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Posts by jarnowa  

Joined: 21 Nov 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 12 Mar 2013
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12 Mar 2013
Love / Are Polish girls open to foreigners? [78]

They can have romances with their own women.
No reason to tolerate sex/love/marriage tourism because it makes competition tougher for European guys.
8 Mar 2013
Love / Are Polish girls open to foreigners? [78]

Or maybe 'some of them' are actually in love.

What a cynical post,

It is easy to fall in love with Polish women.
Do you think that is a good reason to let in thousands of non-European sex touirsts?
2 Mar 2013
Love / Are Polish girls open to foreigners? [78]

Dreadnought is absolutely right about the passport problem.
But they don't want to have a passport for economical reasons only..
Many of them have w*nked for many years to white women in prn movies and one day they decide to go for the real thing.

And for some of them, nothing beats the joy of walking with a beautiful white girl and getting jealous looks from white men who were stupid enough to vote for parties granting all those non-European mariage/sex seekers access to their country.
26 May 2012
Life / Racism in Poland - the future [558]

they can't exactly hide their color and keep it under their hats.

I can't remember any story of innocent coloureds in Poland falling victim of racist attacks.
Those who got beaten up were acting offensive (attacking the police, talking to Polish girls, stuff like that), so they more or less asked for it

Amnesty is making an elephant out of a mosquito, they better concentrate on real problems.
Who cares about coloureds not getting a warm welcome in some European countries?
If they don't like that, they should find a nice boat and row back to Africa or wherever they come from.
13 Aug 2011
UK, Ireland / Why Poles will never belong in England [283]

Sorry, forgot to answer you Seanus.

Some get help getting into employment.

True, but even more social workers do the same for specific ethnic minorites. Besides, Poles don't enjoy "affirmative action" like some ethnic groups.

Employers hire Poles because they work for less.

Ok, the employers are to blame. Now i understand. ;)
13 Aug 2011
UK, Ireland / Why Poles will never belong in England [283]

i don't remember saying the riots had anything to do with poverty.

So let me ask your p.o.v. in this, these riots are just a lower-class against middle/upper class thing, no anti-white sentiments involved whatsoever?

No riots in Scottish cities, no Polish looters despite many of them living in much worse conditions than the Tottenham youth, how do you explain all this?

and especially i didn't use the word 'realist'

Despite all my efforts to show you to proof otherwise, you keep on calling me a racist.
So instead of being annoyed you should be glad i'm not striking back at you! ;)
13 Aug 2011
UK, Ireland / Why Poles will never belong in England [283]

Yes, many white criminals too, but don't forget that we're talking about the UK, the most politically correct country of Europe.
I'm 100% sure that that the p.c. UK press is actively trying to manipulate the public opinion as much as possible by counter-balancing pictures of coloured looters with at least as many pictures of white looters so as to try to make people believe that ethnic background has nothing to do with the riots.

But knowing how and where it started, how it spread and knowing that many seek to blame "discrimination" as one of the causes of their anger, it's easy to see the root cause of these riots: coloured losers who hate anyone who is white and has more money.

The white looters are mainly low-lives who joined the party but didn't start it.

Enlighten me if you have arguments that show me that i'm wrong.

Jarnowa, hasn't it crossed your mind that immigrants took those jobs? Just a thought!

Seanus, hasn't it crossed your mind that it's all about mentality and having the right values?
If an unskilled poor English speaking Polish guy can find a job soon after arriving in the UK, why can't an English-speaking black born and raised in the most immigrant-friendly country of Europe find a job? (of course i'm not suggesting all blacks are like that, just too many).
13 Aug 2011
UK, Ireland / Why Poles will never belong in England [283]

well, jarnowa uses it because he is our resident realist.


Tell me Wroclaw, why do you think that ethnic background has nothing to do with these riots?

You really think the main reason is poverty?
Then why don't we hear about Polish looters? They aren't poor?
I'm sure that British welfare benefits are much higher than Polish benefits, so i don't think that the average unemployed* benefit-pulling, golden chains-wearing looter from Tottenham is poorer than the average Polish immigrant.

