The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Joined: 28 Mar 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 11 Aug 2011
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11 Aug 2011
Law / Poland on its way to Greece? [64]

Materialism is overrated? Spoken like a true Catholic.

Catholic church maybe speaking so, anti-materialists, but, they are one of richest institutions of the world..

Greeks may tell everybody that "uffff, we are in crisis, we became poors, we lost everythings" and such cries - but, don't trust them.. They probably hided the golds in their pillows.
10 Aug 2011
Law / Poland on its way to Greece? [64]

Poles have learned to live with less, nomad.

There is a common confusion.. about learning to live with less.
Learning to live with less is not understood by Western Europeans who think living with less means somethings like living with one mobile phone instead of two mobile phone.. Problem of Western Europe is much bigger, in mentality, that they don't realize the basical needs and they are actually having big troubles about basical needs while they are able to have two mobile phones.. Strange, ironic contradiction in West Europe mentality.. Poland, being more experienced ones, don't need their absurd advices of Western Europeans. Western Europeans need to listen and take advices more from Poland when it comes to social economy.. (however, Turkmenistan is better than Poland too in social economy.)
10 Aug 2011
Law / Poland on its way to Greece? [64]

There may be some few people who are doing some drug works for drug bosses who are mainly in the West. Why do you think drug field in Afganistan have enlarged to huge, 4 billion dollars? Those drug lords probably using Turkmenistan too as one of drug roads. Drug flow on Turkmenistan road is much less than all other roads, yes, including Turkey. But, hey, big drug lords are there in Europe..

Anyway, Turkmenistan is successful, more successful than countries with high GDP per capitas. Unless Poland does such things, if Poland copy asocial economies like UKi Greece, etc, riots in Poland too are unavoidable sooner or later.. People lacking basical needs have always had to riot..
10 Aug 2011
Law / Poland on its way to Greece? [64]

What drug money? Turkmenistan has no drug business. You are probably confusing it with Afganistan where drug business gone upto 4 billion dollars after its invasion.

Maybe, wealth isn't shared equally in Turkmenistan either, but, what Turkmenistan has done is very importan, they gave basical needs to its all people for free or almost for free and all these are financed by their natural resources, in other words, it can be considered as resource share.. What Turkmenistan done about the resources (sharing with its folks by giving basical needs for free) is ahead of most of countries in the world. Turkmenistan is socially 1st world country. If Poland too does the same, Poland will be much better than Turkmenistan as there is industry also in Poland.
10 Aug 2011
Law / Poland on its way to Greece? [64]

People in Turkmenistan maybe are unable to buy plasma TVs, but, their living conditions are much better than people in countries with 20-40,000 dollars income per person who can buy plasma tv easily.. With an 50 dollars a month, you can live comfortably in Turkmenistan. What will you do with more money if your health care, electricity, gas, housing like basical needs are for free or almost for free.. People in high GDP per person countries are having luxury things, but, they are also paying high costs even to basical needs. What Turkmenistan lack is a little more scientific and technological works.. What high GDP per person countries lack is social life, social economy that already exists in Turkmenistan..
10 Aug 2011
Law / Poland on its way to Greece? [64]

GDP per person
Greece: 28,000 dollars
Poland: 19,000 dollars

So, Poland is on its way to Greece?
Maybe, they are changing positions.

Ps: Seanus, I haven't agreed about such things showing real wealth, either. But, in last decade or two, whoever I have talked with on the net or off the net showed me this GDP per person data.. So, people have flowed to those countries following this data GDP per capita.. When I said them Turkmenistan with 5-6000 dollars per capita is actually richer than most of those countries with more than 20,000 dollars per capita and they had laughed..
10 Aug 2011
Law / Poland on its way to Greece? [64]

What happened to you people? Till a year ago or two, everybody had been giving GDP per capita or income per person to show the wealth of countries:

Looking at here, as of 2010,

Greece: 28,000 dollars
Poland: 19,000 dollars
(in that list, Poland is poorer than almost all of old EU countries.)
10 Aug 2011
Law / Poland on its way to Greece? [64]

Poland is poorer than most of EU countries, so, Poland that has already been in crisis won't feel a new crisis. Before Poland, there are other countries such as Ireland, Spain, Italy, UK, Portugal, etc etc whose debts ratio to GDP are big.. But, if Poland falls in crisis, it is not saved like Greece who were given money and Spain and Italy whose government bonds are being bought by Europe Central bank now.
8 Aug 2011
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1473]

BTW , do you also see such phenomenon at every Polish female face by searching through the internet sites ? I don`t think any girl would take such a remark as a compliment .

