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Who deserves to inherit Polish Forums? [245]
The owners are selling the website, as explained in a little banner on the top left corner of the main page.
First of all - an enormous thanks to them, for doing this for all of us over the past years. A special place is reserved in heaven, for the people that could police this wild forum.
I think their work allowed hundreds of people to discover their ancestry, and allowed thousands of others to make friends or find work.
Adrien's funeral was another instance where this platform played a big role, as I'm sure was the case in many other instances.
So big round of applause to the owners!
Now regarding my proposal. I think if it's a reasonable sum ($10-30K), the existing members might be able to foot the bill. But that doesn't mean the website should go to whoever has the funds.
I think the forum should go to who loves it most, and the others should help with finances.