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Posts by Sokrates  

Joined: 19 Jan 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Oct 2011
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From: Poland
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3 Aug 2010
History / Destruction of Ukrainian churches in Poland in 1938 [289]

So you think converting a church needs to be answered by impaling an infant child on a pitchfork? Because by your logic Poland should now use the first opportunity to invade Ukraine and wipe out all ukrainians.

If ukrainians saw it justifiable to torture-murder 250.000 Poles for a bunch of churches then we should now seek complete elimination of all ukrainians no?
3 Aug 2010
History / Destruction of Ukrainian churches in Poland in 1938 [289]

The OUN was already active in the late 20's in Ukrainian territory, occupied by Poland, sabotaging stuff in Galicia and Volnya.

Yes it was back in the 20s it still wasnt that criminal, its in the 30s when ukrainians decided civilians are game and morality and simple humanity is for the p*ssies.

Poland reacted in a very civil way, army and police arrested, inspected or imprisoned for terrorism but never murdered or tortured, if it was up to me and know what kind of f*cking murderers ukrainians are i'd have the region depopulated.

Even during WW2 polish benevolence towards these savages was evident, Home Army could have easily depopulate Volhynia killing all ukrainians, instead Poles refrained from using ukrainian tactics, apart from few retaliatory attacks ukrainian civilians fell victim only to ukrainians, almost never to Poles.

Looking at it in hindsight i cant really understand why didnt the Home Army just kill the f*ckers as an example and warning, quite frankly if Poles started burning villages too maybe Ukrainians would fear the reprisals, blind violence is the only thing they appear to understand.
3 Aug 2010
History / Destruction of Ukrainian churches in Poland in 1938 [289]

This kind of thinking you present will get Poles back in Ukraine, you're weak we're strong, we remember Wołyń, pray we dont ever remind you savage peasants the hard way.

The only thing that saved you dirty murdering peasants from our retribution was Moscow, otherwise you'd be in deeper sh*t then you can ever imagine but Poland is still here and getting stronger, Ukraine is also still here and getting weaker so be careful who you're patronizing.

Your grandparents experienced soft justice during Vistula, you might experience hard justice soon enough.

I take it you justify the murder of 250.000 civilians by "freedom fighting ukrainians"? You justify this?
3 Aug 2010
History / Destruction of Ukrainian churches in Poland in 1938 [289]

And of course, how could you not support Germany's Kulturkampf? Or Russia's punishment for the Polish rebellions?

Neither Germans nor Russians ever matched the savagery of ukrainians and both Russians and Ukrainians defeated the polish army, the ukrainians were all the more cowardly because they knew they couldnt fight Poles so they targetted the weak and defencless in the historical 5 minutes when they knew Poland wouldnt steamroll them for their crimes.

Also Palestine belonged to Palestinians, Ukraine belonged to Poles, ukrainians were latecomers to the party not to mention that while Palestinians target civilians they never do it in the way those savages in ukraine did.
3 Aug 2010
History / Destruction of Ukrainian churches in Poland in 1938 [289]

and some sixty assassinations.

Thats still not that bad, given that murdered Poles were adults, later they'd kill some 40.000 children and 210.000 adults, all civilians.

I guess murderding 60 people and robbing some banks is lightweight for an ukrainian.
3 Aug 2010
History / Destruction of Ukrainian churches in Poland in 1938 [289]

Speaking of hundreds of churches that ukrainians burnt

All thats left of a polish church burned by ukrainians.

Drastic pics coming.

A polish mother and her little child murdered, the mother was killed with bayonets while her little daughter had a broken jaw and a caved in skull, most likely killed with a mallet.

Murdered polish family of 3 including a child, notice the ropes used for extremely painfull method of strangulation.

A murdered polish man, the wounds on the hand are from an axe, an odd facial wound comes from him having an eye gouged out while still alive, ukrainians at their best.
3 Aug 2010
History / Destruction of Ukrainian churches in Poland in 1938 [289]

Vetala Wołyń and the policies of polish goverment are tightly connected.

