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Posts by bethgrz  

Joined: 30 Jan 2018 / Female ♀
Last Post: 31 Jan 2018
Threads: 1
Posts: 4
From: USA Boston
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: Music

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31 Jan 2018
Genealogy / Schneider from Lodz - a mystery! [11]

Hi all,

I am seeking information on my mother's line. Here is the info we have from marriage record, travel ship manifest, censuses, death certificate.

Joseph Schneider, b in Lodz Poland 26 Jan 1862. Various sources say "Russia" or Russland, Poland. He stated Lodz Poland. He was a (Silk) weaver. I discovered the name of his silk mill in paterson nj!

Immigrated via Hamburg to NYC 4 June 1882, age 20. Naturalized April 1887. Married another immigrant in 1895; know details of his wife & their children. Story goes he "abandoned them." And that he was "raised Catholic." Death record is 1920; last child with wife was in 1914.

On marriage certificate he listed parents Anton Schneider and Barbara Michel, from Germany.

I can find none of them. We have no details.

I did find parents with those names where the years could work but all the way in Luxembourg, where that entire line lived and died. Lodz is so far away. They did not have a "Joseph."

Might anyone have some good ideas?

I have exhausted familysearch and ancestry within parameters I can deduct.

Thanks in advance!! I am new to this.
31 Jan 2018
Genealogy / Schneider from Lodz - a mystery! [11]

Yes. I had originally linked this to my gentleman Joseph Schneider, but he is not the right one. I spoke with the person who has all of the Luxembourg records. It would've been nice... But this is not my family. In fact that's what I was referring to; I had found parents of the same name from Luxembourg but it is just way too far from Lodz. They do not have record of Joseph in their extremely extensive records.
31 Jan 2018
Genealogy / Schneider from Lodz - a mystery! [11]


Wow, thank you!! I am embarrassed to say, but I have tried to spend some time on this site and can't figure out how to navigate it. If I get someone fluent in Polish (sadly my grandfather is deceased & my father in law is deceased, both Poland emmigrants), will it be more obvious? It seems I can only click on the three buttons - the Z/A/Skan, which don't bring me to an obvious lead. And frankly I don't want to use up your time with this as that is not the scope of my question.

I wonder, is there a link on this site with guidance for

I wish I could bake you cookies as a thank you. :)

To TheOther, thank you sincerely also for your efforts to assist.

All the best.