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Posts by Crow  

Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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6 Feb 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

I`m not surprised that Israel complaints. Their problem I can understand. Whole topic, anything regard their truly enormous casualties during WWII, is `per se` taboo. Still, they should understand Polish stance, too. Poles also suffered in WWII themselves and for sure they don`t need to be stigmatized for something what they didn`t invent.

But that Germany complaints is worse then abominable.
6 Feb 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

I was in my car some few hour ago when I heard on radio that president Duda confirmed his readiness to sign law that forbidding use of term 'Polish death camps', while Israel and Germany complaints.

Let me tell you how I feel. I am proud. Proud to be Slavic, to be able to share ancestry with noble Polish people. Nobody have to think how is easy to humiliate and molest Slavs. That is Duda`s message.

Go Poland!
5 Feb 2018
UK, Ireland / Why are Polish people, especially women, so disrespectful toward the English? [437]

At a time when western Europeans used hands and fingers to eat (as it nicely states in medieval chronicles), Poles had `sarmatism` as cultural movement of ultimate equality, democracy and multiculturalism. Yugoslavia existed on same principle with just one Serbian addition even as constitutional amendment and that was - `Even if slave come on land of Serbs (Slavs), he is slave no more.` Still, Anglo-Franco-Germanic coalition in deal with Islamic league ruined Yugoslavia. See, they now dare to patronize Poles.

Point is, if pushed, Poles defend themselves. They are old people and have ways and tradition to organize themselves. Sure, in their realm, Poles are those who define cultural frame and societal rules. If let alone, they could be perfect example for rest of the world.
4 Feb 2018
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]

Order in Europe and world is destroyed by western European criminals and their Clinton`s USA partners but they mistaken, for in this chaos in Europe we Slavs are strongest. Germany took part in destruction of world order, in destruction of Yugoslavia. Now, Germany populate non-Europeans in Europe, on the land of ancients.

We Slavs are strong enough to protect ourselves from German insanity. And we will save whatever can be saved and that include Lusatia.

Save Lusatia from Germany! Protect fatherland!

No more house of slavery!

Lusatians are a minority in every city in German Lusatia right, and the number of children who learn their language is declining rapidly

We know what was Slavic in the past. We will reclaim it. All shall learn their Slavic languages again.

This is cure for the soul to every true Sarmatian - simple MUST SEE, truly, video of lifetime

Price of freedom - Serbia in World War One

Comment of Serbian commander from the video (all based on true events): If you are out of ammo and enemy still advancing, use your bayonets! When bayonet is broken, use your hands! When they brake your hands use your teeth! When they shoot you down, fall across their path! Let them trip over you! F*** them even in your death!

Glory to ancestors!
4 Feb 2018
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]

Lusatians listen to me, my most venerable brothers and sisters! Sooner or later, your last stand would be rewarded by the arrival of great reinforcements! Feel no fear! You are not alone! You shall be free from Germanic yoke! Let them rot with their insane Germanic choices but, you brothers, you go with us!

Independence for Lusatia!

National Anthem of Lusatia - Rjana Łužica
4 Feb 2018
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]

Celts were Scythians (ie branch of Sarmatians). As for Irish, they sure, as population on island can`t differ from population on the continent. Its impossible. Those were foreign influences and great distances and isolation of back then time what made Irish developed their own specific culture. Still, that don`t negate their origin.

It don`t depend on you and me and, on that what we say here or anywhere else. Science is science. You falsify science, you deny development of science and work against progress. Its just simple as that. That is why truth must win. One day.

Come off it, Crow!

You asked. I have nothing to add on that, anymore.
4 Feb 2018
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]

Impossible. Even theoretically impossible. No matter how romantic it may sound to some. No matter how some may wish for it. Scientific truth is final absolute.

See, Germans and Germanics in general, same as Romano-Brits, English, French, Hungarians, etc, etc represent ethoses formed out of cultural movement that was result of inter-cultural exchanges. It all happened within Sarmatian world (and sometimes stimulated by contacts with non-Europeans). Those are quite sold facts. No space for any denial of it.