But, it was a truth and a compliment on my side. (what if she didn't have that small curve on her nose? Then, she'd be a holywood artist or something like that on a high horse, and she'd not be even talking with me.. Eh, anyway, she hasn't talked with me after I said it to her.)
8 Aug 2011
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1473]

I have to admitt there are some Polish men with flat back of head , but it is not a visible trait among Polish men . It is caused by keeping infants in one position ( on flat back ) and not changing positions too often . But it is more common among older people from rural parts of Poland where the education on such subject was minor .

There must be something old tradition/belief with this, flat-back head, still alive in rural regions. Same here in rural regions in central Turkey. I remember old days in the village when heads of small babies were wrapped by some clothes etc to make backs of their heads flat. I thought it was an old Turkic tradition. Now, I see it is also done in Poland.

By the way, the only Pole I met had a nose with a small curve. I said her she had a curved nose, and she got angry at me. (I thought I was complimenting.)
6 Aug 2011

Some good and true points in this article.

Interesting to read this:

".... only 12% of Poles believed that the crash was in some way engineered or was the result of a conspiracy to assassinate the late president.... . ...... This was an absolute shock for me and showed that Poles are a much more rational and level-headed people than many may think."

and this

"..... (80%) .. they believe everybody's salary should be at a similar level. It is in this respect that Poles are very egalitarian..... "
6 Aug 2011

we look at countries if they are 1st world, 2nd world, or 3rd world.
Poland used to be 2nd world

This is the ranking of countries by their wealths and Europe countries have been ranked as 1st world due to their wealths. But, if you look at their debts per GDP, 19 of 20 top countries with big debts per Gdp are Western Europe countries which means that Europe countries have been wealthy by debts. Hence, these countries have been feeling the economic crisis most. Reality was that Western Europe countries were not really wealthy, hence, they were not 1st world countries. Western Europe is between 2nd and 3rd world in reality. Poland is better than them and 2nd world. Weapon power of countries isn't important anymore either as they can't make any big wars anymore due to globalization that made the world smaller and it is difficult to tell ordinary people why mass wars are necessary. Poland can be influential only if it is taken as example, with its real sector which doesn't show/overrate itself speculatively like Western Europe have been doing.
5 Aug 2011
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [853]

Did airplane hit the ground on its nose? No. It hit trees even and those trees hitting the wing can be seen like a break, slowing the speed. It is not a hard, sudden impact like hitting its nose into the ground. And, people in the plane were aware of that it was risky landing due to the fog. So, they probably were taking some small safety cautions inside the plane before touching the ground. This cautions can increase survival ration at least 1% at this softer hard crash.. So, at least, one person or two were expected to survive.

But they couldn't, because it would be obvious to Warsaw that they had illegally landed.

Yak couldn't inform about the fog in Smolensk to Warsaw controller, cause Yak knew landing of Tu-154 was illegal, violating technical rules? and they couldn't say this not to make it clear to everyone that their president was doing wrong by landing decision? You mean this? Then, it means Yak crew knew their decision of people inside the plane in advance, an hour ago, that Tu-154 would be landing.. Then, why are we discussing about debates/discussions occured in the airplane in last 30 minutes? Okay, president probably was determined to land on the airport, but, he might not be thinking the fog would be so heavy. President's determination for landing has nothing to do with communication between Yak and Warsaw controller. Yak crew key person there saw himself as president and he made the decision that could be against president Lech? This is not different than Russians' not taking serious safety cautions at Smolensk airport. That's why we see an irrelevant person taking video captures of crash just after the crash?
5 Aug 2011
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [853]

So, Smolensk weather on April 10, 2010 between at Polish times, 5 and 11 AM:

5:00 AM - Poland time (corresponds to 7 AM Smolensk time - and 04 AM London time) -- Mist with 4 km visibility

6:41 AM - Poland time (corresponds to 8:41 AM Smolensk time - and 05:41 AM London time) -- Heavy fog with 400 m visibility) - Crash happend at this time..

