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Posts by johnfisher  

Joined: 12 Feb 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 31 May 2011
Threads: 4
Posts: 22

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12 Feb 2011
Law / Karta Pobytu - how long can i stay temporarly out of Poland? [30]

Dear All,

i am new to the forum, i hope you are all doing well.

I married my Polish fiancee last Sep 2010, and received afterward my 1st Karta Pobytu for One year; i am from Syria. Now, we rented a residence in Warszaw, and we started living from December 2010, the date i got the residency card. But recently, i got a temporary job offer out of Poland and EU (in Dubai), and i must be away from Poland for certain period of time; i actually left already to start working for the job in Dubai.

My question is: will my One Year Residency card expire if i stay away for more than 3 months one shot ? or it remains active for one year-allowing me regular access to Poland?
13 Feb 2011
Law / Karta Pobytu - how long can i stay temporarly out of Poland? [30]

Hi. I am consultant for specific period of time, but still i have to be absent temporarly. Luck i am that i have family member from EEA-as Delphian wrote, though still this might affect the permanent residency later.

I read somewhere that when applying for the permanent residency, i need to prove: 3 years marriage, and 2 years stayed in Poland (2 years means not continuous stay, but allowed to b out for cumulus of 10months, and 6 months one shot,no more, within 2 years).

More feeds please if u have guys/girls.Thanks.
13 Feb 2011
Law / Karta Pobytu - how long can i stay temporarly out of Poland? [30]

Hi al111; i got married actually sep 2010 in Warszaw, and i am registered there. So how it might be in this Woiwodship? i read that within a 3 years marriage,2 years must be spent (10 months max out, 6 months maximum one shot). I hope that this apply to Warsaw too, as i feel it will be difficult to make ot for the all 3 years (As i l b bit away for the first year).
14 Feb 2011
Law / Karta Pobytu - how long can i stay temporarly out of Poland? [30]

Thanks for all of your feeds, inetresting debate.

I guess that the perspective is that i will do this mission abroad for a year, and -as mentionned earlier- the first year residency will not be canceled. Then, when i will renew 45 days before the deadline of 1 year, i will have to stick to the 10/24 / 6/24 rule during the next 2 years; by then-means in 3 years, i will have a file saying that i have been married for 3 years, and within these 2 i have spent 2 years in Poland with the limits of 10/24 and 624. The only thing to check is whether they will include in the calculation the 1st year, means if they will consider 3 years for calculation. I will check that matter with them.

Meanwhile, if someone in this forum has something more to add, or similar experience, pleae welcome and type it down.
19 Feb 2011
Law / Karta Pobytu - how long can i stay temporarly out of Poland? [30]

Thanks a lot guys; i was absent for the last 4 days, and just loged in again and find 2 feeds. So i udnerstand more from these 2 new feeds that once the tax and money issue is cleared, no problems for the rest.

My main concern at the start of this discussion was to be sure that if my stay away will be more than 3 momths (during my current "residency for one year"), then my residency will not be lost. What ShortHairThug has mentionend in reply 2 that my residency will remain active made me relaxed. Is this information 100% true? i will try to check from my side and ask my wife, but i am afraid of creating suspission and push them to ask why i am out. I might be back in a month, but i might also extend. SO if there is a full year active residency card, then it is ok. As for the other issues raised, all are enlightening for me.

Just want to hear more feeds from u guys/girls ab the one full year activation guarantee...

19 Mar 2011
Work / Teaching Architecture in Poland [23]

Merged: Teaching architecture in Polish University. Can i survive with my family?