You have to remember that as early as 1938 when Bandera murdered his predecessor ukrainians were openly voicing their desire to murder Poles, the polish policies were a soft way of supressing this murderous movement nothing else.

To understand why Poles attempted to suppress ukrainian nationalism in its monstrous barbaric form we need to show what ukrainian nationalism and their national identity means.

A German or a Pole would fight for their freedom against soldiers, a ukrainian would win his freedom by impaling a child or scalping a teenage girl while her mother watched bleeding out from her wounds from cut off breasts.

This was the kind of monstrous barbarians that Poles kept supressed, ukrainians have no self restraint, no culture, they were and still are people driven by animalistic rage and jealousy, they're the have-nots of the region and desired what Poles had built for themselves.

Kill the Poles and take the fruits of their labor was the ukrainian motto and it is neccesary to show exactly what kind of savages the Poles were attempting to control.
3 Aug 2010
History / Destruction of Ukrainian churches in Poland in 1938 [289]

Several generations of a polish family murder by ukrainians, mother,father, grandparents and small children.

After breaking the legs of a polish infant the child would often be thrown into the well.

3 polish children disembowelled while still alive then murdered by ukrainians.
3 Aug 2010
History / Destruction of Ukrainian churches in Poland in 1938 [289]

where? anywhere

This might interest you:

A little movie about how ukrainians massacred a trainload of polish civilians in the woods.

Members of the polish family murdered by ukrainians.

A polish woman bayoneted by ukrainians. A ruined polish village in which ukrainians murdered 600 Poles, it was the first of many accounts where children would be nailed to the trees.
3 Aug 2010
History / Destruction of Ukrainian churches in Poland in 1938 [289]

ukrainians destroying churches.

Assailants stormed the churched, threw in grenades and shot at the gathered civilians using hand weapons and machineguns killing 100 men, women and children, afterwards they carried an artillery shell into the church and detonated it destroying the interior.

Thats how nailing polish children to the doors looked in practice: Polish kid

I'm not going to post actuall pictures they're too drastic even for me.
3 Aug 2010
History / Destruction of Ukrainian churches in Poland in 1938 [289]

List of tortures done by ukrainians on polish civilians in 1939-1945, i'll provide some translations.,5153,Lista-tortur-stosowanych-przez-UPA-18

001. Wbijanie dużego i grubego gwoździa do czaszki głowy.
002. Zdzieranie z głowy włosów ze skórą (skalpowanie).
003. Zadawanie ciosu obuchem siekiery w czaszkę głowy.
004. Zadawanie ciosu obuchem siekiery w czoło.
005. Wyrzynanie na czole "orła".

Note this is not the full list, the full list is over 350 positions

Some translations.

091. Impaling a small child.
093. Nailing a small child to a door.
135. Nailing small children around a large roadside tree creating so called "wreaths".
133. Nailing hands to a doorstep.
123. "Nerons torch" sticking straw onto a victim and setting it him/her on fire.
119. Tearing apart with horses.

And this one.

111. Dragging a mother with three children tied to a horse drawn cart in a manner where one of the mothers leg was chained to the cart, the other leg to the leg of the oldest child, then chaining the other children to the youngest.

The dragging and beating would commence untill the entire family was dead.

Aphrodisiac you must be proud of your ukrainian "heritage", wonder if your grandfather was one of those ukrainian heroes who nailed our children to the doors.

Very very drastic picture.

A polish girl cut in two (while still alive) by ukrainians using a saw, one of the most hideous torture murders ukrainians commited on polish women and children was slowly sawing them apart with large two man saws.

Speaking of churches, second row from the uppermost, left side is the picture of a priest Bolesław Szawłowski.

The priest and 222 of his polish parishioners were murdered in a church by ukrainians, the church was then burned.

1938 had to be one of the craziest years in Europe. Perhaps it and years near it should be written off as an aberation LOL

You're absulutely right, 1938 was the first year when ukrainian nationalism reared its head showing its true face, this was the year when ukrainian fascists first abused polish civilians on any notable scale though Poland was not yet defencless so ukrainians refrained from killing people.

