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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Berlin, Germany
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
18 Oct 2010
Genealogy / Polish DNA? Poles have the most genes in a group includes Balts, Macedonians and Greeks. [263]

We don't accept Ptolemy as a Greek.

Erm...he actually wasn't a Greek but a Roman with egyptian roots who wrote in Greek...
The Romans back than ruled cartography, having the whole roman Empire and stuff.

Ptolemy utilized mainly roman military intelligence....and that have been the best in the ancient times. :)

He was a confused Slav who got payed off by the Germanics to produce such a map. Can't say I don't admire the foresight!


Yeah...we were just to smart!

just stop denying it you as Germans have a talent of stilling and falsifying documents that how you ended up with part of Poland and now you try to rob someone else.

We and the roman egyptians actually.

But in the end we never avoid any work and costs to **** our polish neighbours off...our most favourite spare time hobby! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
18 Oct 2010
Genealogy / Polish DNA? Poles have the most genes in a group includes Balts, Macedonians and Greeks. [263]

whatever that is even worse you Germans just took someone work and claim or fabricate untruth conclusion, shame on you.

Yeah...that's why we claim "Ptolemy's map" as "German map" !

Oh Marek, you get more ridiculous by the guys get really desparate.
But that are only the beginning will get much worse...once the history books get
all their new stats and Ptolemy's map is mainstream knowledge...

Can't wait!
Bratwurst Boy   
18 Oct 2010
Genealogy / Polish DNA? Poles have the most genes in a group includes Balts, Macedonians and Greeks. [263]

I have no idea where you went to school please stop spreading your propaganda.
maybe you can tell us how many books you read about Polish or German history.

Well, one thing is for sure...your children will learn a slightly changed/more real european history than you did!
Ptolemy's map changes alot of statistics and facts....

BB stop showing German map in German as some kind of proof.

Ptolemy wasn't a German!

Hmmm, I just 'found' an old map in my overstuffed "Lazy Boy" chair. Must be about 2000 years old; shows that pro-Germans originated in Ethiopia but slowly worked their way north by hijacking Egyptian boats and paying off Gypsies to row them.

And they hated Slavs and pushed them around for millennia, ja?
Try to publish this map on a slavic forum, they will lap it up!;)
Bratwurst Boy   
18 Oct 2010
Genealogy / Polish DNA? Poles have the most genes in a group includes Balts, Macedonians and Greeks. [263]

The shapes here and there might be inaccurate but the river is clearly shown on the map.

Nach unserem derzeitigen Kenntnisstand wird eine entzerrte Karte mit einer Genauigkeit - bis auf die Außenregionen - von ca. 6' ~ 10 km für die Punktlage aller antiken Orte erwartet; deren moderne geographische Koordinaten werden in einer Datei aufgelistet (digitale Karte). Ergänzt werden zur besseren Übersicht die digitalen Karten durch einen "Entzerrter Ptolemaios-Atlas der Oikumene", in dem auf je zwei korrespondierenden Karten die Orte und Ortsnamen des Ptolemaios wie die ihnen entsprechenden modernen Städte/Ruinenstätten graphisch dargestellt werden.

Meaning they expect a straightened map with an accuracy of 6 to 10 km for all ancient settlements.

(The scientists worked 6 years on that map to straighten it out, to "hack the code"....if they just wanted to fool the Poles they wouldn't need so much time and hard work)

Bratwurst Boy   
18 Oct 2010
Genealogy / Polish DNA? Poles have the most genes in a group includes Balts, Macedonians and Greeks. [263]

This dubious map seems to prove that many ancients lumped slavs in with Germans.

Nothing dubios about it but a clear map...and he seems very able to differentiate between the Germanics and the Sarmatians! ;)

Wonder what a Warsaw based team would find?

I think they will get access to the map if they ask for's no secret!

The whole bruhaha just started...there will be alot written about this sensational findings in the coming years.
Many stats have to be rewritten in the history books...for example alot of german towns are 1000 years older than previously thought.

PS: Yeah...I can understand the need to deny these new findings by some slavic nationalists but hell...who cares!
As long as the mainstream history accepts this map and it's inclinations we all can live with your denial :)
Bratwurst Boy   
18 Oct 2010
Genealogy / Polish DNA? Poles have the most genes in a group includes Balts, Macedonians and Greeks. [263]

And that's why Ptolemy's map is so sensational and important.
These slavic settlement show the slavic "Drang nach Westen", not the german "Drang nach Osten", after all it has been the Germans who were pushed back to the west steadily for centuries now.

Everywhere where now Slavs settle settled once Germans.

