8 Jan 2020
Life / Health Care Quality in Poland - NFZ vs Private [4]
Looking on opinions on quality of health care in Poland, NFZ vs Private - in particular on orthopedic surgery. I'm in need of an ACL reconstruction and am not sure whether to go private or through ZUS as I heard the national system isn't well funded. I've spoken to 20 differed orthopedic centers in the region and none of their doctors will consider doing a surgery through NFZ. I'd prefer not to pay out 10-14K for the cost of surgery privately (average price in Krakow) as it would require taking out a loan. If anyone has 1st or 2nd hand experience, would be very interested in hearing it.
Looking on opinions on quality of health care in Poland, NFZ vs Private - in particular on orthopedic surgery. I'm in need of an ACL reconstruction and am not sure whether to go private or through ZUS as I heard the national system isn't well funded. I've spoken to 20 differed orthopedic centers in the region and none of their doctors will consider doing a surgery through NFZ. I'd prefer not to pay out 10-14K for the cost of surgery privately (average price in Krakow) as it would require taking out a loan. If anyone has 1st or 2nd hand experience, would be very interested in hearing it.