The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by bullfrog  

Joined: 23 Apr 2009 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 19 Aug 2015
Threads: Total: 6 / Live: 0 / Archived: 6
Posts: Total: 602 / Live: 125 / Archived: 477
From: istanbul
Speaks Polish?: trochke

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17 Jan 2010
Real Estate / Building a house in Poland need advice from anyone that has built [100]

We just finished building a house here in Poland (Warsaw), went very well, quality of construction is very good for a reasonable price. In my view, Polish builders are very good, you do need however to have certain rules (no alcohol..). We also had some building work done 10 years ago in the UK, had to kick out the british builders and we took out a polish team to finish the work..
17 Jan 2010

apparently British women do just the same, read about it in a paper. are British women considered promiscuous?

I wouldn't say that polish ladies are promiscuous.. In my experience, that is a characteristic more often associated with british girls, especially when drunk!
10 Jan 2010
Food / What is your favorite Polish Vodka? [653]

I'll still swear you get what you pay for. Belvedere is much kinder to me next day than, let's say, Skol.

Right you are.. I remember from my youth days how the next day used to be painful. Now that i am a few years older (and wiser) I drink only quality stuff (quantity has remained much the same) but the days after are a doodle..
8 Jan 2010
Food / What is your favorite Polish Vodka? [653]

Belveder or Chopin
If you have $30-$35 to spend but woth it, smooth and delicate. Ditch Grey Goose (french) for good classie POLISH VODKA.

Ahem... Who owns Belvedere Vodka? French Luxury Group LVMH.. Who owns Chopin vodka? French luxury group LVMH.. And a last one for the road..who owns Wyborowa? French Group Pernod Ricard..
31 Dec 2009
Life / Do Polish workers have post-Christmas break? [12]

On one hand, you have to take into account that it is frequent for a letter/card posted from Poland (or at least Warsaw) to a foreign destination (at least in Europe) to travel faster than one from Warsaw to Warsaw (also true when you compare Europe to Warsaw with Warsaw-Warsaw). I have had several examples this year again with Xmas cards. I am told that this is a remnant of the old times, when all resources/efforts at Poczta Polska were focused on international traffic rather than domestic, in order for PP to show its best face internationally!

On the other hand, I have lived for some time in 4 countries (Poland, Canada, Uk and France) and by far the worst postal service I encountered was Royal Mail. I cannot recall the number of items I received at my address which were meant for someone else, which always led me to wonder how much of my mail was delivered elsewhere.. But that was in the nineties, maybe things have improved now!