The propaganda of the agressive Germans and the victimized Slavs is just a slavic myth!
Bratwurst Boy   
18 Oct 2010
Genealogy / Polish DNA? Poles have the most genes in a group includes Balts, Macedonians and Greeks. [263]

"estimated" being the key word! Your source being just another forum poster:

I created this map to give an idea of what Europe might have looked like genetically during the late Bronze Age or early Iron Age. scientifical...maybe I should go and make a funny map myself and post it!

PS: We are all mutts here in central Europe...and there is nothing wrong with being european mutts.
But still historical facts shouldn't be denied or falsified..germanic tribes were here first, period!
(okay...second...after the Celts)
Bratwurst Boy   
18 Oct 2010
Genealogy / Polish DNA? Poles have the most genes in a group includes Balts, Macedonians and Greeks. [263]

Sure...even Ptolemy worked for the German propaganda ministry already back in 200 AD....suuure!


Claudius Ptolemaeus (Greek: ῖ Klaúdios Ptolemaîos; c. AD 90 - c. 168), known in English as Ptolemy (pronounced /ˈtɒləmɪ/), was a Roman citizen of Egypt who wrote in Greek.[1]
He was a mathematician, astronomer, geographer, astrologer and a poet of a single epigram in the Greek Anthology[2][3]. He lived in Egypt under Roman rule, and is believed to have been born in the town of Ptolemais Hermiou in the Thebaid. He died in Alexandria around AD 168.[4]

An Roman with egyptian heritage...the poster model of an propagandist for Germans!!!
Bratwurst Boy   
18 Oct 2010
Genealogy / Polish DNA? Poles have the most genes in a group includes Balts, Macedonians and Greeks. [263]

Stop lying!
You people did ride on the "mean, agressive Germanics agains poor, sweet, innocent Slavs" myth for far to long already!

We have proof that Germanics settled first as far as 2000 years back in what is now Poland.
There is even a map about it. Look for Ptolemy's Magna Germania map as I advised you before.
Slavs invaded these lands not before the 6th century, half a millennia later.

It isn't that hard....,1518,720513,00.html

Magna Germania 2000 years back:

Slavs invading from the East...
Bratwurst Boy   
18 Oct 2010
Genealogy / Polish DNA? Poles have the most genes in a group includes Balts, Macedonians and Greeks. [263]

It isn't...the biggest red part shows a distribution of R1a of only 47%, meaning less than the half are (pure) slavic. Even ethnically cleansed Poland "only" get's 51%

The same with the germanic R1b, the percentuage differs but especially in central Europe we are incredible mixed! No wonder with our history :)
Bratwurst Boy   
18 Oct 2010
Genealogy / Polish DNA? Poles have the most genes in a group includes Balts, Macedonians and Greeks. [263]

All Germans are part of Slav as they took or occupied lands inhabited by Slavs they have mixed.

Nope Marek, Slavs were latecomers and invaded germanic lands.

Google the map of Ptolemy...germanic towns and settlements where now is Poland already 2000 years back.
The migration of Slavs into central Europe didn't start before the 6th century AD.

Google is your friend!

This is all in another thread. I feel sure that the OP is talking about Modern History.
Bratwurst Boy   
18 Oct 2010
Genealogy / Polish DNA? Poles have the most genes in a group includes Balts, Macedonians and Greeks. [263]

More than previously thought, that's for sure!

I really had for the longest time the impression that the Germans left during and after the war but instead even after the second big emigration wave during the 80's (Klose, Podolski) there still seem Germans left who are now openly admitting their heritage.

Really astounding!

But anything german was for so long shunned and a taboo that we will never really know how many of the true Poles are actually polonized Germans.
Bratwurst Boy   
16 Oct 2010

Well...since they have nukes the neighbours don't think about invading it for them it was a good bargain.
Bratwurst Boy   
12 Oct 2010

Think of it, soem ahckers could later disarm nukes by sitting infront of an laptop miles away...


That's why they need to update the NATO and it's strategies...adapting to the new kind of threats.
Bratwurst Boy   
12 Oct 2010

Germany is still voluntarily a part of the nuclear weapons sharing program.

They are discussing it at the NATO summit...some changes are going to happen (Cyber warfare etc)

....Calls by Germany and other European states for the strategic concept to prominently promote the elimination of nuclear weapons have placed those nations at odds with France, a nuclear-armed state that believes NATO involvement in nuclear matters could threaten French self-determination. "The Germans wanted the strategic concept to say that NATO commit to nuclear disarmament," one diplomat said.

Bratwurst Boy   
12 Oct 2010

There is a spat right now in the NATO about Nukes...Germany want them to go, France want them to stay.
Bratwurst Boy   
10 Oct 2010
History / How Poland views Europe [44]

Oh, not to forget, their evil has pure inferno quality. Never seen before.
Yes, we are stupid that it hurts, and we are ugly in a way that parents can scare their kids with Serbian appearance.


Oh come are not THAT bad!