8 Nov 2017
Language / First Year Polish Second Edition Revised and Expanded - Oscar E. Swan (White Cover) [13]
Does anybody have a copy of the First year Polish book by Oscar E Swan Second Edition, with the WHITE COVER?
I have this book, but it has a yellow cover. I ordered a book from a book website, with the white cover, and received another copy of the book with the yellow cover.
I contacted the publisher of this book and they have told me that both books contain exactly the same content:
As for the differences in cover: these are purely cosmetic between different reprints. The white cover and the yellow cover are the same 2nd edition first published in 1983; sorry for the confusion!
The problem is that I ordered some workbooks and audio to accompany this book from Ohio State University Foreign Language Publications
I also purchased the intermediate and Advanced bundles, however the audio and the text differ. Not by much, but they are not the same.
The audio files that I received do not entirely match the text in the Oscar E. Swan book. The university website has since removed these from sale, until they can get hold of a white covered copy of the book to compare with the audio files they sell.
If you have the WHITE COVERED book can you confirm that the words under p t k are the same?
For example
Book text (Page xix, B. Pronunciation, 1. Constanants p t k):
pas, mapa, karp; ten, kot, data; kura, oko, rok.
In the audio two of the words are different.
Audio (Polish 01, tape 01C):
pas, mapa, łop; ten, kot, data; koc (sounds like English cots), oko, rok.
As you can see the audio differs from the text (the 3rd and 7th words are different). I would like to know if the white covered book matches the audio, or is it exactly the same as the yellow covered book and matches the book text above?
I have tried other audio files and they too don't totally match the text within the First Year Polish Swan book 2nd Edn Revised and Expanded.
The audio was originally on casette tapes, but the university put them onto CD ROM as MP3's, hence 'tape' in the title of the file - Polish 01, tape 01C.
Thank you for your help.
Does anybody have a copy of the First year Polish book by Oscar E Swan Second Edition, with the WHITE COVER?
I have this book, but it has a yellow cover. I ordered a book from a book website, with the white cover, and received another copy of the book with the yellow cover.
I contacted the publisher of this book and they have told me that both books contain exactly the same content:
As for the differences in cover: these are purely cosmetic between different reprints. The white cover and the yellow cover are the same 2nd edition first published in 1983; sorry for the confusion!
The problem is that I ordered some workbooks and audio to accompany this book from Ohio State University Foreign Language Publications
I also purchased the intermediate and Advanced bundles, however the audio and the text differ. Not by much, but they are not the same.
The audio files that I received do not entirely match the text in the Oscar E. Swan book. The university website has since removed these from sale, until they can get hold of a white covered copy of the book to compare with the audio files they sell.
If you have the WHITE COVERED book can you confirm that the words under p t k are the same?
For example
Book text (Page xix, B. Pronunciation, 1. Constanants p t k):
pas, mapa, karp; ten, kot, data; kura, oko, rok.
In the audio two of the words are different.
Audio (Polish 01, tape 01C):
pas, mapa, łop; ten, kot, data; koc (sounds like English cots), oko, rok.
As you can see the audio differs from the text (the 3rd and 7th words are different). I would like to know if the white covered book matches the audio, or is it exactly the same as the yellow covered book and matches the book text above?
I have tried other audio files and they too don't totally match the text within the First Year Polish Swan book 2nd Edn Revised and Expanded.
The audio was originally on casette tapes, but the university put them onto CD ROM as MP3's, hence 'tape' in the title of the file - Polish 01, tape 01C.
Thank you for your help.