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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Berlin, Germany
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
16 Feb 2011
History / Was Daniel Fahrenheit a Pole? [138]

But my family felt disgust over the Nazi's and their "lackeys" so they didn't think they really were Germans... They felt more Polish then German in that sort of sense

Aren't you mixing things up? Political resistance and ethnicity???

But sorry for mixing up Denmark with Norway...normally I point only up north.... ;)
Bratwurst Boy   
16 Feb 2011
History / Was Daniel Fahrenheit a Pole? [138]

If I could have my way, I would like to see today's Jews, Poles and Germans stick together as much as possible, despite past frictions.


Inspite all regular b*itching our relationships had never been so good as today!
*handshake* :)
Bratwurst Boy   
16 Feb 2011
History / Was Daniel Fahrenheit a Pole? [138]

Afterall I found out that I have some Jewish ancestry in me.

A typical cool central european mix....polish, german, jewish!

Congrats MW! :)

Some of the greatest heads in history had been of that mixture! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
16 Feb 2011
History / Was Daniel Fahrenheit a Pole? [138]

Ditto! ;)

Afterall, they had German names, spoke German, and have lived in German cities.

*runs very fast*

It's a well known German craze - using all possible definitions of ethnicity in order to prove Europeans are Germans !

Well...seems more like a polish hobby to take a random famous and search for anything polish...I don't know anything comparable to these threads: "Is (insert a famous name) polish?" from german talk boards!

Germans really have no need for that...we have famous people in abundance. We don't stay for falsifying don't do the Poles!
Bratwurst Boy   
16 Feb 2011
History / Was Daniel Fahrenheit a Pole? [138]

He belongs to the world.


Jesus Christ, I said basically everyone did see themselves as Poles,

What makes you think so?

It's a same like I'm against calling concentration camps Polish.


The german concentration camps on polish territory they don't want to have..oh how they protest...but other Germans on polish territory they claim as Poles..oh how they fight!

Get a grip people...what is it?

Fahrenheit was born in 1686 in Danzig (Gdańsk), the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, but lived most of his life in the Dutch Republic. The Fahrenheits were a German Hanse merchant family who had lived in several Hanseatic cities.

Danzig was a Hanse town....also Kopernikus father was working for the Hanse...the Hanse was german.

Nicolaus was named after his father, who appears in records for the first time as a well-to-do Catholic merchant who dealt in copper, selling it mostly in Danzig (Gdańsk).[7][8]

...The Teutonic Knights built a castle in the vicinity of the Polish settlement in the years 1230-31. On 28 December 1233, the Teutonic Knights Hermann von Salza and Hermann Balk signed[3] the foundation charters for Thorn and Chełmno.

There was much german in what is Poland these days...doesn't make it polish!
See concentration camps...right? Riiiiight!

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO German would EVER want to be POLISH!!!

....and the other way around...

Most people wouldn't want to exchange their heritage like a hat! Nothing especially polish or german about it!
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Feb 2011
Life / Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish? [370]

As for the education - it's not good. There are some cases where the education is approaching "good" on a European level, but on the whole, the system is dire

Well...I'm not sure about that one...,Polish_students_skilled_above_European_average,id,454279.htm

According to latest PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) research, students attending Polish schools have better learning results than their European peers.

Bratwurst Boy   
13 Feb 2011
Life / Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish? [370]

I don't believe contemporaries can really have a good say about any country's greatness or excellence...they don't have the whole picture!

That to determine is a matter of historians.
They write about a countries "golden ages" or low points from a view several hundred years on...having a much bigger, much broader, complete viewpoint.

Only they know which of the contemporary artists, inventors, politicians etc. really will make a lasting impression.

We ourselves can't do that! It's like staying to near to a huge only see some pieces at once...
But you need to stay back to get the whole image.

But still you can compare some broad cornerstones Poland living free and in peace? Is it's economy, it's society developing? Is it's clout in Europe growing peacefully?

How does that compare to it's past? Worse? Better?
Bratwurst Boy   
12 Feb 2011
Life / Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish? [370]

I for one as dismayed that such a relatively big country as Poland trails behind Latvia, Romania, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and Denmark in terms of inventions.

According to this statistic Mongolia is better than even Germany....

So... ;)
Bratwurst Boy   
12 Feb 2011
Life / Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish? [370] cats and dogs for me....I would end up cuddling them instead of eating them!

BTW, anyone interested might do well to check out the number of patents by country. It will be eye-opening.

You mean this one?

Btw...half of the US-patents are german anyhow... :)

Bratwurst Boy   
12 Feb 2011
Life / Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish? [370]

It's a crying shame about the shipyards and Cegielski, FSO and Ursus. When I was there 12 or 15 years ago, it was heart-breaking to see the buildings of the once flourishing tractor-maker boarded up and the grounds strewn with rubble and rusting machinery and overgrown with weeds. Was there really no way of saving it?

As the communist regimes were totally broke and all this "flourishing" had been on the backs of the freedoms of the hadn't.