8:00 AM - Poland time (corresponds to 10 AM Smolensk time - and 07 AM London time) -- Heavy fog with 500 m visibility

11:00 AM - Poland time (corresponds to 1 PM Smolensk time - and 10 AM London time) -- Mist 4 km visibility


We don't know at what time the minimum visibility was. With an interpolation in this weather data based on time, it is likely between 05:30 and 07:30 Polish times. I suppose minimum visibility was before 06:41, maybe, it was 200 m then and it is logical due to sunlights effect (before 8:41 smolensk time.) So, fog was heavier before 6:41, maybe, it was around 5:30- 6 AM when Yak was on Smolensk airport..

Between 6:41 and 8 AM, visibility change is 100 meters only. Since outside effects such as storms etc didn't exist there, it was a kind of stagnant or laminer flow, or slow process, with no sudden changes. So, change in moist/fog is more or less linear change except at around critical point of phase change which likely took a minute or two. So, assuming minimum visibility 400 m was at 6:41, then, at 5:41, visibility was again 500 m.. Again, 5:41 was the time when Yak was at Smolensk airport.. Except those critical minute or two, change in the weather took at least 2-3 hours, between 5 and 8-9 AM polish time. One hour of this change, which was enough to forecast coming fog was before crash time.

So, Yak definitely knew it was heavy fog and Yak crew should have informed urgently.. But, we don't hear anything, any such urgent communication between Yak crew and Warsaw controller..
5 Aug 2011
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [853]

This data I got from a forum, claimed to be taken from an aviation site, is true?

Smolensk on April 10, 2010:
1:00 AM 6 °C -0 °C 52% 1025 hPa 10 kilometers SE 7.2 km/h /
4:00 AM 3 °C -0 °C 72% 1025 hPa 10 kilometers SE 7.2 km/h /
7:00 AM 0 °C -1 °C 89% 1025 hPa 4 kilometers ESE 7.2 km/h / Mist
10:00 AM 1 °C 1 °C 98% 1026 hPa 0.5 kilometers SE 10.8 km/h / Heavy Fog
1:00 PM 3 °C 2 °C 94% 1025 hPa 4 kilometers East 14.4 km/h / Mist

Then, heavy fog occured later after the crush became another reason.
5 Aug 2011
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [853]

"Mist" can turn into "Fog" in a matter of seconds

Yes, but, all points in the air mass at smolensk isn't at the same temperature. For heavy fog, a big mass of air, mist in it, need more than an hour to evaporate. Heavy fog doesn't occur suddenly, it takes more than hour due to that point temperatures at every point of air isn't same.
5 Aug 2011
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [853]

Aviation meteorology on April 10: (got it from a forum - no reference is needed as it is likely official met data.)

1:00 AM 6 °C -0 °C 52% 1025 hPa 10 kilometers SE 7.2 km/h /
4:00 AM 3 °C -0 °C 72% 1025 hPa 10 kilometers SE 7.2 km/h /
7:00 AM 0 °C -1 °C 89% 1025 hPa 4 kilometers ESE 7.2 km/h / Mist
10:00 AM 1 °C 1 °C 98% 1026 hPa 0.5 kilometers SE 10.8 km/h / Heavy Fog
1:00 PM 3 °C 2 °C 94% 1025 hPa 4 kilometers East 14.4 km/h / Mist

Heavy, thick fog was at 10:00 AM, much later. Also, it is only 500 m. 500 m is enough for soft crash.. Somewhere, it says 80 m. Which is true?

You say "fast and hard" - Of course, any airplane crash will be hard - but, how hard? In 500 m visibility, landing at an airport can't be that hard. People in the airplane knowing the risk of landing would be taking some small protections for their lifes and probability of some people surviving from such softer hard crash is 1-5%. It is not a bomb, suddenly exploding..
5 Aug 2011
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [853]

Mist/Fog was reported the entire time.

