The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Bobko  

Joined: 13 Mar 2017 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - O
Last Post: 5 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 27 / Live: 23 / Archived: 4
Posts: Total: 2074 / Live: 1998 / Archived: 76
From: New York
Speaks Polish?: Y
Interests: reading, camping

Displayed posts: 2021 / page 9 of 68
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21 Aug 2024
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [540]

Germany trusted russia and got the knife in the back


Did we declare war on Germany?

Did we blow up the pipeline?

Did we force Germany to spend untold billions on supporting deadbeat Ukraine?

Did we force Germany to spend hundreds of billions on rearming itself?

Germany did all these things, because people in Washington told them to. The war ended in 1945, but Germany still can't shake the mentality of a puppet. It didn't have to do any of the things it did.

In fact, I think if it was someone else in power, instead of Merkel or Scholz, like a Schroder or Kohl - we would have a different situation on our hands.

Modern Germany is ruled by Lilliputians.
20 Aug 2024
News / Dirty deeds of foreign guys in Poland [125]

The closer the brotherhood, the hotter the insults (see Serbo-Croats).

Serbo-Croat insult battle is next level - this is true. I forgot about them.

To be honest, what Ustase did is probably worse than what OUN-UPA did... so they may have a leg up.

Ukraine can measure it in... hmm... something else they think they're good at.

Ukrainians are great at hate. If Bhutan has a happiness index, Ukraine should have a hate index.

We Russians, say about the Ukrainians, that the aphorism that describes them best is - «моя хата с краю». This means, my house is on the end of the street.

Also, «пусть у меня сарай сгорит, лишь бы у соседа корова сдохла». Meaning - "let my barn burn down, as long as the neighbor's cow dies".

The difference between them and us, is we were largely rightless serfs, while they were greedy independent peasants.

Because we had nothing, it was easy for us to be generous.

Ukrainians on the other hand were relatively more wealthy, envious, and covetous.

Their national sport is getting heating up the hate to such a level, that their dips begin to explode sending them into the troposphere. Whoever goes higher wins.

Read the comments in their newspapers. They hate everybody. Their government, their neighbor, their boss, the West, Russia, the Great Horde, and Pope Innocent III.

Such a malcontented bunch.
20 Aug 2024
News / Dirty deeds of foreign guys in Poland [125]

by making fun of them, aren't we making fun of ourselves?

We can make fun of them so, because we share blood - of course. If some Johnny from England started saying these things about Ukrs tomorrow, I would not like it, certainly.

are they more Russian or more Polish?

They are some Frankenstein monster, combining Polish megalomania with Russian dullmindedness. Their language reflects the percentage input of each side.

A slightly exaggerated, distorted and retarded version of ourselves but still.

Well they are quite retarded. How else do you explain that you have a country in the middle of Europe with 44 million people, and a GDP of only $150B. They belong in the same league as Gabon or Honduras, but that is being mean to Gabon and Honduras.
20 Aug 2024
News / Dirty deeds of foreign guys in Poland [125]

This is too funny...

I just discovered that the Ukrainian factchecking website has written a rebuttal to the claim that ancient Ukraine dug out the Black Sea.


Hahaha! Ohohohoho!

I still believe it to be true. Here is the original text, which is quoted around the internet (translated):

"...The Black Sea appeared artificially thanks to the talent and labor of ancient Ukrainians. In ancient times, when our compatriots returned home from distant travels and told about large expanses of water in foreign lands, it was decided to create a sea for themselves. As a result of the heroic labor of more than one generation of your ancestors, a huge lake was dug. Another proof is the accumulation of hydrogen sulfide in the lower layers of this reservoir, which is explained by our ancestors' intensive use of it for washing and bathing..."

So, in brief, the Ukrainians dug out the Black Sea so that they could finally wash their ass.

If they were smart, they would just dig through the Bosporus first, and flood the Black Sea Basin. But because they are Ukr pigdogs with bone in middle of brain, they first dug out the whole sea.

By the way, Ukrs is a real thing. Not something invented by Russian comedians. There are history books published in Ukraine, that claim that the name of the country comes not from "borderland" but from the ethnos of the ancient Ukrs. These ancient Ukrs lived and traded with Ancient Sumeria and Babylon, and had their own calendar based on the menstrual cycle of a goat.

Honestly, if Ukrainians didn't exist, they would have to be invented. A unique nation.
20 Aug 2024
News / Dirty deeds of foreign guys in Poland [125]

When was it? While Ancestors of Moscovities planted taiga in Siberia?

How did you know?

You have also been reading Ukrainian history textbooks for 8th graders?
20 Aug 2024
News / Dirty deeds of foreign guys in Poland [125]

Well, they were once a part of the Holy Rzeczpospolita, I suppose.

And so... the masks of Good Samaritans are slowly lifted - revealing the imperialists beneath!

Stop Polonizing Ukrainians and perpetuating cultural genocide against them!

Ukraine is the oldest country in Europe! The Language is the most melodic! The ancestors of modern Ukrainians dug out the Black Sea with their bare hands!

