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Posts by delta4ce1  

Joined: 19 Jul 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 19 Jul 2010
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Posts: 1
From: China from USA
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19 Jul 2010
Work / Any TEFL teachers in Poland out there? [28]

I have two degrees in education and many years of teaching and training experience. The TEFL, TOEFL, and other such English as a Second Language certifications are a joke and an insult to those of us who really spent the time and tons of money getting teacher certified. These other certifications are minimal at best, cost two or three hundred dollars for a few weeks study and are simply a way of giving the down and out a way of getting a job and a way for the language learning industry to make a lot of money quick. They are a sad joke. How they ever became recognized as a preferred certification has to be found in the "good ole boy" system of corruption that the Chinese call guanxi. I've worked with many teachers with such minimal certification and they don't have a clue to what's really going on or why or how people best learn language. They are nothing more than facilitators passing on what they've been told and using methods with virtually no understanding about how real education has to take place.