Weather is reported entire time. As long as it is in allowable visibility limit, fog is usually not reported. This is a heavy fog, not light fog which shortens visibility distance to 80? m. Mist can't turn into heavy fog in an half an hour. And, there is no heavy fog reported before 06:00.
5 Aug 2011
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [853]

Mist turned into fog, it's only a difference in visibility. Visibility deteriorated even worse and it was reported by Minsk and then also later at the airfield.

I read somewhere (in one of Monia's post or on the net) that says fog started at around 00:10 in Smolensk. If this is true, then, it contradicts. However, it is possible that there was no fog till morning and mist might turn into fog. It happens usually in the mornings with the sunlights, heat.. But, this process takes more than hour and it is enough for met stations to know the fog. And, about half an hour, Yak crew was there. If they didn't see heavy fog, fog started to appear after 06:00, 06:10.. then, we hear "we just entered fog now" at 06:26.. Info chaos between Tu-154 probably then as people in the airplane weren't informed about the fog and since they didn't come up the probability of mist turning into fog, distrust by decision makers in the airplane to met stations and controllers happened. Perhaps, they thought that even if they pulled up, airplane would explode, by bombs inside airplane with remote controller and they tried their little chance, land dawn.. In this soft-crash, we can assume that at least 1-5% of people could survive.. Likely, it happened - and, the shot fire sounds heard in the video is about that..
5 Aug 2011
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [853]

The Russians were still going through their authority channels as to who was going so spray the fog ;) ;)

Artificial fog is possible. Real fog too might be there, possible. In the case of real fog, controllers in Warsaw and Yak crew should be questioned.. It is illogical to be sure about a heavy fog for an hour or more. Except 96 people, perhaps, everybody at control points knew the fog an hour ago or two. Heavy fog it is.. It takes an hour or two to occur naturally.

Whether it was artifical or natural, communications about the weather between people and stations are not normal, considering time differences/delays.
5 Aug 2011
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [853]

Is this "no guts, no glory" an explanation to why they went down the minimum? Is this "no guts, no glory" explanation recorded as data somewhere, in a blackbox, greenbox, whatever?

Just after the accident last year without any data yet, I too commented similarly, saying "pilot probably was forced to land by the president in the plane." It was quite possible that pilot had no chance; either he should have tried to land down or he should have lost his job if he didn't do that, and perhaps, more trouble. However, pressure of president on pilot isn't enough explanation, might be just extra irrelevant reasoning that may seem to everybody it was that reason only that pilot had to go down minimum. There are other questions, for ex, that president pressured on electronic circuits too, computer power too? etc etc.

At 06:26:18, the Tu-154 M the aircraft's commander (CC) shared the information about unfavourable weather conditions at SMOLENSK with the diplomatic protocol director, quote: ―Fog has appeared just now

Times. At somewhere, it says fog started to appear slowly at 00:10.
Then, Yak crew landed at 05:17 and the weather was not "asked" by controller in Warsaw. After about half an hour, he "asked"(?) weather condition in Smolensk. (If there was heavy fog, Yak crew should have informed Warsaw without being asked.) At around 05:50, talk/dialog about the weather between Warsaw and Yak crew happens. and Warsaw controller contacts Warsaw meteorology. But, there is no talk between Tu-154 and Warsaw about weather between 05:50 and 06:14/17. After 06:00, likely around 06:15, there is communication between Tu-154 and Minsk about the weather. This late communication isn't meaningful anyway. If we follow Warsaw's handling way about weather, then, it means there was no fog till 06:00 or 06:10.. Then, suddenly, we hear inside from airplane "fog just appears now", at 06:26 as you mentioned about. Then, there was a minute or two only to decide.. Quick decision should have been made.. "pull-up" command from smolensk controller was probably late or was just to fill the gap.. Main issue here isn't their decision in short time, it is "why there is an hour delay in becoming sure about the fog.."
5 Aug 2011
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [853]

I'm still wondering why no-one has given a credible explanation for why they busted their minimums yet.

It is same that you and those who say it was pilot's fault have not given a credible explanation for why they busted the minimum yet.

Questions unanswered are not only this. Also, why computer power went off before landing.

