The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by guesswho  

Joined: 17 Mar 2010 / Female ♀
Last Post: 22 Jul 2011
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22 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles in the UK, you know were the door is [105]

Some are grateful for the opportunity and some say - I had to work hard on my success and I see no reason to be grateful - individual thing really.

true but they forget that if not the "opportunity" this country gave/gives them, they wouldn't get a chance to say that "I had to work hard on my success and I don't see no reason to be grateful" and make it as far as they did here. Yes, I believe they have a reason to be grateful after all.
22 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles in the UK, you know were the door is [105]

well, we can run a long discussion whether "opportunity" is an active help or not. In my eyes it is because it helps thousands (millions probably) of people to run a better life over here.
22 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles in the UK, you know were the door is [105]

what else ?

the rest of my answer :-) This country gives them the opportunity to leave behind what they escaped from leaving their countries of origin and the word "opportunity" is what I'm talking about Iron. If you'll deny that "opportunity" is what immigrants are looking for here, then tell me why are they coming here?

Is not as if the country was really doing something for them, it is ?

This country gives them all the "opportunity" Iron. Everything else is up to every single one of them. Some make it here and some don't (there are many reasons for both possibilities).
22 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles in the UK, you know were the door is [105]

So how many states have you physically visited and how long have you stayed there to confirm what you said earlier? PB, all I'm saying is that generally, it's impossible to determine anything unless actually knowing it and we both don't know it and if "we" don't know something for sure, it's always smarter to say "some" or "few" but never "only" (I hope you'll agree at least with that 1).
22 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles in the UK, you know were the door is [105]

Guesswho don't patronize me.

Where am I patronizing you PB???? I'm not patronizing you when I'm telling you that it's impossible to determine (for any of us) anything without actually knowing something, that's all. We're all meeting people here and there and communicate with them but we still can't tell, if those few we've met stand for any kind of majority whatsoever. I already admitted that I agree with you that most of them came here because of cash but I disagree with you say "only".
22 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles in the UK, you know were the door is [105]

My statement are from being and living in, with or among whatever I describe, from actually knowing.

oh really? So what is many? How many millions of of them do you personally know to say MANY? You base your statement on something that you practically can't know PB. You know personally maybe few hundred (if that much) people altogether (including all your relatives), just like everyone else and you say many like you knew millions of them. That's why saying SOME usually makes way more sense.

I meant not much besides that,

how do you know it's not "much beside that"? Let's investigate. I'm sure we'll be able to find a link showing us some numbers. I do agree that the majority came here to make more cash but it's impossible to determine, for any of us, how many of them really came here for what reasons unless we know the exact numbers.
22 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles in the UK, you know were the door is [105]

What this country did for them eh?

allow them to enter the country to begin with, or is it some kind of "must be"? The rest is what this system offers people to survive and go up the social ladder if they have the ability to use it.

this is the only reason why people come here.

nope, not the only one, many people are escaping all kinds of discrimination back home (religious, political etc.)

How many times have you been to Polish communities in Chicago, New York, north Jersey or Philly? none?

I applied for a visa to Chicago and didn't make it (kidding).

Now you're being straight up ignorant.

just check many of your posts here PB, you'll see what "ignorant" means.
21 Jul 2011
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

I'm not twisting anything PB, I only oppose the name of this topic as I would oppose it in any other case too. There's nothing like "..(any country)... women are the most beautiful in the world". Different cultures, different tastes.
21 Jul 2011
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

A Polish girl could pass for a number of different ethnicities we have blondes, brunettes, blue, green, brown eyed etc.

just like any other European, Australian etc. too

The point is those girls represented a broad rage of different looks and pretty or as pretty as it gets with such features. So for someone not to agree with it he simply must not find white girls attractive.

smartbutt, trying to smooth it out now, lol (I meant your previous comment of course). Now when you add to it that your statement had nothing to do with them being Polish, I'm gonna loudly applaud.
21 Jul 2011
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

so basically, you're denying the fact that other guys have a good taste unless it's similar to yours, right? LOL Calling one a fag (or like guys - your words) just because he doesn't share your taste is like calling woman a lesb just because she doesn't find you attractive. Is that what you're really saying, PB?
20 Jul 2011
News / Polish immigrants contribute to the world [36]

No one can deny that there is a lot of bad press these days in UK or US

I can tell you so much that there's nothing on TV about Poland, nothing at all. Our local NC media doesn't say anything about you guys either. People don't talk about Poland or Poles (no Polish jokes whatsoever).