Nobody said growing up, facing reality and rebuilding your country on firm, serious footing is easy.

Poland is on a good way, your constant overhyping of a skewed image of a long gone past blinds you for the already achieved real progress and for a real bright, proud future.

As a real patriot you should always have the best for your people in mind...not some unrealistic image of it!
Bratwurst Boy   
11 Feb 2011
Life / Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish? [370]

You must have studied history from books made in the Third Reich


I have learned about Polands glory past from Poles at this board!
I doubt they needed Nazi-school books for that...
Bratwurst Boy   
11 Feb 2011
Life / Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish? [370]

More a missed opportunity or a lack of ambition. Poland had neither.

As far as I gathered did Poland had it's time in the sun once too...during the commonwealth? No?
Poland had been quite big in Europe back then...
Bratwurst Boy   
11 Feb 2011
Life / Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish? [370]

What's the point?

Not far back in time it was a great source of pride to actually have an empire!
The Brits still harp back to those good 'ol times...And Germany too was once a good deal
larger, so was Spain, France and yes, Poland were the times, either you feasted on your neighbours (and other continents) or they did feast on you.

Never having gained more land through war ever is...what actually? An admission of being a weakling always??? ;)

Religion on the other hand is for sure no source of pride...but then...I'm a heathen! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
6 Feb 2011
Travel / How to go to Frankfurt from Poland? [16]

"Frankfurt" means something like free crossing over the river (a frank furt) there are quadrillions of "Frankfurts" at the many rivers!

But generally the talked about are the one (huge) in the West at the river Main and the (not so huge) in the East at the river Oder near Poland....
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Jan 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish and Irish people are related? [137]

i think that they are related (dna?) as both love:

Erm....don't mix up genetics and culture ;)


...The frequency of Y-DNA haplogroup R1b (the most common haplogroup in Europe) is highest in the populations of Atlantic Europe and, due to European emigration, in North America, South America, and Australia.
R1b is the most frequent haplogroup in Germany, and is common in southern Scandinavia and in Italy.


Polish people show the characteristic R1a genes of a common Paleolithic male ancestorship at a frequency of 55.9-56.4%. This lineage includes haplotype Eu19 distinguished by M17 lineage. Its frequency increases eastward from south-western France and reaches a maximum in Poland, Hungary, and west Ukraine

Bratwurst Boy   
31 Dec 2010
News / Sikorski doctrine - Eastern Europe under threat. Poland's foreign policy. [164]

Take it easy on yourself Nathan.

Yeah...take it easy Nate!
You did put up a good fight the whole year on admiration for that! :)

Have a good holiday and new years eve and come back soon! ;)

Democracy seems now to be nothing but authoritarian rule in disguise.

The difference might be you can show this "authoritarian" the finger when you are displeased...after 4 years usually the latest.

In this regard there is no better alternative....
Bratwurst Boy   
30 Dec 2010
News / Sikorski doctrine - Eastern Europe under threat. Poland's foreign policy. [164]

But you see, they (US and EU) have the power to squeeze you if you get out of line.


What could the US and the EU do when Ukraine wants to deal with Iran?
Germany alone has big business with Iran and we get the regular ear full from our "friends" the Israelis for that.


Germany, in fact, does more business with Iran than any other European country, with annual German-Iranian trade volume estimated to be about 5 billion euros ($7.1 billion).

At least 1,700 German companies are active in Iran, including household names like Siemens and BASF which have been in the country for decades. Some 75 percent of all small and mid-size companies in Iran are outfitted with German technology.

It's about highly sensitive technology which can be used as WMD's for bad purposes by bad regimes. That should be in all interests.

And I don't think the Ukraine has big stuff to sell in that where does your frustration come from Nate? You can do business with whom you want and you don't even produce the kind

of stuff which is actually what?

When did you spring onto the "bad West" - band waggon Nathan? That is for lazy thinkers!

PS: That one...

But you see, they (US and EU) have the power to squeeze you if you get out of line. They explain this by making up boogie stories about Iranians. conspiratorial theory 101 for nutters in prime form!
Bratwurst Boy   
29 Dec 2010
News / Sikorski doctrine - Eastern Europe under threat. Poland's foreign policy. [164]

I don't know anything and you don't have to ridicule me with "the Wise".

Sorry Nate but I met to many believers in back door machinations/conspirational theories who know "the truth" compared to us "gullible" idiot normal folks....I hoped you wouldn't be one of them.
Bratwurst Boy   
29 Dec 2010
News / Sikorski doctrine - Eastern Europe under threat. Poland's foreign policy. [164]

Erm...did we talk about Belorussia??? That's new to me...

That would only mean that in comparison to Russia, Iranians have at least a bit freedom in their media.


ONE??? Oh come on. You had thousands of nuts and beasts. Was there only Hitler to show off? Lebensraum alone had an army of nuts behind it.

ROFL...low steeping Ukrainian...go play with the Poles that game.
Our nutters were even in an alliance with your nutters to give your people some "Lebensraum"...

