The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Syllwia  

Joined: 6 Jun 2011 / Female ♀
Last Post: 7 Jun 2011
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Posts: 1
From: Poland, Warsaw
Speaks Polish?: yes, I do
Interests: employment law, travelling

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7 Jun 2011
Law / I am thinking of opening a office (LLC) in Poland! [7]


I represent a company which operate in Warsaw. Our wide range of services include:
companies registration,
work permits,
stay permits etc.
Generally we support foreigners in various fields of activity in Poland, both in terms of private and work-related - employment or own business.
We invite you to cooperation. Please visit our website
By the way, Warsaw life goes fast, people are usually busy and hard-working but on the other hand there're some places when You can find peace and quiet and the beauty of nature, not only enjoys beautiful views but also a wonderful scent. My favourite place in Warsaw is £azienki Park. I know that it's very popular and crowded place but only on weekends. On weekdays, there is very quiet. Unfortunately, dogs have banned from entering. But for You and your dog the best place to take a rest and spend time is Agrykola Park in neighborhood of £azienki Park.A lot of grass and cafes with outdoor dining. I have't heard about the possibility of coming with a dog in other cafes.

good luck,Syllwia