When Poland became defencless however stuff like this happened:

179 polish civilians murdered, only the courage of the local polish militia saved 500 further Poles.

We need blood, let loose a sea of blood, we need to terrorize, lets make it hellish having free ukrainian state as a goal lets reach it using all resources, all routes, lets not shy away from burning, pillaging or murder, there's no ethics in war.

Mychajło Kołodzinśkyj - a true ukrainian hero.

A murdered polish civilian, ukrainians gouged out his eyes, tore out his tongue and pierced his cheek with a bayonet.

Another village where ukrainians murdered 500 Poles, a brief translation of the plight of one of the families that managed to survive the massacre of polish civilians by ukrainians.

Okazało się, że podpalili właśnie ten sąsiedni dom, gdzie babcia z dziećmi chodziły spać, a ich to był ten co drugi, nie podpalony. Siedziały zdrętwiałe, bez ruchu, zahipnotyzowane rzezią, która widziały przez maleńkie piwniczne okienko. Tylko mała Renia (Teresa) wtuliła się w swoją mamę i nie patrzyła. Bała się ognia. Zaczęła wołać: - Nie chcę spalić, wole rosscelać. Babcia zakryła jej buzię, uspokoiła i potem nawet już nie zapłakała.

It occured that they set fire to that neighbouring house where granny and the children were sleeping(...) They sat without motion hypnotised by the slaughter, which they saw through the tiny basement windown.

Only tiny Renia (Teresa) hugged her mom and didnt look. She was afraid of the fire. She started crying "i dont want to burn, rather be shot". Granny covered her face, she calmed down and didnt even cry anymore.

A polish man tortured to death by ukrainians circa 1943, note the mouth cut open while he was still alive, the pool of blood under the head indicates he was scalped, a popular torture method among ukrainians in their heroic fight against unarmed civilians.

Really unpleasant sights - you have been warned.

A small polish girl murdered by ukrainians after they stopped a train full of polish passengers and killed them all.

A polish family murdered by ukrainians, husband and wife and two little girls aged 6 and 7.

Before death all victims including the mother and children were burned, pierced with needles and had their limbs chopped off with an axe, their teeth were knocked out and their eyes gouged out.
2 Aug 2010
History / Destruction of Ukrainian churches in Poland in 1938 [289]

I don't recall saying anything like that in this thread. Correction: the article states: 120, 10 dozens to be exact. I was not aware of the fact that all of those Ukrainians got money for conversion, could you provide me with some sources

Ukrainians burned 384 churches, 391 schools and 23 kindergardens, in at least six cases the kindgergarden had polish children herded inside.

Ukrainians killed 250.000 defencless polish civilians, stole their property and just like you pretend it didnt happen.

Lets discuss.

Also aphrodisiac i have provided numerous sources, pictures of polish children shot, raped or disembowelled by ukrainians, pictures of churches burned by ukrainians, pictures of bodies of polish civilians piled by ukrainians.

You want more sources? We can do a thousand pages worth of pictures and sources, Poles did not burn a single church, Ukrainians burned hundreds, usually with people still inside.
2 Aug 2010
History / Destruction of Ukrainian churches in Poland in 1938 [289]

and 200,000 peoples brutally butchered as a payback

250.000 and they were not murdered as payback for churches, the churches were a fairly local affair, the people were murdered because Poles were succesfull, Ukrainians were not.

Jealousy bred hatred, Poles succeeded on every field that Ukrainians failed and that was the unbearable bit, when Ukrainians realised they cant defeat Poles in any sort of a conflict they decided to use the favorable circumstances and murder the defencless element of polish population - civilians.

In normal circumstances polish militias and partisants would hand ukrainians their arses but under german occupation the means to protect civilian population were limited.
2 Aug 2010
History / Destruction of Ukrainian churches in Poland in 1938 [289]

so you don't have any examples of Ukrainians attempting to convert Poles then

Actually yes i do, there's quite a few articles about Poles switching to orthodox faith to avoid having their childrens bellys torn apart with saws.

All Poles in mixed marriages that survived initial massacres (very few) got the choice convert or die.

