Love /
Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]
Ah...yes because you think Slavic women are the prettiest in the world.
yes. thats
my opinion. you have yours. ok. i have no pro with that as long as you dont put your view of them as some sort of 'general opinion'
. I wish we could travel through time to a point when the world is mostly multiracial. I mean a point in time when the multiracial offspring that Slavic women have given birth too have all grown up so you can shut up.
says the guy who calls a woman 'pig'. wtf?
I daresay if anyone is being "trashy" upon this thread it is yourself.
couldnt be said better
English woman was featured for that magazine's sexiest woman
the market is dictating what is in plus 'censure' of some sort of course by the journalists....
People on this forum go around saying that non-Slavic women are ugly or that non-European women are ugly.
just look from which countries most of the models are in the world of fashion?