The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by terziev  

Joined: 17 Nov 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 5 Mar 2010
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Posts: Total: 49 / Live: 13 / Archived: 36
From: sofia
Speaks Polish?: only understand
Interests: history, politics, FOOD

Displayed posts: 13
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5 Mar 2010
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]

this thread is going to be funny as hell.

'slavic mother' written is LATIN SCRIPT, not in SLAVIC ALPHABET?????? just ridiculous. even more than just ridiculous, but my english is not good enough to find better word.
5 Mar 2010
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]

hahha, good one. ok, i know its polishforums, but i should definitely point out the fact that 'mother of all slavs' role is more suitable for russia.

plus, as a representative from the balkans i would like to say - I PREFER BEING ORPHAN!
26 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Why are Polish people, especially women, so disrespectful toward the English? [437]

Its seams to me they want our hospitality and the money they get from working here but they do not like us. It feels really very disrespectful.

hmm, i wonder whether you think that SOMEWHERE the vast majority really feels respect towards englishmen. still, dont need to worry, polish are disrespectful in general, think they better but somehow underappreciated and tend to group and communicate primarily among themselves. women easily defect though.
4 Feb 2010
Love / How do Polish boys feel about foreign girls? [163]

Their materialism is a pathology from the days of Communist Repression

yep, communism invented prostitution. i am waiting for more insight from you, for example i've always been curious why the scandinavian girls embrace this lesbian thing so easily.

I like Irish, Scottish girls

hmm, quite perverted preferences.
23 Jan 2010
Food / Do Polish people really love cabbage ?? [78]

i love cabbage a lot and eat it regularly, but still wasnt ready for the amount i had to ate in december and even had some digestion problems. and the thing is that polish eat mostly BOILED cabbage.
5 Jan 2010
Polonia / POLES vs BULGARIANS [160]

just got back from poland, spent 18 days there. i felt both the country, people and food - bland. nothing that bad, but nothing to remember either and it gets really frustrating. one big plus is that young population in warsawa is much better educated than us. one big surprise is that i find germans for example much more cheerful, open minded and generous than polish.
16 Dec 2009
Polonia / POLES vs BULGARIANS [160]

We were in Pleven at her parents

hmm, i wont start explaining you 'how the stuff work' in bulgaria, just advice you to ask somebody (bulgarian) to tell you what pleven is famous for. still, no offence really, but you sound like this 'typical' polish holidaymaker in bulgaria - absolute uninterested in understanding my country. wish you luck with you relationship.

The steward serving a breakfast, Neso (Serb), went to the messroom and greeted us: "Good morning! Good morning, Polish Brothers!" and then the oldest of us, Ryszard the bosun, gentle, well trimmed, 60 years old man went mad. I've never seen him before like that. "F*ck off, Neso!" he roared "Kurwa, if you look for brothers, go there!" and pointed at Bulgarian table.

quite typical also.

One day even the last Polish redneck will notice that WW2 is over and times are different now...

towards germany, yep. most young polish i know arent that much into this hatred towards germans, but they absolutely and insanely hate everything russian and this one wont go away. the irony is that polish and russians are so much look alike.
15 Dec 2009
Polonia / POLES vs BULGARIANS [160]

poles, u must remember that this bulgarian are not slav

hmm, quite a surprise for me. still i wont deny that more rural regions here resemble western turkey quite a bit (except for alchohol consumption). and northwestern bulgaria is... well resembles romania.


???? and about this 'popular' music video and the serb tv channel ?????. dude, it is a bad joke. at least i hope, otherwise you have one quite 'special' bulgarian girlfriend. which reminds me i envy about gogol bordello in warsaw last week.
19 Nov 2009
Polonia / POLES vs BULGARIANS [160]

Damn.These Bulgarians are O.K. but always losers.To speak turkish,suck turkish dick,who admits that?We are the real kurwas in Balkans,Bulgaria has a potential but they should turn more towards panslavism and leave the bullsh1t.

southern, where are you from?

we bulgarians are the germans on the balkans. fought so many wars and always lose at the end. thats why nowadays bulgaria doesnt have even aegean shore and we have this 'great powers decide everything' complex. but we do have potential, in my opinion a healthy dose of aggression is what polish people lack.

personally i'm pretty much for panslavism, but as far as my experience goes polish are much more against. and for sure the countries on the balkans (including turkey) have much more in common. one example is that polish and czechs are stingy which is very strange for us and normally we attribute it to the 'western' cultures.

