The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by aphrodisiac  

Joined: 15 Apr 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 9 Jan 2013
Threads: Total: 11 / Live: 2 / Archived: 9
Posts: Total: 2427 / Live: 349 / Archived: 2078
From: Poland, Szczecin- the best city ever
Speaks Polish?: yes.
Interests: lots

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14 Sep 2010
Travel / My visit to Poland - Likes & Dislikes. [137]

you mean a speech? Just watch Sarah, or Obama;)

to a foodie like me that would be sacrilegious (read: having a chopped off foot for holy communion) ! :)

I am a foodie too, but when I am hungry, I am hungry lol
14 Sep 2010
Travel / My visit to Poland - Likes & Dislikes. [137]

(OMG how many mistakes I made in my previouse comment... It must be dyslexia...)

your ENGLISH is more then fine. You manage to communicate quite well.
14 Sep 2010
Travel / My visit to Poland - Likes & Dislikes. [137]

I went to Szczecin to visit my boyfriends family. they where really cool we had fun and that city was beautiful i loved it there.

it is not a bad city at all. I disagree with your impression of Warsaw, it has really cleaned up- I was there in July 2010.
5 Sep 2010
Love / Are all beautiful Polish girls as crazy as this? [262]

the girl that stopped talking to me last year was saying 'i am picky' 'my mother says i'm a princess'. Also she laughed 'I always ignored every man first, haha' what the f*ck, how and why is a girl that screwed up? Really sickening and messed up. But what makes a Polish girl speak and act like that, hahaha, is it typical?

sounds like it is immaturity and lack of healthy self- esteem. Unfortunately some Polish mothers don't know how to instill values other then: men are to be manipulated because they are not smart anyways, looks/image is more important then being a decent person etc.

maybe you are attracted to such personalities anyways and want to be played with, because it can be interesting and unpredictable for a while?
2 Sep 2010
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

I know, ask an Irish person here. Close to it, I was surprised to.

OK, just checked: Shyvon
2 Sep 2010
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]


2 Sep 2010
Life / iPhones/iTunes and Apple products market in Poland [47]

iPads, iPhones, MacBooks...etc. ???

all of the above, especially since they are 20 % more expensive in Poland, are you an authorized dealer?

I'd like for anyone to let me know if they're readily available to buy?

they are in larger cities and they are more expensive.
1 Sep 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

I think that OP is just being careful and wants to get a feeling, but the truth is that the only valid points are made by people who live in Poland, so.....Zetigrek and Wroclaw, who actually lives in Wroclaw are people who are able to give a good feedback to the OP.
18 Aug 2010
Language / Do Poles prefer US American or UK English language? [147]

I think Poles are confused and English people in Poland only aggravate this confusion. [...]

true to the core:), not to mention the fact that other then Polish English learners use International English as well and a lot of business in conducted in that language, so I see little use for British, especially for somebody who want to communicate without feeling limited to British English. I have spoken to Aussies, South Africans, Brits, Irish and Scots and I have never had a problem with understanding them after learning to tune into their accents, which took me maybe half an hour.

I think that introducing students to many accents is a good idea, since they need to train their ear to them, but they don't have to speak with those accents.
12 Aug 2010
History / Is there any part of Polish history that's at least a bit glorious? [196]

And why is Poland suddenly a ****** country, just because of that single thing ?

I have never said it, you said it.

And what bugs me the most, is your need to overwrite the polish history, just because we "sold your country"

nobody is overwriting history, incorporating certain fact into a history is a wise thing to do for any country.

And if some Ukrainians felt betrayed, I'm sorry for them, but does that make Poland the worst country ever ?

who said that, because it was not me.

Ukrainians don't have to move anywhere, they are in their own country. Stop swearing please.

I understand it, but the facts are facts.
12 Aug 2010
History / Is there any part of Polish history that's at least a bit glorious? [196]

We all did read your links, and it gave us nothing !

what you mean nothing. Two events, which explain that Poland did not follow up on promises. Therefore the mistrust towards Poland by Ukraine is justified, as I think Harry was suggesting.

As for the present situation, Poland has been supporting Ukraine, but one has to ask himself about the motifs, since some Poles claim that Ukraine is not a fully developed nations, since they are converted Poles anyways, so what give. Ukrainian is an official language spoken by millions of Ukrainians, including me.
9 Aug 2010
History / Destruction of Ukrainian churches in Poland in 1938 [289]

I did not. I would have to do some educated research first:) and that may take me a couple of days. I have a life too. You have to wait.

Soki, in a meantime why don't you provide some evidence for you thesis, so it is not another empty claim. You went to uni, so you know you would not get away with simply stating the thesis.

