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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Berlin, Germany
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Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

Yeah...and the Slavs had been so happy in this union, weren't they, what a great example for a slavic union!

But as long as the most ardent supporters are air heads and idiots like Borrka, Crow and Lodz..we will all have a good laugh :)
Bratwurst Boy   
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

You are trying desperately ... because you are insecure.

Just inserting a dose of reality and asking some hard questions!
You don't like it? You prefer your fantasies undisturbed by any hard facts???

Okaaay....please go on...I will leave you to yourself and your right hand! ;)
Bratwurst Boy   
25 Dec 2010
News / Sikorski doctrine - Eastern Europe under threat. Poland's foreign policy. [164]

But then you would have to drop the "slavic" in the union...

Its nothing against Russia, its just that if its a regional thing. Germany is right next to Poland where as Russia isn't, not withstanding Kalingrad.

I agree, but the point in these discussion is mainly the "slavic" part. And you can't really ignore the biggest slavic part in the world, Russia.
Bratwurst Boy   
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

We are a powerful group ... we just need to think intelligently and wisely. We can win and win big.

How about you starting to think at least for once?

No...wait...better dream on...rumble on with your funny lofty statements. The world is perfectly safe! :):):)



Erm...there are slavic countries right now in an alliance with Germany, you know?

To much eggnogg this morning already Lodz? :):):)
Bratwurst Boy   
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

Yes, Serbia is standing in the queue, waiting for admission, as is their once-enemy Croatia! :)


Lodz and Crowie are so far removed from the reality it could be funny...
Bratwurst Boy   
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

Although you will always have critics, I think Poland in the EU working with its neighboring nations like Germany is a good thing for Poland and its neighbors.

I agree, we have a really good thing going right now, a peaceful and prosperous future, and hence my lacking patience for dangerous air heads like Lodz or Crow!

I was just wondering about the possibility of just a combined German and Slavic nation regional force.

Why not?
As long as it's included in the broader framework and nobody feels threatened by it...
Bratwurst Boy   
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335] is that for a fairytale? Is it your wishful thinking again?

I like Ruskies and I'm pretty sure under Polish boot they are able to develop some kind of culture and civilization.


You Slavs really rule...the world of imagination and dreams! You will NEVER build something worthwile for real!

But since Germany today seems to have decent relations with Slavic nations in general, dare I imagine what a German-Slavic nation alliance can be like?

Poland is part of one actually right now, it's called the EU!
Be committed and make it better and you might be onto something....

A "slavic union" needs an enemy to work, that would be either Russia or the non-slavic EU (or both). That would mean war in the end. And with it would come destruction.
Bratwurst Boy   
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

U've had your chance ... now we will SURELY WORK for ours. =)


As it looks it seems the Slavs prefer the germanic EU to a union of their own! ;)
With even more standing in the queue and wanting in.

Maybe the majority of the Slavs prefers brain to your and Crows "heart"...
Bratwurst Boy   
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

These are the values on which a progressive union of Slavs can stand ..

No, it can't, sorry!

Go on spouting your slavic lofty all won't help you one yota in the real world, with real people and their real problems. The world is safe! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

Its called a joint leadership ... a bench of elected leaders from each of our states.

And in reality???


Why do you think you being a German or he being a Greek will know the Slavic mind better than a Slav? ... No offence but, dont you think you should concentrate on your germ union?


PS: We ARE concentrating on our union Lodz...the EU is our Mitteleuropa + some extras! ;)

Ignorant =) ... we have capacity and capability, more importantly what many others visibly dont have = HEART! =)

I never disputed that one, Lodz.
Point is a working union doesn't need only heart but hard, determined, relentless, gritty ground work.
Heart is for dreamers!

And your Russia-problem isn't going either accept Russia as the biggest dominating factor in your union or you accept them as your main enemy bend on your destruction.

What is your heart saying about that problem Lodz?
Bratwurst Boy   
25 Dec 2010

MAZUR: Masurian/Mazurian; an inhabitant of northern Poland's Mazury region known for its lakes and forests. For centuries it had been part of German East Prussia.

Kurt Masur (born 18 July 1927) is a German conductor, particularly noted for his interpretation of German Romantic music.

Bratwurst Boy   
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

And why do you think that only Poles will lead?

Because I can't see Poland agreeing to a union where Russians or Serbs or Slovaks or any other non-Pole will lead over them.


