Travel /
Visiting Poland - A bit worried about social attitudes and racist inclinations.. [80]
I think you're living in the dark ages. In the modern world being European is a global identity based on citizenship.
'European' is not defined. Most Europeans identify themselves based on their background, their parents and ancestors to be more precisely.
Most Europeans, as well as many African/Asian immigrants to Europe, don't identify themselves based on the citizenship they have or the country they live in.
I lived longer in other countries than in Belgium, but i will always be Belgian (actually Flemish but you are already confused so i don't want to confuse you even further with internal Belgian affairs) even though i give up my Belgian passport and appy for a Polish or other European passport.
Even if i would choose to live in Sri Lanka for the rest of my life, i will never call myself Sri Lankan or Asian, as i know this is BS. Same goes for Asians moving to Africa, they will never be African.
The only reason why Asians and Africans call themselves "European" is because they hope it benefits them somehow. Nice try, but it won't always work.
It sounds like you've got a hateful predisposition towards inter-racial relationships.
No, as everyone knows, i don't care about white men dating coloured women, or white women who travel to Sri Lanka or other nonwhite countries and then fall in love with a local guy.
And single white guys shouldn't be threatened by this at all. To be honest you really are bordering on inciting racial hatred. Not a good ambassador for Poland, if you are a pole that is.
I am not Polish and it's not fair to use the cheap and boring 'racism' argument. I even wrote:
Being south Asian of course doesn't make you a worse person.
I'm not really sure I do understand why they reacted the way they did. And I'm not in a position to go around explaining myself and educating everyone who feels that way. We live in a free world where one has the right to express ones free-will (without hindering someone else's) and not be called a heretic or regarded as a social outcast.
That's not answering my question. Let's put it in other words: after the example i gave you, is it still difficult to understand why some Caucasian guys will look negatively to you when they see another coloured guy dating a Caucasian woman?