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Posts by Paulina  

Joined: 31 Jan 2008 / Female ♀
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From: Poland
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9 Aug 2022
Food / Polish Christmas Eve Dinner recipes [69]

is an awful fish, I wouldn't eat it even if they would pay me to do it.

I love fried carp. I've been having it on every Christmas Eve supper in recent years. It has a very tender, delicate, tasty meat and wonderful crispy skin when fried. Yum! :d I only get Royal Carp though. When bred properly it has barely any of that silty taste.

I can recommend fresh, local carp served in Wilczyniec Inn (Zajazd "Wilczyniec") in Śladków Mały in świętokrzyskie region (in case anyone would drive that way) - very good with no silty taste whatsoever, as far as I can remember :):

When they brought it to one shop in Kielce (that carp from Śladków Mały) even my brother ate it, even though he didn't like carp in the past :)

Your traditions are not the ones I was brought up wirh.
I suspect that your traditions are somewhat bastardized!

Milo, you were brought up abroad, not in Poland. Pawian's traditions are the same as of many other Poles who were brought up in Poland. You clearly don't know what you're talking about.

Gefilte fish (karp po żydowsku) is a traditional Polish Christmas Eve fish.


Are you turning into another johnny_reb, Joker?

Btw, my family doesn't keep carp in the bath tub anymore. Nowadays we simply buy already dead ones at fishmongers. We did keep carp in the bath tub before Christmas Eve when I was a kid. For kids it was fun - we could touch the fish and we would feed it with bread crumbs lol
8 Aug 2022
Travel / Poland in photo riddles - part 2 [1680]

Which bird lays them?

Song thrush?

Not bad but I know prettier eggs - all light blue.

The blue eggs look the coolest :))
7 Aug 2022
Travel / Poland in photo riddles - part 2 [1680]

Why did I take a photo of this notebook page with primary school English class work?

Because the student made a mistake?

What veg is growing in these hills???


putting it in the box so that it wouldn `t roll down from the balcony or terrace onto the ground.

Unfortunately, the egg rescue operation was more complicated than that... lol ;) My mother found that egg on the balcony in her flower pot. She doesn't like pidgeons, because they sometimes poop on the balcony and she has to clean it. She took the egg away, so the pidgeons wouldn't sh1t all over the place. My mother would probably throw the egg away, so I asked her to give it to me. I've decided to take care of it for a few days until my parents could go to my grandma in the countryside for the weekend (in order to put the egg under a sitting hen). I put the egg in that box, wrapped it around with a towel and I was turning it from one side to the other everyday (apparently that's necessary). Then my parents took it to my grandma in the countryside and my grandma took it to one guy in her village who has pidgeons and he put it under a sitting pidgeon mama :)

Btw, the egg was so small, delicate and pretty :) Smooth and shiny like alabaster :))
5 Aug 2022
Travel / Poland in photo riddles - part 2 [1680]

@pawian, hmm, still don't know what this is, but it looks fluffy :D So, if this is a veg, then there's a part that grows underground? What's the colour of this veg?

It is a pidgeon egg which people find on the balconies and terraces.

Yes, exactly! :))
5 Aug 2022
Travel / Poland in photo riddles - part 2 [1680]

What is this about?

This is a very sad painting - it was painted by Jacek Malczewski in 1892 and is titled "Wigilia na Syberii ("Christmas Eve in Siberia"). It depicts Polish men who were sent to Siberia by tsarist Russia, sitting at a table at the Christmas Eve supper with empty plates, away from their families.

"Even the semblance of a call for Polish freedom was ruthlessly repressed by Russia. Freedom fighters were sentenced to death or long-term imprisonment, together with torture and deportation to Siberia, to the farthest corners of the Russian empire. Exiles worked in inhuman conditions, and frequently died of exhaustion."

What is this plant? Actually, it is a veg.

I don't know - is it Polish/European or something exotic?

What is it and where people in Poland tend to find it?:

29 Jul 2022
News / Poland, Western Europe and the USA - What if Ukraine disappears from the map? [78]

@gregy741, bro, bro, bro... Maybe you don't realise that, but the partner of one of PF members had a family in Mariupol... And they were forcefully deported to Russia to an unknown location and him and his partner couldn't contact them in a normal way for a long time (and maybe they still can't - I don't know what's the situation right now).

Is this normal according to you?

you do realize,that all those claims about "forceful deportation" were coming from denisova

Did you miss this fragment?:

"An Associated Press investigation based on dozens of interviews has found that while the picture is more nuanced than the Ukrainian government suggests, many refugees are indeed forced to embark on a surreal trip into Russia, subjected along the way to human rights abuses, stripped of documents and left confused and lost about where they are."

and not a single video or evidence exist?

Oh, summer child! lol Ukrainians are getting their phones taken away by Russian soldiers, photos and videos deleted and they're deleting them themselves, because they know Russians are checking the phones both in filtration camps and when the refugees are trying to get out of Russia.

