The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by KasiaG  

Joined: 23 Feb 2008 / Female ♀
Last Post: 11 Mar 2008
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Posts: Total: 44 / Live: 3 / Archived: 41
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: my Josh :)

Displayed posts: 3
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11 Mar 2008
Life / The Polish Wedding - What is it Like in Poland? [338]

Congratulations too, Anna. :) All the best!

As to ImAbElIeVeR's question, I agree with Shewolf. There are two colours a girl is not supposed to wear to another girl's wedding. White - as it's reserved for the bride, and black - as it's reserved for the dead. :)

As to Polish weddings. They're special in a way that most of the times, they're a beautiful occasion for the whole family to meet, drink, dance, exchange gossip and news..

There are dozens of supperstintions and customs, but it's also XXI century, and you can decide to have it any style. :)
3 Mar 2008
Life / Womans day in Poland? [242]

I agree ^^^ don't make her feel like she needs to reciprocate.. flowers are a great idea already. If you insist, add e.g. chocolates, but wait with something bigger, if it develops in the right way ;)

You know what.. I'd be thrilled to get good old pink carnations.. would feel like old times.. :]

*sentimental Kats..*
24 Feb 2008
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

I won't be joining generalizations, nor the bashing.
I will only say that after spending some time on Canadian dating forums and getting at least one thread a day about how beautiful Canadian girls are, it's nice to, for once, have 'my own flattering thread'.. in a way.. ;)

I've learnt that people will very often find opposite sex of other nationalities more attractive, assumption not necessarily logicaly grounded.. but it is darn nice. :)