The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by wildrover  

Joined: 7 Jun 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 30 Nov 2014
Threads: Total: 98 / Live: 48 / Archived: 50
Posts: Total: 4,436 / Live: 2,758 / Archived: 1,678
From: plocie ..Zachodniopomorskie Poland
Speaks Polish?: very little
Interests: riding harleys..driving off beer..

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16 Jul 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

The Scottish Government is actively trying to attract immigrants.

Thats cos all the dam Jocks have got over Hadrians wall and invaded England...Only kidding mate , my ex girlfriend and closest friend now is Scottish , we used to tease each other all the time about the Scots and English , she reckoned she used to throw all her rubbish out of the coach window just before it crossed the border into Jockland...She was born in Cape wrath , you can,t get more of a highlander than that....
15 Jul 2008
Travel / Driving to Poland from England - any tips? [264]

Assuming you get to Rotterdam or wherever about 8am you will be Drawsko pomorskie area about 7 pm , this is driving at a reasonable speed , not hanging about , but not going loopy....I am guessing you will be in Olsztyn around all depends on so many things , but maybe this gives you some idea....I have driven UK to Poland many times , and UK to Moscow a few times using all types of transport from old Landrovers , fast BMW,s and a Harley motorcycle....
11 Jul 2008
Love / My boyfriend is on a Polish dating site [158]

I have heard this story before , and the ending is always the same....You need to get rid of this guy and move on...You will never be able to trust him , and he will move on to somebody else as soon as he finds another girl who can buy him an even better car...He is just a user , and the only pleasure you are going to get from him moving on is to know that he is going to do the same thing with the next sucker....Give him up , and find somebody you can trust with your heart , and your of luck to you....
10 Jul 2008
Love / My boyfriend is on a Polish dating site [158]

if I weren't already spoken for I'd move to Poland just to meet you

Dam....looks like i missed the boat again...


I would too but my horse might get jealous

and yet again....where were you two when i was all alone......your horse can come too actually...i have a stable.....come to think of it...we could have a stable relationship in there......
10 Jul 2008
Love / My boyfriend is on a Polish dating site [158]

In defence of men...Pehaps most men would cheat if they could get away with it , but not all i can assure you...When i was a racing driver i had many pretty girls hanging around in the hope that they could get to tell their friends that they slept with a champion , many of my friends accepted their offers , but i can say in all honesty that i never did...I had a girlfriend that i loved , and there was no way i was going to be dishonest to her...besides , i didn,t find it flattering that some girl wanted to sleep with me because i was a well known driver with a bit of money......I was proud that i was not so shallow as my friends and remained faithfull untill she left me after a bad crash in which a guy was killed....i refused to stop racing...she walked.....looking back i don,t blame her for that...but she knows , even now that i was never untrue to may be normal for guys to play around , but its not right , and should not be accepted by any girl....
10 Jul 2008
Love / My boyfriend is on a Polish dating site [158]

he does have a history of cheating

I wish you luck...i really do...but i doubt he can change , even if he wants to.....I hope it does work out for you....
29 Jun 2008
Travel / Motorcycle tour of Poland [137]

helping a guy out

I do my best....lots of peeps have helped me here in Poland...i try to return the favour....As for organising bike tours...its on the cards ....My plan is ultimatly to have a bunch of Harley,s and take people on organised tours of the pretty parts of Poland...and beyond....
29 Jun 2008
Travel / Motorcycle tour of Poland [137]

Hey rover, have you seen the date on the start of the thread mate ..but i have now.......ooooppppssssss
29 Jun 2008
Travel / Motorcycle tour of Poland [137]

Hi...I am an English biker living in Poland.....Send me a private message , with your email address....I will help you all i can....I love riding in Poland , and yes you do need to be a bit carefull , but its not as dangerous as some people think.....The last long ride i took was from Poland to they do have some really bad roads.....ride safe.....
28 Jun 2008
Love / My boyfriend is on a Polish dating site [158]

I am sure that I may forgive him and try to forget about this.

I hope it works out for you....but somehow i don,t think so....good luck....
28 Jun 2008
Love / My boyfriend is on a Polish dating site [158]

I paid for the car and have the receipt to prove it,

Then legally the car is yours....hang on to that are going to need it.....What it says on the log book is not important...its your car....
28 Jun 2008
Love / My boyfriend is on a Polish dating site [158]

I guess that means I cant repossess it.

I don,t know about Poland , but in UK the name on the log book don,t mean a thing...its just the registered keeper , not always the owner....If you paid for it girl , it could be said its yours....get a
28 Jun 2008
Love / My boyfriend is on a Polish dating site [158]

Apart from that he owes me other money too

He sounds like a real con man.....cut your losses girl....get out of there.....
28 Jun 2008
Love / My boyfriend is on a Polish dating site [158]

I dont want to leave him unless I am 100% sure

Nobody likes to believe that somebody they care for is doing the dirty on them....but sorry to say..this guy is not to be trusted....He is up to something girl , and if he,s not telling you about it , there is something very wrong with your relationship.....Of course he is going to tell you not to be silly....well i am telling you not to be silly , he is up to something , and you know it.....
28 Jun 2008
Love / My boyfriend is on a Polish dating site [158]

I know in my heart it is wrong

When your head tells you its wrong also...then you will know what to do....Sorry , but i think you have a guy you can,t trust.....only a matter of time till he finds some sex and romance with some girl......
28 Jun 2008
Travel / Driving to Poland from England - any tips? [264]

Are you mad...? thats what people said to me before i did such a trip....its a long hard road mate....but if you want to stop over in Poland you can drop by my place...I can tell you all about driving from UK to Belarus...did it twice.....My back still hurts....
24 Jun 2008
Genealogy / What are common Polish character traits? [417]

It doesn't matter if you have the Guinness world record, a Pole will always say he can drink more than you.

I bet they couldn,t drink more Guiness tho...
22 Jun 2008
Travel / Collection of dress codes in Poland - what to wear? [95]

your mentality ... is outdated

This is just the impression i get from Polish friends....its not what i think.....The young people i used to teach seem to think anything British or American must be fantastic...they cant understand why i want to live here , but to put you right..i love Poland , and many things Polish....
22 Jun 2008
Travel / Collection of dress codes in Poland - what to wear? [95]

I am sure you will look lovely....I shouldn,t worry too much about looking too different from the Polish women....Whatever you wear you will probably inspire all the Polish women to copy it , as Anything British has got to be great....As a male i do notice that Polish fashion is a bit different to English...Why not have a look at some of the Polish fashion websites , see what sort of stuff Polish women like to wear.....