Aphro let me make one thing clear, you want us to stand accountable or even discuss about a few dozen churches changed into marketplaces or schools and a few thousand Ukrainians who got money and priveliges to convert.

At the same time your nation denies murdering a quarter of milion of our civilians, continously insults us with false history accounts and shovels its unimaginable savagery under the carpet.

I'm sorry but there's no room to discuss untill Ukrainians shoulder the debt their ancestors drew with us.

Lack of official apology is not equal with denial of facts. No?

Yes it is, lack of any reaction whatsoever when such reaction was asked for or expected is equal to denial. Notice that Poland did apologise for Vistula even though it didnt have to and probably shouldnt, thus far Poland is the only one extending a hand.

If you read my posts months back you'll see i was much more pro ukrainian but the more time passes the more convinced i'm that Ukraine is simply not deserving said hand and it might be better to f*ck it in concert with Russia if it proves too troublesome.
1 Aug 2010
History / Destruction of Ukrainian churches in Poland in 1938 [289]

agree, but we are talking about violent conversion.

Do Ukrainians burning polish churches as i have proven repeatedly count as violent conversions or just genocide?

Btw Kiev:

Someone tell me that Ukraine is flourishing with culture now.
1 Aug 2010
History / Destruction of Ukrainian churches in Poland in 1938 [289]

Are you patronizing Seanus? You might not be aware of this, but I really don't want to spend time on such things at the moment. I would like to concentrate of Ukrainians churches.

Ceirtanly lets concentrate on churches in Ukraine:

Parafia Świętego Macieja Apostoła w Nieświczu, erygowana w 1615 roku. Do parafii należały: Nieświcz, Anatolia, Ceperów, Czaruków, Dziadowiec, Gródek, Horodyszcze, Hryhorowicze, Jeziorany Szlacheckie, Korszów, Marianówka, Podberezie, Ratniów, Rudka, Szprach, Ternki, Uhrynów, Wigurzyce, Wiktorzyny, Wydumka, Zagaje. Parafia leżała w gminie Czaruków, z tym, iż miejscowości wyróżnione kursywą leżały w gminie Połonka. W 1938 r. parafia liczyła 3040 wiernych. Kościół spalili Ukraińcy w początku 1944 roku.

St Maciej parish in Nieświcz, founded in 1615, the following villages were the members of the parish... The church was burnt by Ukrainians in 1944.

Who burned churches in Ukraine? Ukrainians!

Here we have an article about ukrainians attempting to murder a polish priest and burning the catholic church.

Where are all the pictures of ukrainian churches destroyed by Poles? Where are Ukrainians murdered by Poles?

Why am i able to provide dozens of pictures that show ukrainian barbarity, ukrainians splitting open childrens bellys, churches and villages burned by ukrainians, could it be that ukrainians were the only ones commiting attrocities? That Poles never descended to the level of ukrainian barbarism?

Well Nathan and Aphro? The burden of proof lies with you, i've shown plenty of evidence of what lowly barbarians ukrainians are... i mean were, where's the pictures of massacres of ukrainians by Poles?

There's none.
1 Aug 2010
History / Destruction of Ukrainian churches in Poland in 1938 [289]

What acknowledge? This topic is about Poland

Yep and and because this topic is about Poland its unavoidable to discuss the 200.000+ men, women and children murdered by Ukrainians in 1939-45 period, care to comment Nathan?
31 Jul 2010
History / Destruction of Ukrainian churches in Poland in 1938 [289]

Y'know i have no idea what you just said Sean, you'd make an ace politician.

Ok i enjoyed my mud slinging now to shed some light on Aphrodisiacs article.

There was an 8 month period in 1938 when more nationalistic elements came to power in Poland and an effort to polonise Ukrainians was undertaken.

Churches were most typically converted into catholic ones or turned into administrative buildings such as schools they were not torn down, Ukrainians were not forced to change faith they were typically convinced via state promotion aka institutional bribery.

After 8 months the effort, including conversion of protestant churches into something else stopped as its total failure was recognised, most Ukrainians did not want to polonise.