Maybe in Chicago or New York you still hear this or that, I don't know.
20 Jul 2011
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

The "if it's not happening in my back yard, it's OK" line doesn't really scale up.

this is not what I'm saying. It was a valid argument when determining the real situation in this country. Visualizing America as a country of criminals based on statistics, is inadequate and an invalid argument in my eyes alexw68.
20 Jul 2011
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

What do you think it is in the US? Do you seriously believe that people are running around here and kill each other? What you just said above, happens here a lot too and mostly in the ghettos. Look, where I live, we don't even lock the door or close the windows (unless it's too cold outside). You guys have a totally wrong picture of America.
20 Jul 2011
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

Excellent reply!

it makes sense only to the people who have obviously never been to the US. Just because we have someschools that actually did it in some ghetto areas, it doesn't meant that we have metal detectors everywhere here.

You guys always say that we don't travel and don't know much about Europe and now you both proved that you don't know much about the US.
2 Jul 2011
History / Pomerania -a Polish land since the creation of Poland and the German invaders. [60]

And your problem is we didn't kill them all like they did to Poles to settle there? Obviously after some years under Teutonic boot they prefer to exist under wings of Enlightened Republic.

For one, why is this my problem, what are you talking about? I don't know what Polish history books are saying about it but what I know about it, it was a strictly economic connection. As I said earlier, each country teaches different history, no point to overreact here. If you start talking about killing, you'll find enough of it on both sides.
1 Jul 2011
History / Pomerania -a Polish land since the creation of Poland and the German invaders. [60]

The German left and the Poles took good care of this land so now it's ours.

but the Germans had to leave after the WWII. It's not that they left because they wanted to leave.
Before we go any further with this topic, Pomerania is Polish now and there's no doubt about it. No one wants it back or will start another war over it. We're talking here about the past of Pomerania and according to the information I have, it was in German (Prussian) hands longer than in Polish. I'd like to compare my information with yours, that's all.

Perfectly useless and pointless thread. All it does is flame.

Generally (as seen on PF) you're right but maybe this time, we'll be able to discuss without arguing and calling names (I hope).
1 Jul 2011
History / Pomerania -a Polish land since the creation of Poland and the German invaders. [60]


what do you agree to, Grubas?
To the part "who will you consider a child's parent, a person who adopts it and takes good care of it for the most of its life or someone who just brought it into this world and then gave it away for adoption?"

In case this is what you mean than tell me, which country did Pomerania belong to for the most of its existence, Poland or Germany (Prussia)? Please provide time table if you can (and stay calm, let's discuss).
1 Jul 2011
History / Pomerania -a Polish land since the creation of Poland and the German invaders. [60]

Pole = Slavic.

the answer is really easy, because Pole = Slav (almost always) but Slav not always = Pole, it could be a Czech, Ukrainian etc.

So perhaps there were "Germanic" tribes there but tribes move.

Exactly, they do and that's why it's so hard to determine today who was where first and that's why we all learn different history about it.

Look, who will you consider a child's parent, a person who adopts it and takes good care of it for the most of its life or someone who just brought it into this world and then gave it away for adoption?

I see it the same way with countries.
1 Jul 2011
History / Pomerania -a Polish land since the creation of Poland and the German invaders. [60]

since everyone who studied some history

you see there's one huge problem here, different countries teach different history and this is why Poles believe that no one else knows history but you guys. Now, if you really start digging, you'll have to admit that not everything black is black and not everything white is white, at least not the way you always assumed it is. I believe that comparing and discussing in a civilized manner is the only way to understand each other. Look, you already called Germans filthy liars and I bet, you've never even thought about it for a minute that maybe not everything you've learned so far is 100% true. For one, none of us really knows what really happened back then. All we know is what they teach us (wherever it may be) and history, however fascinating, is always based on the needs of the current political system of your country. Do you believe that they always tell us the truth? That would be really naive to believe it, don't you think? This is a great thread and I hope, whoever will participate here, will behave properly.

I'll join you after a little break.