Law /
The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]
Well, murder by commitee is not civilised by any standard is it?
The death penalty in all phases is actually conducted in quite a civilized manner.
rich are getting richer and not paying their fair of taxes
Boo-hoo. Not true.
Guns are just stupid. And the people that have them, unless Police or the like, are even more stupid.
Witness the childish mind of the gun fearing folks. Next shall we let third graders decide foreign policy? :s
European states are in no similar situation of being primitive, indeed fledgling, frontier democracies in imminent danger from neighboring attack
Maybe if Polish households had been armed the country wouldn't have been so easily overrun and conquered.
Native Americans especially, indignant at the white man's desire to drive them off their own land, etc..
Boo-hoo. It wasn't "their" land. They didn't own it; they were just squatters who took the land from those before them.
And today instead of the Indian threat we have the black threat.