The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by osiol  

Joined: 25 Jul 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 10 Oct 2009
Threads: Total: 55 / Live: 2 / Archived: 53
Posts: Total: 3921 / Live: 342 / Archived: 3579

Interests: Not being on this website when I'm asleep

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25 Jul 2007
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

What does the 'macz' mean in 'kurwa macz'? Is it 'macz' or 'mac'?

I once jokingly said 'krowa macz' and everyone seems to find this highly amusing.
25 Jul 2007
Language / Is the term 'Polak' derogatory?? [254]

I think the answer is you called a Polish girl a Polish MAN. If I was her, I might be slightly offended.
1 Aug 2007
Life / Famous Polish people (that we have actually heard of) [231]

I vote for two film directors: Roman Polanski and Krzystof Kieslowski.

Then I'd point out that Polish jazz, certainly in the past, was possibly the best European jazz after Django Reinhardt.

There was a Dr. Zamenhof - invented Esperanto. What? I hear you ask.

But any little thing that inspires greatness in others (no matter how big or how small) is to be applauded.
1 Aug 2007
Language / Is the term 'Polak' derogatory?? [254]

I don't really like the word Brit, however it is spoken. If I'm spoken to in English, I'd prefer to hear 'Englishman'. If I'm speaking English, I tend to say Polish man, Polish woman or Polish people. Maybe Poles.
6 Aug 2007
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

A couple of years ago, a housemate of mine was Polish. We used to sit in the kitchen chatting while the landlady was watching soap opera after soap opera. I mentioned to him that we had some Poles at work. He was no Polonophile - strangely he seemed to prefer England, but then he was no Michal. He showed no interest in this and the topic of conversation moved on. Just before he left the room, he leaned over and quietly said: "Look out! All Polish people are thieves!"
7 Aug 2007
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

The Brtish tend not to say negative things about Britain to the foreigners

I do. Listen up, foreigners. Britain sucks. A bit.
I love it despite everything that is wrong with it.
That includes my rude British neighbours.

Now there's a definite tendency in the so-called English-speaking world (US, etc.) to speak negatively about Poland and Poles

All Polish people are lovely. Almost.
I was really referring to a sense of humour. Possibly a subject for a different thread.

The xenophobes always make the most noise because they are the ones who feel they need to do all the convincing. From where I am, the noise seems to come more from the press, and not just the British press.
8 Aug 2007
Life / Famous Polish people (that we have actually heard of) [231]

King Canute

Much maligned ruler. He was showing his fawning courtiers that he was NOT like a god who could turn the tide. Allegedly.

How Polish was he?

Was he really a Cnut?

Did he have a line of clothing and accessories named after him like fcuk?
8 Aug 2007
Language / Is the term 'Polak' derogatory?? [254]

the N word

Amongst black people, it is still a derogatory term used by those who see themselves as more respectable. Those who do not wish to be seen as (that kind of) respectable give it that same meaning, but don't mind calling themselves N-.
11 Aug 2007
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

Somebody was encouraging me to shout "Bartek świrus" or something like that (I'm guessing the spelling). I refused because Bartek is a friend, and I'm fairly sure this is something rude. We often swear at eachother for fun, but only if we know what we are saying.
12 Aug 2007
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

Might be the kind of Polish people you've met.

By the way, you can edit your posts. Take a look just to the right of one of your recent posts.
13 Aug 2007
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

Quoting: rowelynnes
" mala jest twoja pala" means "his cock is very small :)

YOUR cock is very small - that's what it means

Is that pala or pała?
13 Aug 2007
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

Quoting: osiol

I've got a workmate I'm going to insult tomorrow, and I have to get it right!
13 Aug 2007
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]


I've told him before that some things are small!

Glowa, while you're here, I never got an answer to this one!

Somebody was encouraging me to shout "Bartek świrus" or something like that (I'm guessing the spelling).

If you don't mind!
13 Aug 2007
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

Thanks. We've said 'po jebane' quite a lot, usually referring to my fellow non-Poles.
13 Aug 2007
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

pojebany/a/e (m., f., n.) is already quite vulgar, i think ot translates to 'f... up'

I realised it had an f- word in there and somehow meant madman/nutter/mentalist!
14 Aug 2007
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

I think one or two of my teachers may have used the English equivalent(s) after some of my exams.
15 Aug 2007
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

mmmm kebab!

Can write usually only: "sex" and "ok".

That's sexually repressed cultures for you!
2 Sep 2007
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]


I never knew there were so many Polish words for different numbers of stars in a row.

Let's find out if 'felch' makes it past the automatic electronic hand of censorship.
2 Sep 2007
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

sha clef

Psia krew!

Why they picked on dogs rather than cats is beyond me!
3 Sep 2007
Food / What exactly is Polish Bread? [91]

I've tried internet searches, but if I want a definitive answer, I trust PF better!

What is Polish bread?
I understand that it contains rye flour.
All rye or a mix of rye with wheat?

I occasionally make bread the longhand way, but usually I use a machine.
The machine has settings for various breads including French and Italian, but (suprise suprise) no Polish!
Can anyone provide a recipe?

Thanks! I knew you could!
3 Sep 2007
Food / What exactly is Polish Bread? [91]

There are shops in the UK selling Polish bread, but all the Polish people I've met say it's not REAL Polish bread like the stuff back home!

I've got some kielbasa in the fridge, I need to make some more bread, so I thought it would be best to make something appropraite.

(I also have some Polish beer left).

There are many diffrent types

Okay, so if I said my perference is for brown bread,
can anyone provide a recipe (even just a trustworthy link to one on the web)?

With seeds or without?
3 Sep 2007
Food / What exactly is Polish Bread? [91]

The greatest thing since sliced bread?

Answer: bread you have to slice yourself.

I much prefer traditional or hand-made bread.
Most of the bread in the UK is made using the Chorleywood Method.
It is low in nutrition, cheap and tasteless.

Is real bread making a return in Poland?
When I visited this year, we didn't have sliced bread, and it was quite good but not the best bread ever -
a good, honest, every-day bread.
3 Sep 2007
Food / What exactly is Polish Bread? [91]

I'm firing up the old bread machine within the next hour.

poppy seed

I'll put some of these in.


Not so sure. I could try just a sprinkle.

off white

No rye flour here, so a blend of unbleached white and wholemeal.

Seriously though, folks, just one recipe would be nice!
3 Sep 2007
Food / What exactly is Polish Bread? [91]

Thanks, Krzystof.

I think you have given me the answer I was looking for.

I realised there wouldn't only be one 'Polish Bread' but a variety.
Pure rye bread is really a different thing. I'll occasionally get a German Pumpernickel (Devil's Fart!).
But I am quite tempted with wheat-rye mix. I'll be trying it later in the week.
9 Sep 2007
Food / What exactly is Polish Bread? [91]

1/2 cup instant mashed potatoes

I think I'd have to substitute that for real potato somehow.

If it comes in a packet, the chances of me eating it are very low.
11 Sep 2007
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

In PIE these words were only functional names, but never swear words

They have a long and interesting history,
but proto-Indo-Europeans must have needed to shout something
when they stubbed their toe or caught their finger on a *sk(h)woj-