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Posts by subarumad  

Joined: 15 Oct 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 21 Dec 2012
Threads: Total: 1 / Live: 0 / Archived: 1
Posts: Total: 21 / Live: 9 / Archived: 12
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Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: private

Displayed posts: 9
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1 Nov 2011
Law / Buying a USED CAR in Poland, my personal experiences and TRAPS to avoid !! [133]

I've been living in Poland for many years, and my advice would be, why spend 4,000zl on a piece of ****?
Buy British, British is best! you get a lot more for your money, and you know the MOT is a lot stricter in the UK than it is in Poland.

Don't listen to the squares who whine about not registering it in Poland, I mean, why bother registering it in Poland?
It's your choice if you want an easy life or a hard life. If you get a Polish registered car, you will get the problems that come with it.

speeding, parking, fines etc.

Take my advice, British is Best!
26 Nov 2011
Food / British food products in Poland? [334]

I miss proper food too, here in Wroclaw there's bugger all!
Apart from a world shop in Magnolia what sells extremely overpriced food, weetabix was a fiver, WTF? I told the woman, I'd rather bring it myself from

England, 4zl for Morrisons own.

Once littlejagoda grows up a little and finds out all she's been eating is common garden slugs and snails, and the typical microwave pizza,

she may develop a more sophisticated palate like us Brits.
1 Dec 2011
Life / Child abuse in Poland [64]

I think it does, especially at the hands of people over 60yrs.

I live in an area full of chamski old people, and lot's of nice cars get scratched because of these twats.

Scratching someone's car is just the same as child abuse, and battering baby seals.
Shame on old people!
28 Jun 2012
Travel / What is the ugliest city or town in Poland? [89]

WROCLAW - definitely, anyone with half a brain knows that it's Wroclaw, Poland's embarrassment of a city.

I've traveled all around Poland, it's a great country, and the people are nice, but Wroclaw is just....very different.
Its like being in Ireland (Everything is back to front and just makes no sense!).

WHY did someone decide to hold UEFA's match in Wroclaw is beyond me, they should feel ashamed of themselves.

The jana pala 2 junction is a joke, 3 lanes from Legnica st going into the city blocked by cars going the other direction, from 4-6pm.

What did the old pope jana pala 2 do wrong to deserve the worst intersection in Europe to be named after him?

the president of Wroclaw should feel ashamed of himself, really!
and why do straz mieschy and the police concern themselves with petty things 10 miles away from the city?
when the problems are with the traffic on jana pala 2.

Even the stadium in Wroclaw is ugly, big grey round thing, looks like a prison.
maybe it could be used as one after the football has finished, and put all the people in there who things everything in Wroclaw
is okey dokey!
24 Nov 2012
UK, Ireland / English/British rudeness - what do Polish people think about it? [168]

This thread is a joke right?

It's obvious no one has ever been to Wroclaw. Most women over 45yrs have the worst attitude imaginable.
They have their head stuck up their ass syndrome!
The documentary called: Dzien Swira confirms this, usually they work in the post office, or any of the dozen government buildings scattered around the city,

or on the checkout in Fenniks.

There's too much radio maria in these people's brains, the only Polish I use on a daily basis is: The customer is always right, shame on you, and Jestes chamski dupcu!