Dear all, is it possible to survive in Poland (decent life) as a university teacher? i hear that teaching there is more of a hobby and must be complemented with something else. If so, then being an academic in Poland doesn t bring financial security for the academic's family? is there a way to pursue an academic career in Poland? (NB: teaching architecture and design)
19 Mar 2011
Work / Teaching Architecture in Poland [23]

Sure i do prefer somewhere in warsaw or krakow, but i did not hear that there are differences when it comes to teaching, as all give peanuts as salary...does it make difference which uni it is ??? are there better paying universities vs bad paying universities???
19 Mar 2011
Work / Teaching Architecture in Poland [23]

Dear Lukasz,thanks for your feed. I have a PhD with 2 years experience, so i wonder where i stand for Polish standard. The salaries you mentionned as example are in public institutions or private ones?
19 Mar 2011
Work / Teaching Architecture in Poland [23]

But what about the field of architecture in the academia? does what have been said by all of you apply to architectural teaching? or it is a general rule? and what about if i am a non-polish speaker? actually i don t speak polish yet, i married recently and i am planing to move for good to poland and learn the languagem and settle there, so knowing about the financial security that i can get through teaching is very important for me.Any idea?
5 Apr 2011
Law / Shipping a car from USA to Poland [85]

Dear All,i am non-Polish, married to a Polish; we have been living abroad for the last 3 years, and we biught a car in 2009 , so 2 years old under my name as her husband; i have a residency in poland (one year residency renewable everyyear).The question is: we are relocating to poland for good, so if we want to ship the car, do we have to pay tax? or it is considered resettlment and no tax is needed? it is under my name, not her, but she is my wife,and i have residency.

I wait for your advices.Tx.
6 Apr 2011
Law / Shipping a non-EU car to PL by a non PL citizen (but PL Resident) [13]

Dear All,

i am Lebanese married to a Polish woman; we have been living abroad for the last 3 years in the Gulf, and we bought a small car in 2009 (Honda Civic 1.8 cc model 2009)registered abroad under my name -as her husband; i have a residency in poland (one year residency renewable everyyear).

The question is: we are relocating to poland for good this April, so if we want to ship the car, do we have to pay tax for it?

Also, what are the steps to register it in Poland after shipping it to Gdansk or Gdynia and taking it out from the port? and the cost?

I am shipping it to use it in Poland, not interested at all to sell it.

I wait for your advices.Tx
7 Apr 2011
Law / Shipping a non-EU car to PL by a non PL citizen (but PL Resident) [13]

Ok guys, thanns for all the threads, very helpful. I have some questions more:

1-Harry: you talked about converting the Honda civic, and said that it wouldn t make any econimic sence anymore to bring the honsa as it seems i ll be paying for converting.But, what is the level needed for this conversion??? i heard that lights should be orange and not red for example, and this already exist in the civic. I am not aware of other conversion requirements, but in anycase, will it be sooo expensive to do so??

2-we can register the car in poland under my wife name, if this makes it easier; but the point is that we have been owning this car for the last 2 years, under my name as her husband, so it is our common belonging. If i need to change the ownership to her name before shipping it to poland, still it will not work as they will tell me there in the shipyard in poland that the car is owned by her for lexx than 6 months (it will be actually a mmonth or something).... There is something not logical in all this. If i knew this, i would have registered under our common name or even her name since i bought it in march 2009!

3-Warszawski:: you said "As the car is being imported from outside the EU, it does not make any financially sense"...why? becoz i have to pay tax? but i am bringing my belongings for good to poland, where i will be living the rest of my life...can it be considered just as piece of furniture as db 1874 said?

4- does any body know any reference written to consult? i called the custon agent in gdynia today, and they transfered me to the cenrtal custom of all poland. we called them, and they told us to check certain document online made of 35 pages!!! my wife is checking this now. We called the embassy in the gulf, and they said to check online forumm!!!!!!!

...i feel it is going to be a trap for me, once i send the car and go to pick it up from gdynia, they will just come and say: oupsaaaaaaaaa!!! you have to pay 22%, plus plusss............

How can i get clear answer??

7 Apr 2011
Law / Shipping a non-EU car to PL by a non PL citizen (but PL Resident) [13]

Oufff..wait wait a minute, here you are adding "additional" criteria: what is about "being registered as woriking" ? does this also affect wether u pay the taxes or no?

