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Rumor about racism - will I be fine in Poland as a black International student from Africa? [245]
Jarnowa, U're full of it..U're just a pile of crap! If u're a racist, then be it but dont ignorantly post your own sentiments on behalf of the whole Country.
Another lowlife that deliberately uses the r-word to try and stop anti-immigration opinions.
Sorry, you failed like the rest of your brothas.
I lived in Krakow for a year and the only racist fiasco i ever counted was when two pissed polish boys called me names!! It's fair to say this was 4 o'clock in the morning and It must have been one of those demonic moments that take over the Poles after countless rounds of vodka!! - B'se i didnt react to them, believe it or not; 5 minutes down the road, they were fighting each other.
You are naive if you think that something doesn't exist because you don't see it. I met more than enough Polish people who don't like blacks that come to Poland.
Allowing foreign students/businessmen into Poland is very beneficial to the Economy.
That's utter crap. Poland has millions of students and business men/women, they don't need the money of a few hundred of African students and workers. You make yourself ridiculous. Most 3rd world people in Poland can be missed like a toothache.
Jarnowa, the immigration thing is far much bigger than you. Poland needs it to sustain growth. Look at how many international corporate companies availing jobs to the poles.
Wake up man - Be civilised!!!
Most of these international companies are not founded in 3rd world, so again you are telling lies.