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Posts by cheehaw  

Joined: 10 Oct 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 23 Dec 2010
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From: usa
Speaks Polish?: cheehaw not much

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23 Dec 2010
News / A devestating verdict on the Polish church [279]

oh, be fair, he's talking about 70s.

Talking 70's to excuse today's behavior doesn't really work for me. the pope is looking more like Lot today than Jesus, if you ask me. Maybe in a few years he'll look like Lot's wife heh.
23 Dec 2010
News / A devestating verdict on the Polish church [279]

Had people known the extent of this 'normalcy' they probably would have spoken out a lot sooner.

Now that you are aware that this is normal, will you be sending your kids to a Catholic school?
23 Dec 2010
News / A devestating verdict on the Polish church [279]

"I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ".

So go become a Hindu like Ghandi was and see if you find paradise. Start with being an untouchable.

but back to the church, this is an eye opener:
22 Dec 2010
News / A devestating verdict on the Polish church [279]

notice that Noah got drunk and was molested by his son Ham after the flood,

First of all, Noah was not molested by Ham.

Torah Genesis 9:22

Ham the father of Canaan, saw his father's nakedness and told his two brothers outside.

Seeing and molesting are 2 very different things. Yet, Ham was punished simply for seeing, and telling his brothers.. something for y'all to mull over..

I reserve opinion on Lot's righteousness. There's no mention of Lot being truly righteous in the Torah, or OT. Yet there's no mention of him being truly unrighteous either. It would seem that Lot's big sin here is not so much the sin he committed, but the sin he permitted by those around him. His heart was vexed we're told, but we're never told he said a word about it, except to offer up his daughters to it, in his time of need, which obviously had it's consequences.

just my 2 cents on that. But either way, Abraham and Sarah were brother and sister too, so the incest things in that culture remain. I don't see how a person can condemn Lot and his daughters and then not condemn Abraham and Sarah for virtually the same thing. What we are left with, is a people who on both sides of their cousin fences, accept incest as a way of life.

Personally, I don't see the Torah, or OT if you wish, as ever upholding the ancestors of the jews, moabs, whomever, as a righteous people. rather, I see it as the written testimony and history of their error after seeking God, and presenting themselves to him as righteous when time and again, He said, no, you are not. It tells us more about how not act, not vice versa, using the jewish people as it's example.

that's what I see, sorry..
21 Dec 2010
News / A devestating verdict on the Polish church [279]

Not at all! He was still considered a "righteous man" (Gen 19:33) even though before he offered his own daughters to violent sex assaulters and rapists in Sodom.

Been a couple years since I read Genesis.. but, and correct me if I am wrong, didn;t Abraham say finally.. if there is one righteous man.. and The Lord said no, but go get your cousin Lot out of sodom if you care..

something like that anyway.

Must be Lot and his daughters and the incest thing that gave the jews so many birth defects. not a joke, my family is not jewish but there must have been one somewhere in the past because my lil sister carries one of those jewish specific birth defects..
21 Dec 2010
News / A devestating verdict on the Polish church [279]

Truth be told ender, I am a rock solid Christian who left the church in search of truth, not religion. The Lord is my life. I think the Catholic church has done quite a lot for the civilized world, and never forget the crusaders who held back the muslims for so very long, a thing people love to use as a way of making the church look bad.. but the church did what it had to do so it and it's people were not enslaved by muslims. I give the Catholics and their solidarity in these types of situations a heap load of credit. I also think the hard line the church often takes in matters of things like abortion and euthanasia are correct, for civilization to continue morality in life's most basic matters must be upheld. However, I strongly disagree with the'religion' of the church.. the pope is NOT God nor his only representative on this earth. They teach catechism and want to hide the bible away. 500 years ago the RCC would have burnt at the stake any person who owned a bible, that is the biggest mistake they ever made and it cost the church a lot, the reformation resulted from these erronoeus teachings of church first and Jesus second, not to mention the fact that these days they even prefer the virgin mother as savior to the lord jesus himself, a co-redemptor. It's bullcrap, they made a lot of stuff up out if thin air to profit and empower themselves.

