

It has given to your country numerous wars in the first place and made your country really backwards. Again, I can't help being frank.

I do not criticize the Chinese system. I just describe it. Men and woman made equal. No woman I spoke about it in Poland appreciated the Chinese equality. Perhaps Polish ladies are "spoilt" to some extent by our chivalry. However, a Polish man who couldn't pay a date would lose his face.
12 May 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

Sorry to barge in on you like this, but you should have the decency to acknowledge that what you saw in 2000 was not a result of communism

Not?! You mean, 10 years of wars not the result of communism? Does the name of Slobodan Milosevic reminds you of something?

Yugoslavia was more than just Serbia. Croat people have good trading skills. Do you bear in mind the large Yugoslav diaspora, bringing a lot of money home? Yugoslavia was not in the Warsaw pact; this is why the living there was somewhat easier.

If you however deny the role of communism, ask yourself the question what is wrong with Southern Slavs then.

please, don't let the topic got off the right track and your posts went straight to the bin. thanks
12 May 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

To be back on the right track:

Natasa has put a proposition that the liberal socialism of former Yugoslavia gave Yugoslav women equal position with Yugoslav men, (saving them from the fatal miasma of feminism). I have countered that proposition explaining the real motives of communists behind the equal treatment of both sexes. First Natasa praised the communism, then went on the safer track of "liberal socialism".

My further comment I'm making now is the liberal socialism really exists but not in Yugoslavia but in Sweden. Strange but it works. Paternity leave, very high percentage of qualified women employed. It's hard to assign any communist thinking to Sweden, while it is very easy to do it talking about former Yugoslavia.

- The country you saw in 2000 was the way it was because of the progressive minds of the West who decided Serbs should be punished for the sins of KLA because Serbs refused to be US ruled pawns.

I have to make a comment here, regardless of the cost. In the first place, Serbia attacked Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Kosovo. The Serbs collected the crop in 1999.

Antek_Stalich: Since 1989 I has been able to keep my whole family as the only person working, been to great part of the world, own everything I need, am FREE and HAPPY.
So are you another one of those male chauvinists who won't let their wives work? Prepare for a backlash from our resident feminists.

Can you think of a family with heavily disabled child, where the man is qualified to earn money, and the wife has no profession? That's my case. You better be careful of drawing conclusions so easily.

No more comments. It is pointless to participate in a discussion with Mods taking active part in the discussion with their Move/Delete buttons. This is simply unfair.
12 May 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

You lost me here. What don't you understand? A disabled daughter that wants and will like staying at home. Our choice was to take care about our kid. She used to attend kindergarten and schools. But we are leaving outside big cities and our daugther could not stand living in a dormitory. So our choice was: I earn money, my wife takes care of our daughter and of home. Do you find a loving family strange? I'm shocked.
16 May 2011
Law / Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun? [918]

Poland has got almost 10 times lower firearm homicide rate than USA . There is no point for bringing a firearm to Poland .

Very true.

Only yesterday, I was passing Motel George that is around 22 km SW from the centre of Warsaw. In 1990, there was some shooting between two competing gangs there. Many people still remember this fact as something very unusual. If I drove by George together with some American and would like to tell him the story about a shooting that happened 21 years ago, I bet the comment would be "Why are you trying to tell me about something such banal? What was so special with that very shooting?"

A friend of mine and his girlfriend are working in the police. By regulations (I'm not sure what unit they work for), they need to carry concealed firearms while wearing plain clothes. Once, both of them were strapping their guns on in my presence before they went to their university for Sunday lectures. I was quite shocked seeing that, so unusual it was.
16 May 2011
Law / Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun? [918]

There were times when Poland (especially big cities) was less safe. In my opinion, the level of safety has improved enormously. Back in 1990, most of cars were protected against theft by a lock on the steering wheel, a lock on gearbox lever, immobilizer, alarm, etc. You see no locks on the steering wheel or gearbox lever anymore. I own an old car. Very often I do not lock the door while parking in daytime in cities. Nobody is interested to steal the car or rob items (since I leave nothing worthy inside).

Back in 1990, my unfinished house was robbed and all new radiators (heating elements) were stolen. Nowadays not only the Police and City Watch patrol the neighborhood regularly; they also come and ask if there is any problem in case they see something strange. I feel pretty safe nowadays.
16 May 2011
News / Achievements of the Tusk's Polish government [532]

Answering THE HITMAN and unanimously with pawian:

Oh was you ever on the Vistula River?
Blow boys blow!
Black priests make the W.A.S.P. men shiver
Blow me bullyboys blow!