Ukrainians were building magnificent cities while you still roamed the swamps and forests of Białowieża!

Slava Ukraini! Smert Lyakham! Sieg Heil!
20 Aug 2024
News / Dirty deeds of foreign guys in Poland [125]

Bastards is quite right, thank you.

I suppose everyone wins.

The Polish budget doesn't have to support the needs of a Ukrainian convict.

Ukraine can mobilize him straight out of jail under their new laws.

So in a way... Zelensky probably wants Ukrainians living in the EU to engage in a massive crime spree.

You were lying about President Zelensky requesting Poland to send back Ukrainian males and about Poland`s reaction.

Is Bloomberg also lying? Are Ukrainian newspapers lying?

I think it may be the first time Zelensky is mentioned, but over the past few years a lot of his ministers have made similar noises. This is an old story with a long background.

It also makes complete sense. Why do you find it so unbelievable that Zelensky would want more taxpayers and more manpower?
20 Aug 2024
News / Dirty deeds of foreign guys in Poland [125]

Do you appreciate the fact that I didn`t call you out as a stinking liar?

It is because I am not lying. I read about this just today, in Bloomberg.

Countries like Poland and Czech Republic are saying they won't send anyone back as long as the war goes on.

The Czechs even said their construction industry will collapse if they do it.


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20 Aug 2024
News / Dirty deeds of foreign guys in Poland [125]

A recent article on the subject:,szokujaco-bezpieczna-polska-lawinowy-wzrost-imigracji-i-silny-spadek.html

Headline reads: "Szokująco bezpieczna Polska: lawinowy wzrost imigracji i silny spadek przestępczości. Fenomen?"

This is for all the people that hate immigrants so very much :)

for which he was expelled from the country. He was taken into the hands of officers of the Border Guard

Disgusting behavior from Poland. When Zelenksy asks Poland to send the men back so they assist in the war effort - Poland says "sorry, no". Because Poland is in desperate need of these working hands.

The Polish government is not stupid, and understands that 80% of Ukrainians in Poland support themselves with wages and pay taxes. It understands that Ukrainians are critical workers in many industries like construction and transportation. So it does not want to give them back to Zelensky.

But if a Ukrainian commits a crime... then "please take him, he is yours". You bastards.
20 Aug 2024
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [540]

And Germany isn't 'massively poorer'

Wealth is a relative thing.

Last year, Germany's economy was the only one out of the G7 to contract.

In the second quarter of this year it shrank again. The forecast for the entire year is growth of 0.2%. Compare that to US growth of 6% - which is simply in a different league... a different galaxy!

Germany's GDP per person, declined from 89% of the US level in 2017, to 80% in 2023.

Meanwhile, the UK - which was the "Sick Man of Europe" just recently - is having an unexpected growth spurt under Starmer's Labour which places it near the top of Europe in performance. Who could ever believe this, before the war started?

For twenty years Germany seemed absolutely unbeatable. It was bailing out entire countries, seemingly without much strain. It exported more than China, for long periods. Now its clout is rapidly diminishing, and nobody bothers to dispute this.

This has been a huge reversal, and there's no way around it.
20 Aug 2024
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [540]


I explained with simple examples how blowing up the pipeline has done zero good for Ukraine.

It did a great deal of good, however, for their primary patron - the United States.

Perhaps this was the nature of the quid pro quo. You help our energy supermajors conquer Europe, and we'll aid you in your war with Russia?

If Zelensky did not blow the pipeline up, the war would be in the exact same place it is at the present moment. It has not changed a single thing, except making Russia and Germany massively poorer, along with a slew of smaller Central European countries.

I don't understand how making Russia and Germany poorer helps Ukraine? Russia will find money for the war in Ukraine - no matter what. Even if it means cutting spending on social programs, and all other expenses.

I suspect we won't have to wait long to see if blowing up the pipeline was a prudent thing to do.
20 Aug 2024
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [540]

The Germans are clearly pissed off

Germany's economy went from being the engine of all European growth, to one of the worst performing ones in a period of just three years. Now even the UK has an economy in better shape than Germany's. How low the mighty have fallen...

There are a multitude of reasons for this. Among them: a botched post-pandemic recovery, falling exports to China, stupid insistence on avoiding increased debt, structural demographic problems, and underinvestment in infrastructure.

But there is also another very important reason, and that is the loss of access to cheap hydrocarbons from Russia. One example is BASF's chemical complex in Ludwigshafen - which is the largest in the world. It employs 40,000 people directly, but also allows millions of others downstream in the supply chain to produce other goods. After losing access to Russian gas, Ludwigshafen is now on a slow road to collapse. Then there are fertilizer producers. Metallurgists. Even those companies that manufacture inputs used in the renewable energy industry - like Siemens - are suffering from hugely increased energy costs.

What Zelensky and Co did is take bread off the table of the German worker, and then showed up the next day asking for handouts. Because the Germans are big blubbering vaginas - they still gave money to these racketeers.

Poland is also obviously involved. 1000%.