*isn't it strange? many rioters blame the government because of "no jobs" and at the same time thousands of Polish immigrants easily find jobs in the UK, even if they are unskilled and hardly speak English.
7 Jun 2011
Life / New Polish generation prefers black culture? [145]

I don't think that black culture is very popular in Poland.
Sometimes i hear loud hiphop from a car radio, but when i look at the driver it's mostly some bald lowlife with tattoos who looks as intelligent as the average rapper. :D

Rap culture is only popular among youth with low IQ so no need to worry about a whole generation getting lost. :)
13 Apr 2011
Love / Simon Mol - would he have been so "successful" in other countries than Poland? [121]

Six. One is married with kids to a Polish lady, one has a very long standing Polish partner, one is about 60 and certainly doesn't play the field

So 100% of the male blacks in Poland that you know have a gf. And you deny my observations that they rarely suffer rejection from white girls and always seem to get the benefit of the doubt when they approach white girls?
13 Apr 2011
Love / Simon Mol - would he have been so "successful" in other countries than Poland? [121]

You're behaving like a monkey who spots another from a different tribe in the same tree. OOO ooo aahh ahhh!

Different tribe, well said.

The word African could also refer to an Arab from North Africa.

Could, but doesn't.

So Africans doesn't include Egyptians, Libyans, etc in your opinion?

Of course. If somebody is from the US they are American. If somebody is from Europe they are European. Whatever their skin colour.

I don't think it is relevant in this discussion if Simon Mol carried a European passport, a Cameroonese passport etc.

But race for sure is a relevant factor in this discussion, remember that many girls agreed to have sex with him because he suggested that they were racist if they didn't agree. And of course my earlier point that many white women have absolutely no problem rejecting white guys who don't look good enough, but blacks will rarely get rejected because many white girls don't want to be seen a racist.

This is an important factor determining the success of ethnic criminals like Simon Mol.
13 Apr 2011
Love / Simon Mol - would he have been so "successful" in other countries than Poland? [121]

It isn't. And why not just say Africans, Indians etc?

Come on Jonny, i know you are smarter than this.
The word African could also refer to an Arab from North Africa.
And i won't say "black African" if there is a perfectly normal word with only 5 letters for exactly the same.

Besides, if i would use the word African all the time, i'm sure you would sooner or later say that some are "European", or from US, etc.

I really don't see the point using politically correct language just because some oversensitive people like you feel offended if someone is using the N-word just to describe a particular group in society. We're not living in US, are we?

Exactly. Alternatively, one can use the term "Negroid" as either a noun or as an adjective.
God bless.

Yes, although that comes from science so that sounds a bit weird to me to use in discussions.

Easily. You're implying that a) the skin colour of a woman's partner is somehow relevant

It is, about ugly white guys anything negative may be said about their looks. Compare some ugly black with a monkey and you seriously risk getting arrested in countries like Sweden or Belgium.
12 Apr 2011
Love / Simon Mol - would he have been so "successful" in other countries than Poland? [121]

Women are capable of choosing who they want to be with. They aren't 'yours', or anybody elses. And BTW, the word "negro" is no longer used in English.

Negro is a perfectly normal English word. And it is better to use negro instead of black so as to distinguish black Africans from black Indians, Aboriginals, etc.

And why do you disagree with the observation in my previous post?
Tell me what's wrong with it? I bet you can't.
12 Apr 2011
Love / Simon Mol - would he have been so "successful" in other countries than Poland? [121]

Maybe there's a good reason for that.

If a hot white woman is dating an unattractive white guy and i say that he is too ugly for her, it is called "freedom of opinion".

If she's dating a negro and i say that he is too ugly for her, i will for sure get labeled a "racist" and if i write it down somewhere my comment is likely to be removed.

This all results in hot white women more likely to reject white guys.
You seriously don't see what's wrong with that?
12 Apr 2011
Love / Simon Mol - would he have been so "successful" in other countries than Poland? [121]

Difficullt question.

In Western Europe talking negatively about blacks is much more seen as racism, so the average white woman in Western countries will hear almost no negative feedback from family or friends if she's dating a negro or mulatto, no matter how unattractive the guy is. And in Western Europe most Caucasian guys are brainwashed to think that it is acceptable and even normal that African guys steal their women, so nobody to stop them.

So i wouldn't be suprised at all if Western Europe would also have rats like Simon Mol messing around with many white women.
7 Feb 2011
Life / Rate Poland (Life Quality / Culture and People / Food): 1-10! [232]

grubas has got my point.

I know Africans who speak about their sorrows with the everlasting smile on their faces.

