25 May 2010
Life / Racism in Poland - the future [441]
Do you understand that the penalty for trying to save a jew was death, no questions asked? My father (who died a year ago at 89) saved many jews, and received a certificate from Yad Vashem. More Poles tried to save Jews than you will ever know.
On another note, my dad also told me that prior to the war Jews took advantage of Poland and the Polish people, and that most of them spoke funny and were filthy.
I agree sadden I feel sorry for you. I know Poles some did risk their lives eurola are you stupid Warsaw uprising partisans jewsih whom fought the germans is Poland telling you different where you tought different.
Do you understand that the penalty for trying to save a jew was death, no questions asked? My father (who died a year ago at 89) saved many jews, and received a certificate from Yad Vashem. More Poles tried to save Jews than you will ever know.
On another note, my dad also told me that prior to the war Jews took advantage of Poland and the Polish people, and that most of them spoke funny and were filthy.