Tusk telling people to shut up, and others saying that those divers should get medals - is a big mistake.

The explosion of the pipeline's most direct result has been handing the European energy market over to the United States, from which they have already earned hundreds of billions of dollars (and people had the balls to accuse us of blowing up our own pipeline for three years!!!!).

It did not stop Russia's invasion. It did not curtail the Kremlin's ability to find money for the war. It has not made Russia more willing to negotiate - but rather the opposite. It played no role in motivating Ukraine's allies to donate funds and weapons.

All it did was p!ss off Germany - Ukraine's largest and most generous ally after the United States. Great job Zelensky!
16 Aug 2024
History / Historical look at various civilisational differences between Russia and the West [159]


Not sure how to even react to this gibberish.

Russians are looking for a more stable guarantor than the Kremlin?

I know you think of us as a mafia gang, but on the scale of a continent... but this is too much.

Who will China protect us from? Do we have to transfer all nuclear weapons to China, or will China have a puppet that has 20X more nukes than China itself?
15 Aug 2024
News / If Russia liberate Scotland, what would happen with Polish workers in Britain? [59]

Saw this thread on the main page, and my first reaction was - "WTF". Then I noticed that it was Crow's thread, and immediately regretted my initial skepticism.

While I never considered the possibility of Russia liberating Scotland, and likely 99.9999999% of the rest of the population did not either - now I consider it absolutely necessary.
5 Aug 2024
History / Why American military aid to Europe and Poland is important to America itself? [150]


Poland is investing mostly in artillery and armor.

To me, it means Poland imagines it will be the battlefield of this future war.

Can you imagine Poland beginning to resemble Ukraine? With no electricity, broken logistical links, and an emigrating population?

I thought Poland might want to escape its historical role, and buy some ungodly amount of precision munitions for an overwhelming preemptive strike?

If you are getting ready to slog it out with Russia conventionally - that's probably a very bad idea.
5 Aug 2024
Food / What exactly is Polish Bread? [91]

It is no lard, but ham

Sorry, looked like salo.

In general, your plate looks like a traditional Russian "zakuska" for a good vodka session.

What you are missing is some scallions and herring.

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5 Aug 2024
Feedback / Who deserves to inherit Polish Forums? [339]

very good idea, I understand that my ad will not be seen by others?

No, there's no point in that. It will be tailored for you specifically.
5 Aug 2024
Food / What exactly is Polish Bread? [91]

It actually looks like a solid meal.

The sausages on the left look like French merguez.

The sausages on the right look like what we call in Russia "hunter sausages".

Some salo, of course.

Some Russian Salad (Оливье).

Black bread.

Pawian is Russian!
5 Aug 2024
Feedback / Who deserves to inherit Polish Forums? [339]


It has to be something niche, but expensive) In general, everybody will get tailored ads.

For example, I like scuba diving. Google knows this. Google sees I go to a lot. It could show me some new diving computer from Garmin or Suunto, and I would have no choice but to buy it.

Those ads are the most expensive. Garmin could pay Google $50-70 for my click. PF would get a nice chunk too.

For you, I know you like shoes!
5 Aug 2024
Feedback / Who deserves to inherit Polish Forums? [339]

It is very nice to see, it's true.

Less than two weeks in, and we're a quarter of the way there!

But now comes the interesting part... will it become more democratic? Taxation must be accompanied by representation.

Can people vote, for example, on whether or not the website needs an ad banner to supplement the donations?
2 Aug 2024
News / A Polish Feminist Found in a Forest [133]

ssak leśny

Paulina 😂😂😂

This was most unnecessary, hahaha.

Women are like an open book to me.

A short book, with not many words, but many pictures.

You do realise that telling a false testimony against another person is a sin?

O kurwa....
30 Jul 2024
Feedback / Who deserves to inherit Polish Forums? [339]

this site did save me about $6k from ever visiting Poland

I struggle to understand what the hell you are doing here?
30 Jul 2024
Feedback / Who deserves to inherit Polish Forums? [339]

It's a price of a couple of newspapers

I spend more at the bar, in one sitting, than it takes to support this forum for a month.

Better for my health than finding other ways to f*ck my brain.
30 Jul 2024
Feedback / Who deserves to inherit Polish Forums? [339]

If OpenAI didn't skim all the data on this forum and Polanda for free, you could one day sell the data set for a model to train on. It wouldn't be much money, but you could produce a bot with exquisite knowledge of Poland.

But this train is past, the data has already been collected - for free.

The value is in the domain name, and what could be done with it.

Forums are coming back amongst the kids :)
29 Jul 2024
Feedback / Who deserves to inherit Polish Forums? [339]

I agree with PAK there's nothing business-wise about this site that presents itself as something to invest money

The domain name alone represents something interesting. If you own this place, you can do all you ever wanted with it. We're not talking crazy sums, but what one might spend on a used car, heh.

People don't use forums as much, but that may be temporary. This forum is in dire need of change. Many things could be easily implemented which over a 12-18 month time frame might bring 10,000s of recurring visitors.