No good reason? There is no reason at all lol. I'm surprised the two even know of eachothers existences.

no real reason and we rarely fight mostly ignore each other and talk stupid jokes. simply we do not like polish national character and cant understand it really. always worrying about something and whining while we're on the reckless side. and believe me, the most astonishing thing for us is women-man relationships in poland, nothing absolutely nothing like us. a month ago i spent a week with a polish couple and didnt understand they were married till the last day, they acted more like brother and sister to me.

and lats thing - although bulgaria is maybe the least religious country in europe we're often offended by the attitude of 'typical' polish zealot. 4 years ago my friend was getting married to a krakow girl, but a month before marriage her mother demanded his conversion to catholicism. when he refused the wedding was off.
17 Nov 2009
Polonia / POLES vs BULGARIANS [160]

Actually, I've been to Bulgaria twice (Varna and Slantchev Bryag)

you cant convince the person that had seen pink elephants that they dont exist... still both these are pretty much one place several kilometers away and summer touristic destinations. hope you did care to visit vladislav's tomb.
17 Nov 2009
Polonia / POLES vs BULGARIANS [160]

obviously you haven't been south so you dont really know what exactly 'diversity' means. plus there's one pure geographical reason - poland is flat as hell for most parts. look what kind of "diversity" you can find in countries with similar terrain and look somewhere where there're mountains.

Terzi means Tailor in Turkish and all the Turks living in Bulgaria has ''ev, ov etc'' suffix.

Are you sure that you are ethnically Bulgarian ?

Meanwhile, even if it is so we know that proto-Bulgars are Turkic.

right, but the pun is intended, because i dont want to use my real surname when talking sh!it on internet. and though i'm as purest bulgarian as it can get i have pretty close connections and interests in turkey.

about proto-bulgarians... to cut it short: bulgarians are slavic people that have the same connection with the founders of their state as modern greek people have with ancient greeks. i.e. nil. though some wouldnt agree with me
17 Nov 2009
Polonia / POLES vs BULGARIANS [160]

hmm, it has been deleted. anyway... yep, as i said i feel myself and pride myself for being much more balkan that slavic. the irony is that i'm not so typical bulgarian and look a lot like polish while most of my compatriots resemble more turks and greeks. still one of the best thing about bulgaria is the diversity, but that one is pretty much everywhere on balkans.

Sorry that we destroyed your great efforts to win Polish favour to pan-slavic case with your first post in this thread :-)

aaaa, now you see. not surprisingly polish people are not famous for hospitality. hmm, or maybe not if you're english
17 Nov 2009
Polonia / POLES vs BULGARIANS [160]

as a bulgarian i've always disliked polish people. especially males which are very much on the pus sy side and polish beating bulgarians is believe me pretty rare to happen and indeed very surprising. but now several other reasons:

1. cold unfriendly people! - maybe not cold like swedish, but come on i live on the balkans. i am not afraid of touching people and we have FRIENDS.

2. polish people are BORING (again i'm from balkans). the only way for them to become a little bit more interesting is getting drunk. which leads to...

3. ...polish people cant drink!!! really! but they still drink a lot - most people in bulgaria drink just for joy, not to get drunk. rarely bottom up and appreciate good alcohol like DRY wine. tell to somebody in bulgaria that you have this beer with somethhing like jam in it and he'll be rolling on the floor.

4. polish people are FANATICS. - hello talibans, its 21st century and you actually REINTRODUCED ban on abortions after the fall of communism. you dont know how fuсked up some otherwise nice girls are growing up, because of all your religious crap. damn, i had one that was getting it only in the back yard in order to 'keep' her virginity!!! she was 23!!!!!!!

5. kaczinsky brothers - not any more, but still counts and hmm, doesnt look like eu, but more like central asia thing. they got pretty famous here.

6. polish people are soooooo proud of their history and country, but still whining all the time. wake up poland! russia was, is and will always be the leading slavic state whether you, me, anybody likes it or not.

uff, i have many many more, hehe but enough for an introduction to this forum i think. i've always thought that my connection with poland wouldnt be anything more than banging 2-3 girls, which is incredibly easy for a bulgarian even though i'm far from hansome. yep, most polish males are gays by our standarts.

and after all this i fuсking feel cheated that i felt for a polish girl and actually i like her polishness. almost an year together and after 20 days i'm going to warsaw (i was forced) to meet her folks. and now believe me i'm trying to get rid off everything negative towards polish people, but as you see it's hardly possible.

and come on guys, balkans are really amazing place so its normal for us bulgarians to feel superior.