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A devestating verdict on the Polish church [279]
notice that Noah got drunk and was molested by his son Ham after the flood,
First of all, Noah was not molested by Ham.
Torah Genesis 9:22
Ham the father of Canaan, saw his father's nakedness and told his two brothers outside.Seeing and molesting are 2 very different things. Yet, Ham was punished simply for seeing, and telling his brothers.. something for y'all to mull over..
I reserve opinion on Lot's righteousness. There's no mention of Lot being truly righteous in the Torah, or OT. Yet there's no mention of him being truly unrighteous either. It would seem that Lot's big sin here is not so much the sin he committed, but the sin he permitted by those around him. His heart was vexed we're told, but we're never told he said a word about it, except to offer up his daughters to it, in his time of need, which obviously had it's consequences.
just my 2 cents on that. But either way, Abraham and Sarah were brother and sister too, so the incest things in that culture remain. I don't see how a person can condemn Lot and his daughters and then not condemn Abraham and Sarah for virtually the same thing. What we are left with, is a people who on both sides of their cousin fences, accept incest as a way of life.
Personally, I don't see the Torah, or OT if you wish, as ever upholding the ancestors of the jews, moabs, whomever, as a righteous people. rather, I see it as the written testimony and history of their error after seeking God, and presenting themselves to him as righteous when time and again, He said, no, you are not. It tells us more about how not act, not vice versa, using the jewish people as it's example.
that's what I see, sorry..