It was ceirtanly wrong but far from the barbarism Ukrainians would unleash upon defecless polish civilians later on, today its cited as one of the primary reasons for the crimes but back then it had a local nature so that goes out the window as well.
31 Jul 2010
History / Destruction of Ukrainian churches in Poland in 1938 [289]

I'll make it clear Aphrodisiac, the only discussion we can have about polish-ukrainian relations is when our tanks bulldoze your temporary country, Poland did its homework, apologies were issued where they were due, you as a Ukrainian and your entire nation have no right whatsoever to demand any further explanation, not while having the blood of hundreds of thousand of Poles on your hands that you fail to account for.

Now its time for Ukraine to come out of its nazi poverty stricken cesspool and at least pretend you're something else then a primitive nation of rednecks, apologise to Poland for UPA and cease your anti-polish policies, except you can't, such acts could be done by Poland, by Germany but these are mature nations, you're still the same bunch of civilian murdering peasants you were 65 years ago.

Cuisine, dance, weddings and religion. What's wrong with that?

Nothing but it shows that ukrainian culture is not flourishing, rather its a very simple and unimpressive culture.

LOL The architecture is largely foreign.

And then its largely not:)
31 Jul 2010
History / Destruction of Ukrainian churches in Poland in 1938 [289]

please stay ON topic.please stay ON topic.

Ok while on topic of churches, Ukrainians just recently turned a catholic church in Lwów into a philharmonie.

Dont you think desecration of catholic places of worship in XXI century by your country is deplorable?

NO, but people should know about such actions.

Absolutely! Since we're on the topic of burn churches!

Yet another church burnt by Ukrainians.

Here Ukrainians didnt burn a church, just a school.
31 Jul 2010
History / Destruction of Ukrainian churches in Poland in 1938 [289]

Polish civilians murdered by ukrainians.
Polish children murdered and tied to a pole with barbed wire by ukrainians.
A polish village murdered by ukrainians.

Note something aphrodisiac? Your people always targetted women and children, they never attacked soldiers, when the war came to an end your brave UPA fled from AK and AL, when the Poles they faced were women and kids they were all to eager to rape, torture and murder, when the same Poles came as an army they fled.

You must be so proud of your people aphrodisiac.
31 Jul 2010
History / Destruction of Ukrainian churches in Poland in 1938 [289]

this is not a thread about UPA, don't twist it so it serves your agenda, besides if the crime against Orthodox believers cannot be acknowledged by you then the punishment of UPA by the same token.

What crime? The only crimes i know of are those by Ukrainians against unarmed men, women and children.

Polish victims of ukrainian genocide!

Some of the more regular tortures brave ukrainian freedom fighters practised on polish women and children:

Gouging out eyes.
Sawing with a large saw.
Ripping out tongues.
Trowing into the wells.

Lets not forget how bravely the same ukrainian murderers fought against polish army when faced with actual armed enemy... oh wait they did not, they fled.
A polish church burnt by ukrainian nazis in 1943.

Koniuchy - another polish church burnt by ukrainians.

Lets not forget that all these church burnings were accompanied by genocide of Poles by Ukrainians.
26 Jul 2010
Love / WILDROVERS FIVE YEARS IN POLAND....come to an end...! [132]

He is hardly alone...he has a wife who was a nurse most of her life, and has recently bought himself a very nice house close to my sister...

My bad sorry then.

My dad and me are not really that close , he split with my mom when i was quite young

Family is family, i hate the guts of most of mine but they're family - live and die for them.

Anyway is the russian girl at least hot? You realise you're moving into 3rd world country right?
26 Jul 2010
Love / WILDROVERS FIVE YEARS IN POLAND....come to an end...! [132]

Soon my lady will have family in the UK , and it would be nice if we can visit my father while he is still alive...he is 89 now...

And you left him alone to pursue a brave new world? F*cking A mate.

Anyway good luck with your lady.
16 Jul 2010
History / Let's talk about the POLISH ARMY [79]


Because its a NATO enterprise and we have to be there, f*ck morality and all that, NATO demands and we have to go least we give a pretext to be abandoned just like in 39.