And by the way, do you have -like me- the residency for set period of time? or the permanent residency? and when you brought the car from out of EU, what was your status (regardless whether you were working in poland or out).

In my case, as for today, i am contracted out of Poland, but now i am relocating. after i do that, i will be travelling out and in for my work outsie, but i will reside in Poland. does this has to do with paying or not the tax for the car?

I am aware that i need to pay registration anyway, but this somethig else; by the way, how much it is in general?

7 Apr 2011
Law / Shipping a non-EU car to PL by a non PL citizen (but PL Resident) [13]

Dear Delphin, how i can find such agent while i am still out of Poland planing the relocation? the local shipment company here in the Gulf provides only services door to port, and they dont assist in handling local polish matters. Is there a way to get in touch and hire local polish agent from now before shipping?
9 Apr 2011
Work / Salaries for architects and interns in Poland: how much? [18]

Dear all,

any one has an idea how much a freshly graduated architect with an MA should get as an average monthly salary all inclusive?
and with 2 > 4 years experience?

...and also how much interns should be paid?

Here we are not talking that they are recruited by HighProfile firm, but small studio.

Let me know.

9 Apr 2011
Work / Salaries for architects and interns in Poland: how much? [18]

Merged thread:
Warsaw or Krakow to settle, raise family and base an architecture office?

Dear all,

whici is better to live in: Krakow or Warsaw? for a foreigner married to a Polish (both architects) who want to settle (we are relocating soon), have children, raise family, and practice architecture by opening our own studio.

Let me hear your feeds, whether you are architects, or not,or foreigners, or polish.I would like to hear various opinions about daily life, rental, salaries, hiring/working for, culture, scale,connection to europe, to the world,...


When creating a new thread, please make sure to select the proper category. News/Politics probably isn't the best choice. Also, you might want to use the search function, this has been discussed in a couple of threads.

Merged thread:
Where is better to practice and base an architecture studio: krakow or warsaw?

Dear All,

where is better to base a small architecture studio : in krakow or warsaw?
18 May 2011
Law / Polish taxes for external incoming [9]

Dear Jdvalim,

i guess we are in the same situation. I just moved to Poland with my Polish wife, and i have the residency permit for a set period of time (one year), the usual first stage for a foreigner.

I have my own design company registered back home in my country, and i also do works for clients from my home here bot for abroad over the internet, and i have no single clients or income from Poland. All my income comes from abroad.

I was wondering the same, but i did not start yet asking for the taxes, as i do think that as my income is from outside, then no need to pay here.

I will be checking the matter very soon, as we just moved couple of weeks ago, and i need to confirm that as i want to avoid having trooubles with the tax.

If you will know anything, please please poat it online; i will do the same once i will know.

31 May 2011
Law / Honda Civic 2008 imported from Non EU to Poland [3]

Dear All,

i just relocated to Poland from the Middle East, and now i am waiting for my Honda Civic to arrive to Gdynia Port end of this month,as it is in a container on the way to Poland.

My questions are:

-What are the modifications needed for such type of car in Poland?

-Where this diagnosis can be done? and can the same diagnosis company perform the changes needed, or i will need again to take it to another party to do that?

-The car will have the red export plates coming from the middle east, and driving aroound without local plates and insurance might be dangeroous, if allowed at all. So that means that i have to hire a local cargo truck to take back and forth the car btw all these parties? note that the shipping agency is bringing the car to my flat in Warsaw to be parked near the building.

-How much time/cost for all this?

-One more thing: any idea about registration of the car? time place cost?

Thanks in advance, i hope to get any feedback from you guys/girls.

31 May 2011
Law / Honda Civic 2008 imported from Non EU to Poland [3]

Dear Harry, what they did to the someone you know who has civic? i am actually worried also that they will tell me that i just need to change light and ten charge me a looooooooooot just by seeing that i am importing my car from Middle East.

I beleive that the car does not need major changes, it is already left hand drivenand not right hand like in japan. The blinking light are orange.

I wait for more feedback from the forum.