Anyway, Russians (whether it was accident or not) are always one step ahead of this story as they were ones who investigated everythings first. They won't take blame more than 50% even if it is accident and even if their fault is 90%. For that, they can change or hide some critical data so that Russians won't be blamed for the accident. Russians are always one step ahead in this story and they can easily manipulate all other datas, to generate further chaos.
4 Aug 2011
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [853]

Thirteen top Polish military officers have been fired, and a deputy defence minister has resigned, over last year's air disaster in western Russia.

Exactly a month ago, several key army generals in Russia too resigned by their pressures of President Medvedev and defense minister. Reason was said to be reforms in army and those key generals were said to be against the reforms. But, it is not unknown thing that the big countries tell different reasons than real reasons. Speculation here: can there be a connection to this Smolensk incident? It wasn't a news in mainstream media in the west and in the world except some small news websites.
4 Aug 2011
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [853]

Smoleńsk is hardly the warmest place on Earth, even in April.

Anyway, fog isn't so important. If there wasn't fog, story/report could be written differently (supposing it wasn't accident.)

That airport was civil airport since 2009. and there are two factories nearby it, and they are aviation and yak factories (read from wiki.) There must have been some civil polices or any intelligence/security service people waiting and controlling airport area and region as important people were coming to that airport. But, video taken by some irrelevant people who shouldn't have been there in secured area.

if they were executing survivors, wouldn't the Russians have made sure that video never saw the day of light after such an elaborate plot?

Maybe, they needed to release it, for whatever reason, for chaos increase, who knows. If so, likely, they played with the voices too there in the video, but, couldn't do more not to damage the continuity of the data flow. Interrupted data flow in the video that could be realized by anyone could be more doubtful.
4 Aug 2011
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [853]

Of course, ours here now is comments only, but, such things will not be written in official reports which are voices to the public.

Indeed, it is very very small chance that nobody survived in that crash that can be called relatively soft-crash.

My guess about the video taken at the crash site is it is fake, taken by someones who were there already. They probably just didn't clean it enough. Btw, there is an old man in it, with a bag in his hand. When did crash happen? April 10. But, he wears a coat as if it is winter. (to carry a gun in his coat?)

Btw, is there any satellite data or independent met site that confirms there was fog there in that area on April 10? Only Minsk, but, not enough, isnt it.
4 Aug 2011
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [853]

Yea, I don't buy that either. They both managed to show up in Brussels at the same time...

For ceremony, it is illogical to host a big group, 96 people, and prime minister seperately. According to Delphandomine, Russia requested this.

Anyway. It seems that majority of people are saying it was accident. Then, from philosophical and theological point of view, it is a fate/destiny as well. But, usually, a person or two survive in accidents/fates. Claims about shooting in the video maybe true then if it was accident.
3 Aug 2011
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [853]

There's indeed an amazing similarity but wait it gets better…. That Tupolev was an exact replica of Twin Towers I mean both start with ‘T’ …and the twin engines – this is not a coincidence! This is a Templar conspiracy, written in oil!

I totally agree with you..
And, air plane. Ones hitting the buildings and one hitting the ground.
Bush said suicide attack. Putin said accident.. .

No. The report makes it clear - the Russians asked if they could have two separate ceremonies for logistical reasons (protecting both the Prime Minister and President at the same time - difficult).

Reason: protecting Prime Minister and President at the same time would be difficult? And, this is logistical reason for two seperate ceremonies? Russia wasn't enough big company that could accept them both at the same time? PM could be just another among 96 people.
3 Aug 2011
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [853]

The only people pushing that line are the ones who think that Putin cared less about a ceremonial President of a minor European country.

Didn't Putin blame the visit of Kacyznski to Katryn? and didn't he warn Katcynski?
3 Aug 2011
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [853]

You, along with a minority of others, seek to blame Russia because it's simply easier than accepting that some of the best Poland has flew the plane into the ground.

People are not blaming Russia, they are searching truths and they may be some people in Russia who even you may not like.. (for ex, Kaczynski's this trip was blamed and warned by Putin et al, wasn't it?)

Anyway, this Smolensk story will be similar to Twin Tower story in that many reports showed that without bombs under the towers, those twin towers and wt7 wouldn't collapse.