25 Jun 2016
UK, Ireland / English/British rudeness - what do Polish people think about it? [161]
Kondzior- You seem to be attacked here but in the end these are yours thoughts which you shared here.
As for me there is one thing which irritates me in UK- habits of putting bag next to you on seat in public transport. It is like 'non verbal' sign Don't sit next to me. Some hidden insularity..... In the end of the day you bought one ticket and you entitled to one sit. But maybe this passing person will not sit next to me.... or maybe will feel too restrained to ask me to move my bag....
Kondzior- You seem to be attacked here but in the end these are yours thoughts which you shared here.
As for me there is one thing which irritates me in UK- habits of putting bag next to you on seat in public transport. It is like 'non verbal' sign Don't sit next to me. Some hidden insularity..... In the end of the day you bought one ticket and you entitled to one sit. But maybe this passing person will not sit next to me.... or maybe will feel too restrained to ask me to move my bag....