My catholic family more or less disowned me for several years after I left the church, ender. but nonetheless, I am aware that there are many many fine people in the RCC and if I had to choose between a society of homosexuals and jews or the church and it's hardline minions, I would choose the church, simply on principle. I could survive among them, the others are more interested in perverting and demoralizing my children than helping them one little bit.

my grandfather was an orphan, raised by the Catholic church, I actually owe quite a bit to them. I am not angry at them, we simply disagree, politely, on the true path to salvation.

Remember not only was Christ the first Catholic He was also the first Socialist.

and that is why he said that we should not pay heed to doctrines of men and if a man wants to eat he should work, right?
20 Dec 2010
News / A devestating verdict on the Polish church [279]

I have seen them there as well. Your point is? Mine is it's not your business anymore.

I'd have to argue with you there.. and say.. it is actually everyone's business because the Catholic church is extremely influential, it affects the lives of catholics and non-catholics alike.

At any rate I never once made a derogatory statement concerning your priest, as my polish is not fluent enough to read the article. Like I said, a translate widgety at the news site would be a good idea. If he is being accused of being an anti-semite however, he's probably doing something right, since every non-jew and their mother is accused of being an anti-semite these days.
20 Dec 2010
Life / Babcia or Busha - any social class difference? [359]

what makes you so sure she's of 100% Polish descent just because she lives in Poland?

If this board is any example of modern day Poland, a lot of people living in Poland today are not really Polish either. We left Poland 100 years ago, as it was being over run by Ukranians claiming to be Polish too.

It's just a matter of borders and piece of paper that says Polski or Polska these days. Rather meaningless.

I honestly don't mean to offend you and I have no idea what you are getting so gagged up about.
20 Dec 2010
Life / Babcia or Busha - any social class difference? [359]

Probably not, but my Busha spoke 3 or 4 English words at most and the rest was Polish, much to your consternation. Had i called her babcia she would have ignored me.

You seem to have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed this morn, mama.
20 Dec 2010
News / A devestating verdict on the Polish church [279]

Are you Roman Catholic ? If not mind your business.

I've been ex-communicated. But yes, I was raised Catholic.

Minus the Black Virgin so common in Poland, we never did that here. have you ever met Jesus? Read the bible? if not, maybe you should mind your own business.
20 Dec 2010
Life / Babcia or Busha - any social class difference? [359]

However, the word busha itself does not show up in the Polish dictionary...

dictionaries are not always perfectly correct. If you compare a webster's dictionary printed in the year 2000 with a webster's printed in 1960 you will find plenty of discrepancies.
20 Dec 2010
Life / Babcia or Busha - any social class difference? [359]

That's nice, how you use it and how you view yourself, but the word you are using is a racial slur and offensive to those of us who are Polish. It's as bad as the n***** word. Doesn't matter how you use it, it's still a racial slur.

yes, and I am sure our friend Chicago_Pollack will be very interested in your opinion too.

maybe you are just insecure or something.
20 Dec 2010
Life / Babcia or Busha - any social class difference? [359]

actually I use the word pollack quite lovingly, I am one.

I asked the question as kid and that is the answer I got. pretty funny, that 10-15 years later as a college student in New York City, one of my favorite places to eat was this little Ukranian restaurant in the east village called 'Odessa".

In that restaurant, the word "babcia' was heard often. You could just sit there eating and you would hear it 5 or 6 times in 30 minutes, really. I did ask the waitress what version of grandma that was and even she said it was ukrainian.

I am pretty sure Odessa still exists in the east village, on Ave A and 6th St. Go there yourself and ask the ukranians what they think if you don't believe me.
20 Dec 2010
News / A devestating verdict on the Polish church [279]

I'm pretty sure it's called the Roman Catholic Church for reasons that have very little to do with Poland.

why don't you head to Vatican City and tell them to stay out of Poland too?
20 Dec 2010
Life / Babcia or Busha - any social class difference? [359]

for what it's worth, I was always told that 'Babcia' was a ukranian/polish form of Busia.

Where I come from, the old pollacks frowned upon it's use, because they were very opposed to being identified with ukranians.

I think I may have actually been spat on once even as a kid for using it without knowledge of the above.
20 Dec 2010
News / A devestating verdict on the Polish church [279]

Keep screeming and please tell everbody how many parcels PoznaƄ's Jewish community get quaietly and for free. And please say I'm lier. :-)

Using jewish behavior in Poland as a precedent, we need to get some really good legal representation for the Palestinians and do to the israelis what their people do to others in other countries. Take the land back. Just think, we could end a majority of the fighting in the world today in the process.