If you are talking about Africans living in Poland (only then the comparison with Polish people makes sense), i don't understand what you mean because i never see them smiling on the streets. I only see big smiles when they are in clubs and get lucky with attractive girls who only come to them because they are black.
29 Jan 2011
Travel / Visiting Poland - A bit worried about social attitudes and racist inclinations.. [80]

Habitat, means the place where one lives. A black person living in, say, Wroclaw, is as entitled as you are, if not more so, to call it their habitat. An intruder is someone who enters a place without justification. Someone with a legal right to be where they are is not an "intruder".

There's very few people in the world whose feelings towards other people depends on their citizenship status. I hope you are not seriously expecting that people eventually will see, maybe aided by PC brainwashing campaigns, illegal immigrants as intruders and legal immigrants as welcome guests.

This is not how human psychology works. Most people only judge that some immigrant is an intruder if he or she somehow is seen as a nuisance or threat. That's why i never would call every immigrant an intruder, only those who deserve this title.

My respect for reacting normally, i guess that's quite hard for people having similar opinions as you.
29 Jan 2011
Travel / Visiting Poland - A bit worried about social attitudes and racist inclinations.. [80]

Hot_coffee, i understand if you would ignore me, i was able to defy all your arguments in your last post addressed to me:

identity based on citizenship.

hateful predisposition towards inter-racial relationships

inciting racial hatred

(anyone can read back to see that i am not lying)

That's why you give up now and choose the easy way to join the other agressive fellows who fail to argue and choose to insult instead.

It's sad because it confirms the prejudice that guys like you see racism everywhere instead of the real thing: the healthy biological resistance of people against unsollicited intruders to one's habitat.
29 Jan 2011
Travel / Visiting Poland - A bit worried about social attitudes and racist inclinations.. [80]

I think you're living in the dark ages. In the modern world being European is a global identity based on citizenship.

'European' is not defined. Most Europeans identify themselves based on their background, their parents and ancestors to be more precisely.

Most Europeans, as well as many African/Asian immigrants to Europe, don't identify themselves based on the citizenship they have or the country they live in.

I lived longer in other countries than in Belgium, but i will always be Belgian (actually Flemish but you are already confused so i don't want to confuse you even further with internal Belgian affairs) even though i give up my Belgian passport and appy for a Polish or other European passport.

Even if i would choose to live in Sri Lanka for the rest of my life, i will never call myself Sri Lankan or Asian, as i know this is BS. Same goes for Asians moving to Africa, they will never be African.

The only reason why Asians and Africans call themselves "European" is because they hope it benefits them somehow. Nice try, but it won't always work.

It sounds like you've got a hateful predisposition towards inter-racial relationships.

No, as everyone knows, i don't care about white men dating coloured women, or white women who travel to Sri Lanka or other nonwhite countries and then fall in love with a local guy.

And single white guys shouldn't be threatened by this at all. To be honest you really are bordering on inciting racial hatred. Not a good ambassador for Poland, if you are a pole that is.

I am not Polish and it's not fair to use the cheap and boring 'racism' argument. I even wrote:

Being south Asian of course doesn't make you a worse person.

I'm not really sure I do understand why they reacted the way they did. And I'm not in a position to go around explaining myself and educating everyone who feels that way. We live in a free world where one has the right to express ones free-will (without hindering someone else's) and not be called a heretic or regarded as a social outcast.

That's not answering my question. Let's put it in other words: after the example i gave you, is it still difficult to understand why some Caucasian guys will look negatively to you when they see another coloured guy dating a Caucasian woman?
29 Jan 2011
Travel / Visiting Poland - A bit worried about social attitudes and racist inclinations.. [80]

Maybe a bit of both. And BTW being racially non-Caucasian does not make me a non-European guy. I've never considered myself to be anything less. I have been to most Western Europe and Scandinavian countries with white/black girls and I have never been insulted or treated differently.

Except maybe for some coloured folks in Portugal or Malta, Europeans can be described as Caucasian. Someone born from Sri Lankan parents will never be native European. Being south Asian of course doesn't make you a worse person.

So are you implying that any white girl who likes a non-white guy has bad taste in men?? I hope not..LoL. That would be pretty pathetic..

No, not every coloured male is ugly of course.

I tried to say this: extra competition from non-Caucasian guys is a serious threat for Caucasian guys because it's not just the few handsome brownies that get lucky with hot Caucasian women, but also many ugly ones.