A Yankee ship came down the river
Her masts and yards they shone like silver
What do think she had for cargo
American views that had run the embargo
Blow me bullyboys blow!

So blow me boys and blow forever
Blow boys blow!
Why blow me down the Vistula River
Blow me bullyboys blow!

16 May 2011
News / Achievements of the Tusk's Polish government [532]

Antek_Stalich: Oh was you ever on the Vistula River?
Very nice ........ Shakespeare ?

No, this from a traditional sea-shanty song called "Congo River" ;-) The original song is a witty description of an American slave-trade ship.

Polish speakers: Jedna z naszych polskich wersji ma takie słowa: "Skąd wiesz, że statek to jankeski? Zbroczone krwią pokładu deski" ;-)

Polish version:
16 May 2011
Law / Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun? [918]

I can't help but notice that all of you kids are scared of guns in Poland.

We are not scared of guns here.

We simply don't need any guns here. Well targeted "kłonica" can be very damaging to your opponent and no danger you shoot your own foot with it ;-)

On the week on my last stay in Houston, some drivers got into a hot argument, then one of them pulled out his gun and shot the other right in the head. If you are so proud of it Havok, keep your views on you side of the Atlantic Ocean.
16 May 2011
History / Were Nobles during Commonwealth constituting the Nation of Poland? [37]

I think the the origin of all nobles was the caste of warlords and warriors, all over Europe.
Bear in mind: Any male szlachta member was expected to fight in wars, unless he was a priest or a civil official. This is why any szlachcic was expected to wear a saber in public. The fact they were also landlords or farmers is secondary thing. The ownership of the land was meant as the source of means for the szlachcic, so he could raise his squad (poczet) and set off to war. At least talking the Golden Era.
17 May 2011
History / Were Nobles during Commonwealth constituting the Nation of Poland? [37]

their women are treated like garbage and are poor to boot, most foreigners will have an easy going with most ukrainian girls since they'll see it as a chance to bail out of Ukraine.

Are trying to tell me Sokrates that I should abuse poor Ukrainian girls? Well, well, well...
17 May 2011
Life / New Polish generation prefers black culture? [145]

Yes, yes, the music as such is not only the result of presence of Black musicians. However, many sea-shanties, blues, a lot of jazz. a great deal of rock, soul music, rhythm & blues, ska/reggae and many modern genres I'm not familiar with are the result of the Black presence in music.

Furthermore: Who says rap/hip-hop cannot be interesting and valuable music, not only related to poor people and street kids?
Mieszko of Grupa Operacyjna sings very good songs, with intelligent lyrics.
17 May 2011
News / Achievements of the Tusk's Polish government [532]

Have you heard the term "world economic crisis"? Poland has been left almost untouched with it.
Have you compared Poland against other countries? Norway, The Most Civilized World's Country (at least for couple of years, according to United Nations): wages approximately six times higher than those in Poland but taxes eating good part of it, the car registration costing almost the same as the car value, an average small house in nice location costing $1 million, and panic in the real estate market.
17 May 2011
News / Achievements of the Tusk's Polish government [532]

I am discussing how Poles feel about the present government

Who are the "Poles"?
BTW, I cannot see where the topic limits participation in this thread.

The OP is asking PO supporters to list 5-10 Tusk government best achievements. Your comment is interpretation and putting your own sentiment into it.
17 May 2011
News / Achievements of the Tusk's Polish government [532]

Antek_Stalich: Who are the "Poles"?
obviously not you,

I see. The fact my opinion is different from yours (and I do not need to struggle for life because I've been working hard for it the whole life instead of whining) makes me a non-Pole.

Muszę to zapisać kredą w kominie na wypadek gdybym zapomniał.
17 May 2011
Life / New Polish generation prefers black culture? [145]

Marysiu, let's not diverge from the topic by discussing musical tastes. Fisz or Mieszko, they are influenced by the music of Blacks, and both of them make good music.

Regarding "positive message" I might not agree simply by pointing to Rychu Peja.
17 May 2011
News / Achievements of the Tusk's Polish government [532]

Antek. How many people do you think that have not had the same fortune as you, not for the lack of will to work hard, but lack of opportunity, that cannot even afford to use this facility to express their disatisfactions.

The principle of the free economy is an individual is responsible for own success or own failure. BTW, it is also the doctrine of many Protestant churches if I'm not wrong. Governments can only make the opportunities for individual success or limit such opportunities.

Whining and demanding from Governments is a socialist disease.