And I'm talking here about photos and videos of destruction and dead bodies in Ukraine. I doubt that many people would have the courage and opportunity to somehow film the deportations while they were happening (if they still had their phones and they were working, that is).

do you understand, how difficult it is to deport unwilling person?

It's not that difficult when you have a gun and that other person is not armed. Are you really that clueless or you just pretend to be that stupid?

And if Stalin managed, then why Putin wouldn't be able to do it in the 21st century? o_O
28 Jul 2022
Off-Topic / What is the number one thing that scares you the most in life [94]

How? If someone will give guns to the Poles, we'll be busy fighting each other over some minor crap. :)

Strange, you sound as if you didn't know Polish history...

Poles are able to unite in times of trouble. Mostly. :):)

26 Jul 2022
Po polsku / O co chodzi z tymi Żydami. [127]

@Veles, brzmi znajomo - w 1938 r. w Chmielniku 76,8% mieszkańców stanowili Żydzi... A Ty jaką miejscowość masz na myśli, jeśli to nie sekret? :)
25 Jul 2022
Po polsku / O co chodzi z tymi Żydami. [127]

O, tu są Żydzi wspomniani odnośnie tych marmurów świętokrzyskich (a konkretnie zygmuntówki) chociaż jako rzemieślnicy, a nawet mistrzowie kamieniarscy:

"W pierwszej połowie XVII wieku w Chęcinach pracowali kamieniarscy mistrzowie z całego świata: Włosi, Szkoci, Flamandczycy oraz Polacy i Żydzi."

Taka ciekawostka - ten marmur zygmuntówka został użyty do wykonania pierwszego/oryginalnego trzonu słynnej kolumny Zygmunta III Wazy wzniesionej w 1644 roku w Warszawie - stąd się wzięła jego nazwa - "zygmuntówka" :)

W świętokrzyskim wydobywane są głównie wapienie

I piaskowce :)
25 Jul 2022
Po polsku / O co chodzi z tymi Żydami. [127]

@Alien, jeśli chodzi o "Wietrznię" to tam wydobywano wapień. W świętokrzyskim wydobywane są głównie wapienie (bloczne zwane są marmurami świętokrzyskimi), granit zdaje się też, ale nie wiem jaką historię mają te wszystkie kopalnie.

Świętokrzyską ciekawostką jest krzemień pasiasty - nasza ziemia jest jedynym miejscem na świecie gdzie on występuje :):

Ale nie wiem czy Żydzi mieli z jego wydobywaniem cokolwiek wspólnego. 🤔
25 Jul 2022
Po polsku / O co chodzi z tymi Żydami. [127]

@Alien, pisze o tym w artykule, do którego podałam link:

"Żydowscy przedsiębiorcy rozwinęli na dużą skalę eksploatację surowców naturalnych, z których produkowano materiały budowlane."
25 Jul 2022
Po polsku / Koszałki-opałki, trele-morele i inne duby smalone :) [1117]

Nadziana na patyk, przy czym patyk przypalał sie tak samo jak kiełbaska.

Ech, i ten zapach i kapiący, skwierczący tłuszczyk, mniam lol

Ale najlepsze to były kartofle wygrzebane z żaru jedzone ze zwęgloną skórką z masłem i solą.

U nas bez masła :)

I jeszcze chlebek nad ogniskiem przypiekaliśmy :)

Bardzo lubiłam te ogniska u babci na wsi z całą rodziną, ale potem starszyzna zaczęła robić grille i to w dodatku kiedy jeszcze było jasno i czar prysł :/
25 Jul 2022
Po polsku / O co chodzi z tymi Żydami. [127]

@pawian, szczerze mówiąc nie wiem, ale domyślam się, że pewnie też (chociaż jak to wyglądało procentowo - nie mam pojęcia). Z tego co wyczytałam to przenosili się do Kielc np. z okolicznych, mniejszych miejscowości:

"Rozwój żydowskiej społeczności Kielc nabrał nowego rozmachu po 1905 roku, kiedy to do miasta przeniosło się wielu mieszkańców zniszczonych pożarem Chęcin. Liczną grupę przybyszów stanowili chasydzi, którym przewodził Chaim Horowic."

'W branży tej szczególnie wyróżniała się znana i bogata rodzina Zagajskich, właścicieli kamieniołomu "Wietrznia".'

Teraz to jest rezerwat przyrody i część Geoparku Kielce:
25 Jul 2022
Po polsku / O co chodzi z tymi Żydami. [127]

@Alien, tak, wiem. Przeca jestem z Kielc :P

Jeśli ten temat Cię ciekawi to możesz poczytać w Wikipedii:

Tamten z 1918 roku był taki bardziej polityczny, mam wrażenie, niż ten z 1946, który chyba bardziej bazował na takim prymitywnym, "ludowym" antysemityzmie.