Just look around in multicultural countries. You don't see many ugly white guys walking with beautiful white women (unless the guy is a 50 years older millionaire), but you see way too many beautiful white women with ugly coloured males. So apparently there's a group of white women with a very bad taste because they feel more attracted to ugly looking coloured males than to average looking white guys. And this of course angers some white guys (it should anger all single white guys, but many are still brainwashed to think that it's allright that coloured invaders date their women).

Unfortunately you didn't react to my question whether you understand the guys that dislike you immediately when they see you walking with a Caucasian woman?
28 Jan 2011
Travel / Visiting Poland - A bit worried about social attitudes and racist inclinations.. [80]

Hello hot_coffee,

You don't know why they insulted you. Was it because of your race, or (much more likely) because you walked with a European girl as a non-European guy?

Maybe you can understand that not every European guy likes immigrants from Asia or Africa who date European women?

Imagine that you were still living in Sri Lanka and you were looking for your dream girl without any luck. In the local clubs you see Polish guys getting lucky with attractive girls everytime.

How would you feel after a while?

Would you still welcome Polish guys to your country? Or would you dislike them more and more and blame them (rightly) for stealing Sri Lankan girls and wishing that they all would go back to Poland?

So my message to you is: don't use the word racism too soon. it's not about your skin, it's just guys who don't like extra competition, knowing that many girls have a bad taste in men.
6 Nov 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

99.99% of aforementioned hot Polish girls, are hooked up with very pasty white guys. What's your excuse again?

white guys dating hot white girls don't offend anyone. coloured males walking around in Europe with white trophy girls offend many white guys. do you like people who don't care about (and often enjoy) offending you?
5 Nov 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

something you never had and something you will never get. ouch! :)

So in your eyes me, a nice guy liked by many people, don't deserve a hot Polish girl just because of my opinion on non-European p#ssyhunters coming to Poland.

And at the same time, all blacks posting on the board are automatically welcomed to Poland by you. Never mind if they are stupid, selfish bastards, never mind if they carry some std brought straight from Africa, never mind if they are losers, criminals, cheaters or perverts, as long as they are black you don't mind if they get a Polish hottie, if only to p#ss me off.

You must be proud of yourself! :)
3 Nov 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

this is the core of your problems, it's all in this statement. the girls choose whoever they want to choose and it does not make them prostitutes with no taste or respect.

unfortunately for you, your opinion about who's respectful and who has taste isn't more important than anyone else's opinion. you are way too arrogant to think your values are better than other people's values.

i've said it before: although blacks p#ss me off regularly in Polish nightlife, it happened only a few times that they got lucky with the girl i was hoping to pull. so for sure i don't blame them for all my bad luck. never wrote something like that, it's just a pointless accusation.

but it doesn't matter if they p#ss me off once a year or every week. it's not about me, it's about principle. it's just unacceptable that they come to white territory to date hot white women.

there's so many of them and there are unfortunately so many useless cases such as yourself that you can't really blame them for looking elsewhere.

Ok, so you believe the myth that most girls that date blacks do so because they couldn't find an acceptable white guy in Poland. You funny girl!

beautiful girls can pick whoever they want and out of all men they pick the ones you hate the most.

Ok, now i understand! Girls who choose blacks just had too much trouble to find a Polish guy with a good sense of humour. So they simply had no other option than going to a bar and waiting for the first black to approach them, meanwhile looking uninterested to every white guy around. Thanks for educating me Justysia! :)

what are those tricks, what does he do? maybe you should ask him?

"im totally in love with Polish culture!"
"you are the most beautiful girl i've ever seen!"
and probably a lot of other BS just to first win the heart and then the p#ssy of some naive Polish hottie.
2 Nov 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

there is at least 5 comments from jarnowa who's jealous they are getting laid and he isn't. are polish girls sleeping with black guys out of sentiment too? lol.

No because there's something wrong in their heads if they are beautiful and date negroids at the same time. If they are beautiful they can choose between so many white guys that it simply can't be true that all the white guys that tried to date her somehow failed in terms of looks, character or both and then some negroe comes to her in a bar, pulls some tricks and then he succeeds where all white guys failed.

Those who believe that those blacks got lucky because their character or looks won from their white competitors need a reality check. They most likely didn't get the hot girl because of who they are, but because the girl has no taste and no selfrespect, just like a prostitute.

you also welcome back Justysia. :)