History /
So called "inconvenient parts" of Polish history - what do you think? [157]
he spend 22 months in prison
Before being cleared.
You forgot to add: cleared by the communist justice system, which was imposed on Poles.
was charged numerous times
With the number being 'two', as in 'he was charged two times'.
1945, 1956 and finally after 1989.
his last trial was stopped by his death.
Why do you tell such pointless lies? The article says "the trial for the 1945 incident in £ambinowice was resumed by the local court in Opole. However, it had to be postponed - and finally terminated in 2005 - due to the poor health of both Gęborski and the witnesses. Gęborski died June 14, 2006."!
That's a lie - his trial was postphoned due to his poor health in 2005 and terminated in 2006 because of his death. Those bad Poles didn't take him from his death bed to court? I don't think any democratic justice systems allows this, even for worse criminals.
Where did you get that 100 000 number from?
British government figures of the number of Poles taken prisoner by British forces or taken prisoner by other allied forces and transferred to the care of British forces.
Do you mind showing me that British government report?
While many Poles were forcibly conscripted into Wehrmacht
Please do not lie: Polish people were not eligible to even join the Wehrmacht, only those who had sign up on the Deutsche Volksliste could join the Wehrmacht. No signature, no Wehrmacht.
That's a lie. You didn't need to sign anything to be forcibly conscripted into Wehrmacht. And yes, Poles weren't allowed into Wehrmacht - problem is German needed cannon fodder and didn't blink forcibly conscripting Silesians or Kashubians.
Harry, you are hateful polonophobic bigot, you should have been banned from this forum long time ago for your libelous accusations.