On the other hand why the fok to do the footwork, you claimed it, you defend it. Then I will refute it:).
So get to work - chop, chop lol
9 Aug 2010
History / Destruction of Ukrainian churches in Poland in 1938 [289]

I have not a drop of Ukrainian blood in me so what exception are you talking about?

You said that I am civilized because I was born in Poland. So were you, but judging by your conduct on PF I cannot say the same about you. I guess we have different views re what is means to be civilized. My remark went right over your head.

You simply are dodging my point: your parents saw some advantages to live in Poland and not in Ukraine.

You are assuming things. My parents never wanted to live in Poland. Their parents were forcefully relocated in Vitstula action in 1947 anf could not return for years because there was a ban implemented on such movement for years by the Polish government. I don't know any Ukrainian family who was happy by being relocated. They gained nothing, but persecution for years in Poland. They were successful, because they were hard working people, they would have been successful anywhere in the world.

Why are you so defensive? Every country in the world borrowed something - culturally, economically, politically - from other countries; there is no shame in this. That's what development is all about. Countries who don't - look like tribal Afghanistan.

defensive? NO. In your eyes not praising Polish action against Ukrainian minority during those times is being defensive. I am just telling how it was. Patronizing Ukraine and Ukrainians is not a stand I will accept, as much as it might help some Poles to cope with their inferiority complex. I don't feel inferior to anybody therefore I have no need to bash Polish characteristics, although knowing them well, I could have. Ukrainians are more concern with their country and the newly gained freedom then with the Polish claims to get back their lands. Nobody is really concerned with that anymore. Ask Nathan. I am just saying how it is.
9 Aug 2010
History / Destruction of Ukrainian churches in Poland in 1938 [289]

Of course it did. And you yourself are the best example: that's why you were born in Poland and not in Ukraine.

if that was true, why are you an exception to the rule?
9 Aug 2010
History / Destruction of Ukrainian churches in Poland in 1938 [289]

No it is not, you are an extremely perceptive individual, ever thought of teaching geography?

so if Africa is not a country, therefore the premise in your test is false, but I can understand that since you lived in Africa, the point of reference would be useful to you. It has no use for me, but I can see your point in approaching the topic in a rational way.

That is what I mean by having an answer to my question without you even answering it:)

This is why I did not answer them, since you only wanted to look at the situation from the point of economy.

of course you are not,you would rather engage in silly semantics and avoid the issue at all cost.

semantics are not silly, I could have said that about your test, but I wanted to pointed out that, besides being a fallacy, you only wanted to discuss the issue from one point of view.

you know my father's family has a very typically Ukrainian surname and that's because his ancestors came from the Ukraine. and I 'am very grateful that they saw fit to get Polonised, and thank goodness for the Polish eastern civilizing mission.

I would not say that Polonization had anything to do with civilization in a broad sense, but you are allowed to make such a conclusion.
8 Aug 2010
History / Destruction of Ukrainian churches in Poland in 1938 [289]

it is what I will call the African test, as Africa finds itself most often in this category.

which you failed to mention has failed premise. Africa is not a country, but a continent with a different ethnic make up and a very complex history, hardly comparable to anything. therefore this test would produce false results and even if I don't answer your question, you:

if you choose not to answer the questions I will have the answers to my questions regardless.

therefore, regardless of the fact that indeed your test is founded on the false premise, you would still be able to draw conclusions, which would amount to speculations. I am not biting on this one:)

Since we are on the importance of logic I think that the issue of "false dilemma" also applies to your test:
The logical fallacy of false dilemma (also called false dichotomy, the either-or fallacy) involves a situation in which only two alternatives are considered, when in fact there are other options. Closely related are failing to consider a range of options and the tendency to think in extremes, called black-and-white thinking. Strictly speaking, the prefix "di" in "dilemma" means "two". When a list of more than two choices is offered, but there are other choices not mentioned, then the fallacy is called the fallacy of false choice, or the fallacy of exhaustive hypotheses.

False dilemma can arise intentionally, when fallacy is used in an attempt to force a choice ("If you are not with us, you are against us.") But the fallacy can arise simply by accidental omission—possibly through a form of wishful thinking or ignorance—rather than by deliberate deception ("I thought we were friends, but all my friends were at my apartment last night and you weren't there.")

When two alternatives are presented, they are often, though not always, two extreme points on some spectrum of possibilities. This can lend credence to the larger argument by giving the impression that the options are mutually exclusive, even though they need not be. Furthermore, the options are typically presented as being collectively exhaustive, in which case the fallacy can be overcome, or at least weakened, by considering other possibilities, or perhaps by considering a whole spectrum of possibilities, as in fuzzy logic.

Now, can we go back to the topic of this thread, or you will still try to divert the discussion away from it?