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Posts by Jay24  

Joined: 27 Apr 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Sep 2009
Threads: Total: 12 / Live: 0 / Archived: 12
Posts: Total: 64 / Live: 3 / Archived: 61
From: Krakow
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: Football, Music, Most Sports, Cinema, Travel, Books, Socialising

Displayed posts: 3
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3 Sep 2009
Law / Opening a Polish Bank Account by a foreigner in Poland. Recommendations. [299]

just emptying my pockets into the jar every now and again. Evcentually we decided to change it up we roughly counted 200 PLN

Oh dear. Me and the girlfriend have been doing this. We thought it would help towards our holiday in November. We counted the money last night and we're close to 800 PLN. I'm now worried this is going to be a real pain to get changed - I guess I'm used to walking into a bank in the UK and having them weigh your money and giving you cash. Anyone know where would be the best place for me to change this up?
3 Sep 2009
Law / Opening a Polish Bank Account by a foreigner in Poland. Recommendations. [299]

Im told PKO BP have a free transfere agreement to UK with NatWest

I went with PKO BP for this reason but apparently the arrangement with Natwest allows for money transfers from UK to Poland but not Poland to UK - if that makes sense. Plus, I'm not even sure if they still have this relationship with Natwest now.

As banks go though, PKO BP seem OK so far.

a foreigner can open an Account with them only after 5yrs of being resident in the country

I was here for 2 weeks and opened my account with PKO BP with no problems, this was in May this year.
19 Aug 2009
Life / Gyms in Warsaw [44]

Does anyone know of any gyms you can just "drop in" and use in Warsaw? I'm not here often so don't want to take out annual/monthly membership. I just want to pay and be able to use a gym as and when I'm here - is this possible?