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Posts by _Mariola_  

Joined: 24 Jun 2008 / Female ♀
Last Post: 12 Oct 2008
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12 Oct 2008
Language / Polish sayings [236]

Tanie wina są dobre, bo są dobre i tanie.
(Cheap wine is good, for it's good and cheap)

Kurwa kurwie łba nie urwie.
(literally meaning "A wh*re won't tear off another wh*re's head", yet in Polish it rhymes)

Zaje*ałeś, jak łysy grzywką o kant kuli
(You did it as a baldy when he (furiously) smashed the sphere's edge with his fringe)

W rosłe drzewa częściej pioruny biją
(Big/Strong trees attract more thunderbolts)

Drzeć z kimś koty
(To tear cats into pieces with somebody-to argue)

Gówno chłopu, nie zegarek.
(Shit's for a peasant, not a watch./You should give shit to a peasant, not a watch)

Gdyby babcia miała wąsy, toby była dziadkiem.
(If the granny'd had moustache, she'd have been grandpa)

Poglaszcz chama, to cię kopnie; kopnij go, to cię poglaszcze.
(Stroke a lout and he will kick you, kick him and he will stroke you.)

Śmiejesz się, jak głupi do sera
(You are smiling like an idiot to his cheese.)

Nie susz zębów po próżnicy(old-Polish)
(Don't dry your teeth in vain/with no reason.)

Człowiek nie kaktus, pić musi.
(Man is not a cactus, he has to drink.)

Każdy Polak po jedzeniu myśli tylko o paleniu.
(Every Pole after eating thinks only about smoking.)

If you don't give it to men, you'll have to give it to worms.:)
24 Jun 2008
Genealogy / What are common Polish character traits? [417]

I am trying to figure out how much of me is genetic and how much is environmental.

Well, I seem to have quite a similar impression, and it doesn't concern me only; Me, my cousin and some of my friends all look slenderly and proportionally, in a "healthy" way. But...everytime we talk about how much we weigh it always turns out that we surprisingly exceed the weigh "matching" our look even by 15-20 kilos (I'm talking about my family and close friends). At least I can eat a lot of fatty stuff without pricks of conscience. As far as the accusation of stealing or dishonesty is concerned-we're not that bad:
The trait that is considered a national one which is ingrained in my behaviour is:
I hate authority of all kinds.