Btw, pewnie niewiele osób wie, że przed wojną w Kielcach mieszkało dużo ludności żydowskiej - 35%. Jeśli dobrze pamiętam to procentowo więcej niż w Krakowie i Warszawie. W Kielcach było to dosyć młode osadnictwo, rozkręciło się na dobre chyba dopiero w XIX wieku, jeśli dobrze kojarzę. 🤔

Żydzi w Kielcach byli właścicielami banków, fabryk, prawie połowy sklepów w mieście, mieli swoje szkoły, bibliotekę, była wydawana gazeta w jidysz - "Kielcer Zeitung", była duża synagoga i domy modlitw, oczywiście, itd. Trudno to sobie teraz wyobrazić...

Więcej niż w Kielcach (ponad 40%) ludności żydowskiej mieszkało np. w Białymstoku. Taka ciekawostka - w pogromie białostockim było z kolei tło rosyjsko-carsko-zaborowe:
25 Jul 2022
Po polsku / O co chodzi z tymi Żydami. [127]

Nie wiem kiedy to było dokładnie, ale pamiętam, że kiedyś był news w lokalnych kieleckich wiadomościach, że izraelska młodzież spotkała się z polskimi uczniami w szkole.

I takie coś:
25 Jul 2022
Language / How to pronounce "y" in Polish? [28]

"Y" looks most beautiful in the word "myth".

"Y" in "myth" is the closest to Polish "y", imho.
23 Jul 2022
Real Estate / 60% increase in rent (Warsaw, open-ended contract) - do I have to agree? [9]

@Michael1976, in case of an open-ended rental contract it's 3 months, unless your contract with the landlord says otherwise (it can be longer).

The rules concerning the increase in rent are regulated by law:

For example, the landlord is allowed to increase the rent based on the inflation from the previous year (so from 2021 in your case).
23 Jul 2022
UK, Ireland / Polish immigrants in the UK - victims or criminals?! [236]

@jon357, yeah, parents don't expect their kids to call them like that here - in Poland it would be viewed as messed up.

In the past kids would call their parents "pani matka" (madame mother) and "pan ojciec" (sir father), but even then it depended on the family, it seems. For example, Chopin referred to his mother and father as "Mama" and "Papa".
19 Jul 2022
History / Poland rightwingers` bonds with PRL communist regime [191]

@KorkiTaczer, I don't recall Tusk calling "commies" and "traitors" anyone who would criticise or oppose PO.

And how do you know that Hoc was a "a KGB operative"?

There is no indication that he did something wrong during the Martial Law

Did Hoc do anything wrong?

So you think he can be compared to Hoc

I don't know, do you think Hoc can be compared to, for example, the founder of the best and most famous Polish Special Forces unit (GROM)? Do you know what general Petelicki was doing during communist times? He was spying for PRL on Solidarity people who were living abroad. And yet, after the end of communism the Solidarity elites accepted him, even that nutcase Macierewicz - when Macierewicz was the head of MSW in the 1990s he could boot Petelicki out, but he didn't do that. What's more, Petelicki said that at some point Macierewicz saved GROM.

How do you explain that?
19 Jul 2022
History / Poland rightwingers` bonds with PRL communist regime [191]

@KorkiTaczer, but pawian doesn't mean that basic compulsory military service during PRL - Michał Jach was an awarded professional soldier for 25 years who left the army as a major only in 1994 :))) Better do some research before commenting ;)))
17 Jul 2022
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [360]

@gregy741, noone was banning Russian language and shelling cities in Donetsk and Luhansk regions before Putin sent their soldiers there and to Crimea either.

russian republics dont express desire to be independent.

I wrote "if they wanted it".

Besides, Chechnya expressed it's desire to be independent twice (two wars). What do you think about the fact that Russia didn't respect that desire and leveled Grozny to the ground just to keep Chechnya in Russia? Are you OK with that?

russia dont arm nazis and sent them to those places to burn,rape and loot.

That's exactly what Russia is doing to Ukraine - arming brainwashed, Nazi-like psychos and sending them to burn, rape and loot in Ukraine.
17 Jul 2022
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [360]

@Crnogorac3, Serbia doesn't exist. It is a Russian territory where the Serbian people are the majority. As Russia says, this is how Serbia will do.

RuSSist propagandists are furious with Wałęsa. They call him svoloch etc. And consider kidnapping him and bringing to RuSSia for trial.

RuSSian propagandists don't seem to realise that they're showing to the world what hypocritical mindf*ck they're suffering from lol They're condemning Wałęsa, calling for kidnapping and bringing him before court, offer 5 million euros for his head just for what he said. While Putin is actually really doing it to another country - Ukraine. They're outraged at Wałęsa just saying it, while their own president is doing it.