You Slavs are worse than western or central Europeans regarding a union and working together and accept leaderships. (Southern has a point here)

If the building of the EU would had depended on Slavs we still would be stuck in the discussions about the How To...


If it makes the Russians over-joyed ... then I guess everyone is free. It doesn't concern us then =).

Your disregard of the biggest and most influential slavic country speaks volumes about your dreamy unrealistic view of such a union. Do you really think that Russia would allow the building of such a union without them having a big say in it? They would feel threatened by it and do everything to destroy it.

It would put Slav against Slav.

Slavs always ruled the dreamworld, instead of the reality - that's your problem!
Bratwurst Boy   
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

No slavic union without Russia and I can't see Russia being led by Poles or will be the dominating force and that will be always a NoNo with many other slavic peoples - so I give it not a real chance, sorry!

It would be like a germanic union without the Germans! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
12 Dec 2010
Law / Zloty lifts Poland's Economy [43]

Ireland got screwed big time

By whom Milky? Why do you leave that little detail out???

Background and causes

The Irish economy expanded rapidly during the Celtic Tiger years (1995-2007) due to being one of the most economically free countries in the world, having an unusually low corporate tax rate, and low ECB interest rates, among other factors. This led to an expansion of credit and included a property bubble which petered out in 2007.Irish banks, already over-exposed to the Irish property market, came under severe pressure in September 2008 due to the global financial crisis of 2007-2010.


NOT Europes or the Euro's fault....but we are bailing you out now!
Bratwurst Boy   
8 Dec 2010
News / Sikorski doctrine - Eastern Europe under threat. Poland's foreign policy. [164]

Got lost? More like - was cut off by a certain neighbour of theirs :)

Nah...Poland still have theirs. ;)
It's more a spiritual thingie...

Yip! Civilization ended when cavalry disappeared from battlefields, that's what
I always say.

*nods heartily*
Torqi my friend...we live in the wrong age...without horses and helmets...:(
Bratwurst Boy   
8 Dec 2010
News / Sikorski doctrine - Eastern Europe under threat. Poland's foreign policy. [164]

France has atomic weapons and is not conducting isolationist policies.

HEY! It was YOU dreaming of an isolationist Poland!!!

Nukes won't help you in either way...they are useless. France needs them only as an Ersatz-dick as their real dick got lost somewhere in the fourties.

But we are still real men with helmets! Right?

*like - you better stop stealing our centre forwards or it's bye, bye Hamburg... for a start ;)*

Oh you are sooo mean! *pouts*
Bratwurst Boy   
8 Dec 2010
News / Sikorski doctrine - Eastern Europe under threat. Poland's foreign policy. [164]

OK - so, we'll get them just in case. Good that we agreed on that! :)

It isn't the defense potiential that might get people (Russians in that case) nervous.
Who is to say Poles won't use them as a tool if they see it fit?


OK - so we don't build a wall. Good that we agreed on that!

The isolationist will have to in the end, to keep the people in the's not your decision.
Bratwurst Boy   
8 Dec 2010
News / Sikorski doctrine - Eastern Europe under threat. Poland's foreign policy. [164]

You joker you! :)

You need an industrial economy and trade for becoming don't get that from peasants exchanging grain and livestock.
You need research and inventions for development so you need to keep up with foreign bright heads. You need contacts and agreements with your neighbours for your safety..etc.etc.etc.

An isolationist Poland would impoverish very quickly and people would try to leave for better shores.
But to keep things working you need their labor, you need a wall to stop them from leaving!
Your nukes would be so useless...
Bratwurst Boy   
8 Dec 2010
News / Sikorski doctrine - Eastern Europe under threat. Poland's foreign policy. [164]

Worst case scenario:

No, you wouldn't! You would need a wall to alone for keeping people from running away...

I doubt they would even sulk as it does absolutely not matter if you have any or not! They won't be used in any case. Even in the case of a conventional war.
Bratwurst Boy   
8 Dec 2010
News / Sikorski doctrine - Eastern Europe under threat. Poland's foreign policy. [164]

More Wikileaks cables about Poland and the East (Baltics)

The plan entails grouping the Baltic states with Poland in a new regional defence scheme that has been worked on in recent months and is codenamed Eagle Guardian.

"Ambassador Daalder acknowledged in these meetings that Germany had initiated the proposal," says another secret cable .The east Europeans were delighted. Paul Teesalu, a senior Estonian diplomat, described the policy shift as "an early Christmas present" when told last December in Tallinn, according to a cable.