As far as the church goes, the RCC is probably the greatest holder of wealth on earth so I really wouldn't spend half a second worrying about them.

Maybe that news site could get a translate widgety.
27 Nov 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

just another case of jewish identity theft.

I think jews make up their history as they go along, whatever is convenient today.
26 Nov 2010
Genealogy / Americans of Polish descent. How many of us are on Polish forums? [216]

Thanks, I'll make sure my cousin is aware of that site. he does a much better job with this stuff than me.

I handle visuals. I have the family photo album.

This is an interesting item.


possibly the long lost uncle.

  • b071.jpg
26 Nov 2010
Genealogy / Americans of Polish descent. How many of us are on Polish forums? [216]

That's the conclusion I came to also.. both my grandparents on that side of the family spoke very little English.. My grandmother spoke next to zero English, up till the day she died at almost age 95.. my grandfather spoke 5 languages but his English, as I recall, was never real good. I never knew either of them very well, my grandfather died at age 72, I was only 5 or 6 years old.

Probably his sponsor or perhaps even his mother's name.. tracing that side of the family back isn't easy. I have a cousin who is trying to do in depth genealogy, maybe he will find some answers.

That side of the family had a big drinking problem which isn't helpful either.
23 Nov 2010
Genealogy / Americans of Polish descent. How many of us are on Polish forums? [216]

They did their best anyway.

I have not posted the photos of my grandparents from the more eastern Polish side yet.. maybe later. I have some qualms about it being that there are so many cousins on the net i might get trampled.
23 Nov 2010

I can answer this.

When a Polish man marries a German woman, the children are suddenly all German, when a Russian man marries a Polish woman the children are suddenly all Russian.

Being that the original Polish genome already carries the other two traits, it caves in easily from pressure on either side..

I have a solution.

More Germans should marry more Russians and then we'd have more Pollacks.
23 Nov 2010
Genealogy / Americans of Polish descent. How many of us are on Polish forums? [216]

27. Josef XXXXX (surname removed) Trzebiska, Austria 1911 17 View View View

that's what I got at the Ellis Island website, I am real sure that's my dad's father. But Trzebiska does not seem to exist.

y'all, the elllis island website is here to search records:

21 Nov 2010
Genealogy / Americans of Polish descent. How many of us are on Polish forums? [216]

Do you have any old pics? Maybe our families knew each other. my family came in through Ellis Island and settled around Buffalo, NY. where did yours go?

Again ... you should visit. When the rest of the world visits ... why not u!

My sister visited a few years ago. she wasn't very impressed.

Say what?Only poor pesants who had nothing in Poland were going to America.You Polams have to accept the fact that your ancestors were the lowest class of society.Really nothing to be proud of.

btw, 'the lowest class of society' has never had the resources to make a leap overseas, not now, not then.

That is why you were left behind.
21 Nov 2010
Genealogy / Americans of Polish descent. How many of us are on Polish forums? [216]

A family photo, about 1928 I think. My great grandparents, great aunt and uncles, my grandmother in the back row at center.

My grandparents wedding day, 1930. Best man and maid of honor at left, my grandparents on right.
20 Nov 2010
Genealogy / Americans of Polish descent. How many of us are on Polish forums? [216]

Well, what the hell, there's no stigma in that.. on the contrary.. where are the Romans that tried to kill us off?

We're quite proud of it.

we ate romans for breakfast.

The ones that escaped went west and are mostly still in England still yearning to control the breadbasket of Europe so be careful.

seriously though, I think a lot of wealth left Poland around 1900. our grandparents that came here, great-grandparents, I think lots of them were running from the socialism/communism that was starting up in central/east europe back then. There was nasty stuff going on. My great-grandparents on my mom's paternal side of the family were killed within a couple years of arriving here, so my grandfather and his sister were taken in by the church as toddlers, orphans. My mom's mom had a huge family, 2 girls, 6 (or 7) boys.. great-granddad was an engineer, all the boys went to college even way back then, became engineers and scientists.. one became a priest.. my dad's side of the family mostly all became steel workers.

I have some really old family photos, they took lots of pictures, a couple photographers in the family too, one on my mom's side, one on my dad's side.