;) Yeh, according to what history, BB?

So in your world Khomeini was an american plant and ally, yes? Heh:)

Somehow it didn't secure Europe at the end of the 30s.

There had been embargos???
It wasn't even tried to not hinder the appeasement policy!

Well, France does to Russia and as I recall France is part of the EU. The same pertains to Germany

Yeah...France and Germany are in the EU!

And there will be always criminals trying to undergo the state policy...they are not safe and have to pay when they get caught.

And then the rest are fed who is good and who is bad.

Well...not really YOU, Nathan the Wise, already know the truth about all and everything and who is good and bad!

EU-brainwashing really sucks!
Bratwurst Boy   
29 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

Polish forums is not a representative of Poles, and I don't think the majority would think exactly like you. Neither in Germany nor in Poland.

Well Poland voted in their majority for the EU, didn't they? Why do you think they did so?
When the majority wants out of the EU why do you think Tusk was voted into government???

There is no real anti-EU movement in Poland successfull right now, isn't there..

I think most Poles know full well what they have and where their future lies...hence their lacking enthusiasm for any "slavic"-thingie! ;)

I hope I could clarify myself.

Well...instead of trying to develop the wheel again take that what is already there and working and go from there.

Much better chance of success!
Bratwurst Boy   
29 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

BB, this was demeaning. We are not such loosers that without EU we could never have progressed.

Well...the majority thinks otherwise.

All I am trying to say is that there are some more powerful countries in Europe which try to dominate the EU.

And these games won't be played in a slavic union? Don't kid yourself...
I for sure want to have a say in something I got to pay for!

The EU is not from stone but from us, it's can influence it, you know? Why don't you put your energy into something useful for once and try to work the parliament in Brussel for

That has for sure a much better chance of success!
Bratwurst Boy   
29 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

But EU is not a fare club is it? ... Think of it for a moment keeping your German Helmet down. Is it exactly fare?

"fare"? Do you mean fair?

Take Poland for it fair to profit massively from the EU-feeding through? To be able to travel freely across Europe, working?
Do you think it's fair for the PIIGS being able to hold on the EU to get help in the billions?

Most of it financed by the german helmets!

What exactly is not fair?

. Plus, I personal (please note) feel that EU is a possibility but the future lays in a more united group of countries with much more equality.

Why do you think the EU puts so much money and investments into the poor newbies?
Of course to bring them up to standards...democratically and economically.

Who will pay the bill in your slavic union???

Someplace where USA, Canada, South African, Australia, NZ, India, China and Japan can also come in as a member.

Well...that is hardly a "slavic union" anymore, isn't it! Changed your mind already Lodz?

But he is just hurt. He can be changed right? ... Why turn away from your own brothers just because they have turned their back on prosperity through friendship for the time being?

It's YOUR brother...your problem!
Bratwurst Boy   
29 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

Being enemies with people for petty reasons is not my intention, with Slavic Union or anything similar I would expect a club of progressive people ... who can be members in another club with Germans and Turks aswell.

You can do that much more easily inside the EU...the framework is already there with more slavic countries queuing up to become members.
It's only natural when neighbours with shared interests work together...THAT is the future.

But a "slavic union" build on ethnic heritage is not only racist but won't have a mouse snots chance in most Slavs are not even interested.

You will find only supporters with "Slavija"-nutters like Crowie...who really don't have progressivity, friendship or peace in mind (as you very well know).
Bratwurst Boy   
29 Dec 2010
News / Sikorski doctrine - Eastern Europe under threat. Poland's foreign policy. [164]

And who those oppressor of Iranians that Ukrainians are friends of, BB?

You are wishing for such a friendly future, weren't you?

When, on the other hand, there is a demonstration for democracy in Russia and people are beaten like cattle in the Red Square, you are happy to deal with areligious, amoral nutters with nukes. Double standards? Absolutely.

Nope, Putin get's alot of **** from the west, just recently because of his cruel game with this Chodorkowski guy...

Also there are regular votings in Russia...when a majority of Russians is actually quite happy with Putin and how he rules what can the West do? You know about his high approval rates in Russia, don't you...When 3/4 of the country agree with their gov...

Medvedev's approval rating has grown 3 percent since September to 76, while Putin's remains at 77, according to a survey...

Compare that to Iran!

but dictatorship in Iran came from the way Americans

Oh crap...stop blaming everything on the Amis again, that is so lazy thinking!
The religious revolution was an inner iranian thing and they paid for that for years now...

Recall Germany and what it became when it was pressed against the wall by Versaille - you had more nutters than the history of Europe in all times.

Huh? We had ONE! Every important country with ambitions has at least one nutter to show off..

And embargos against hostile, agressive, non-democratic countries is mostly a way to secure your own countries.
Germany for example doesn't sell military high-tech to China...atomar technology to help Iran's dictator to build nukes to threaten us in the end would be not so smart either.

Also Russia is not privy to sensitive technologies...if it interests you.