We have evidences how Ice age advanced across Europe. We have evidences how human and animal populations retreated due to glaciation. We have evidences of Ice age refugiums. Then we have evidences of retreat of ice and slow advance of population and animals and new resettling of Europe along the rivers network. Its all pretty logical and had its natural laws. Then, we know how Romans drawn their borders from within Sarmatian realm. Sarmatians were inside and outside of Roman borders. Influences, cultural exchanges. Simple, all what is White in Europe is of Sarmatian (ie Slavic) origin. In origin and well, they sure have right to be whatever they want to be now or in future.
3 Feb 2018
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]

Now, when you know. Please, next time you are there, go in Church there, whatever Church, and give one prayer for general Pavle, presumably, you are Polish or any Slavic soul. Man contributed to independence of Poland, too. To liberation of all Slavs within A-H and Ottoman Empire.

Also, he was one of ever greatest, untold and not openly mentioned, military genius. Its a rare talent and luck for one general commander to take part in crucial battles that led to crumbling of two empires. General Pavle by his military virtue helped in putting down Ottoman Turkish and Austro-Hungarian Empires. True, true genuine commander of all times. And great Sarmatian. May he rest in peace.
3 Feb 2018
UK, Ireland / Polish and East European prostitutes in the UK [240]

Here is what I said in post 222, above >

English, as great receivers, are very popular in certain circles in Serbia.

See? I nicely said, ``certain circles``.

Also, why you connecting it solely with bisex or speak solely from male perspective? You talk like a sexist, man. Are you sexists? Is that even it? See, there are English female and male prostitutes, plus English freaks, whatever that may mean, to put cross on myself.
3 Feb 2018
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]

Alright, Görlitz is at the moment located in German state of Saxony. But, even in its German form word `Görlitz` is of Slavic origin. Polish: Zgorzelec, Upper Sorbian: Zhorjelc, Lower Sorbian: Zgórjelc, Czech: Zhořelec.

General Pavle himself used to say that he was born in `Gerlic` (not in Görlitz) and also used Polish form of word `Zgorzelec`.

General Pavle was in pain that Lusatia still suffer German yoke. So he loved everything Serbian, no matter northern- Lusatian or southern- Balkan. And he served Serbdom and Slavdom well.
3 Feb 2018
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]

Scratch the surface and you realize how are Germans in fact Slavs. Fortunately, some of them are aware of it.

Some of them, like General Pavle, Lusatian Serb from Zgorzelec, always were aware of it.
3 Feb 2018
UK, Ireland / Polish and East European prostitutes in the UK [240]

Oh, God forbid. Forget it man. Its nothing. You could found much more delicious things about Serbians in western European media. Much much more delicious anti-Serbian war propaganda.

These days I read many things about Poland in same those or some other mass media. But why would I care. Yesterday Serbs were target, today Poles. I suppose, its boring only to demonize Russian and now turn coming for rest of us Slavs. Tomorrow would be somebody else. Well, we all have our cross.

But, I thought we were talking about English prostitutes.
3 Feb 2018
UK, Ireland / Polish and East European prostitutes in the UK [240]

Me revealing a lot? No, I merely witnessing reality without taking part in events. If somebody wants to f*** English, well, I don`t care. I`m not the judge on others peoples choices. English are available, females, males, in between, whatever. Market is huge and they are very inventive people. Let us presume that you want a female with three tits. Ultimately that`s not problem. Just go seek for English.
3 Feb 2018
UK, Ireland / Polish and East European prostitutes in the UK [240]

English, as great receivers, are very popular in certain circles in Serbia.

Some say hole is a hole. What to tell you, man. You see that world went crazy. Many people jumping and don`t ask. Every now and then you can see how somebody falling on knees and want to suck something.
3 Feb 2018
UK, Ireland / Polish and East European prostitutes in the UK [240]

Why not. He also can found his role there. Tony may pass as prostitute. All English can, no matter female or male. After all, principle is the same, all the rest are shades ;)
2 Feb 2018
UK, Ireland / Polish and East European prostitutes in the UK [240]

English are exotic, deep worldwide experience. I think that`s the secret. Plus, novelty.

Serbian women? Too busy 'working hard' in Italy?

Lucky Italians.
1 Feb 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

Neither Jews were perfect to Slavs, neither Slavs were perfect to Jews. Still, its glad to me that we Slavs have absolutely nothing with such a sick ideology that is Nazism and ideas about `final solution` (no matter that some Slavs more or less exploited sickens of Nazism but, still, bottom line is that Slavs didn`t develop it). So, I don`t see any reason why Slavs and Jews wouldn`t solve their problems from past and turn to prosperity in the future.