The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by elkrupski  

Joined: 7 Jan 2010 / Female ♀
Last Post: 13 Jan 2010
Threads: Total: 3 / Live: 0 / Archived: 3
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From: Virginia, US
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13 Jan 2010
Life / Fat People in Poland? [161]

True. I do find the idiot box disgusting. Video games are the worst. Some of the younger kids in my distant family are addicted to the boob tube and it honestly makes me sad. They are overweight too. And yes, motivation is a big factor! A lot of the people I know wont even walk to the corner store because, well they don't want to walk! Unfortunately in some communities if you don't have a car you are limited to where you can go, we do not have a nice public transportation and things are far. I find it ridiculous. I was blessed with a park 20 mins away from my neighborhood and I like to take my son there. I lived in marseille for 3 years. No tv, no car. It was wonderful. Never been in better shape in all aspects..Sometimes I daydream about taking a baseball bat to all the electronics in my immediate vicinity and slashing all tires.

Man, I miss America.

Thats funny, disgusting but funny,,haha

It looks like a Nascar race in the background,,,yeee haw!!!!

Thats some redneck pride there!!!

Oh my God! that is my stepdad!!!! For real :) That is funny. He is a nascar fanatic AND he is of a hariy redneck type.
13 Jan 2010
Life / Fat People in Poland? [161]

As for all Americans being fat, that is just another stereotype like all British have rotten teeth or all Polish are stupid.

Americans probably have worse teeth. Our dental coverage sucks. $700 for a root canal. Most people just have them removed which is a cheap $200.

Anyway, about fat people. They are all over. What ever happened to the civilizations where plumper women were the beautifuls ones? If a natural disaster happened I would hope I had some extra weight! It's the skinny ninnies that are going to go first.

You also have to think about all the crap they put in foods these days. Nothing is natural anymore. Even the young girls are developing at a much faster rate than before, if you get what I mean. My mom says it's in the chicken :)

America - too much Tv watching. Available foods...Not to mention you CANT walk anywhere. The layout of my city atleast it would take a day to get somewhere and even then you have do dodge highways, cars, buses, no is a number of things..
12 Jan 2010
History / What Was Happening in Poland around 1905? [73]

Well, on my travels through US I met a lot of people.

Isn't that the truth! Coming from an american...or mexican maybe, cause I sure eat a lot of Enchiladas. If my dad drank a lot it was because he was polish, if he had a bad drunk it was the Native american and if he got into a fight with my uncle over Cowboys vs Redskins well then, he was american. Sometimes it is an almost '' as needed '' basis. :)