The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by PennBoy  

Joined: 7 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Dec 2013
Threads: Total: 76 / Live: 12 / Archived: 64
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From: USA
Speaks Polish?: Tak

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30 Jun 2011
Life / Why is circumcision not practiced in Poland? [701]

a precipitous drop in circumcision, to just 32.5 percent in 2009 from 56 percent in 2006.

Estimated 80% of adult American men are circumsized but only 32.5% of boys got circumsized in 2009.

The laddies say it feels better with the extra skin ;)
30 Jun 2011
Life / Why is circumcision not practiced in Poland? [701]

It's not disgusting, rather it's natural. The "health benefits" have not been proven beyond a doubt.

There are no health benefits you're born with that layer of skin for a reason. Circumcision was introduced into western hospitals so that if an another Hitler came around that would be a way to find hidden Jews. No anti-semitism just stating facts.
28 Jun 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish and East European prostitutes in the UK [240]

Men are much worse it's all one big double standard. The problem is a man has sex with a certain female he thinks she's literally his, as if he owns her. But since he's the owner and not owned he can do as he pleases LOL
27 Jun 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish and East European prostitutes in the UK [240]

They should make it an olympic sport!!!! Yeah... at last we come first in something :D

Don't worry as Poland becomes less religious it will reach the Czech Republics level maybe surpass it. Polish girls already made a name for themselves in that 'sport' while abroad.
27 Jun 2011
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

cup size?

sascha buddy I don't pick them out. They simply have them because British girls have the largest breasts in Europe.

There's no pleasing some people hun

Very true. A few more...

  • Louise Cliffe
27 Jun 2011
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

for sure not the face. ;)

I meant the face and body they both make a girl hot, I don't use that word in a derogatory way.
Looks to me like there are many pretty English girls, found a few more models...

  • Katie Green
27 Jun 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish and East European prostitutes in the UK [240]

True It's called teasing not whoring around. Like a man with muscles showing off his body doesn't mean he's going to or want's to sleep with every woman, just likes them wanting him.
27 Jun 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish and East European prostitutes in the UK [240]

countries more likely to be sluts

At last an answer to your question...
The hetero and homo "promiscuity index" (well, actually they called it "sociosexuality" and it didn't just measure promiscuity but we're going with promiscuity just the same) as it was dubbed, lists the 15 countries that do the most whoring around as follows:

United Kingdom
Czech Republic

So, something to keep in mind when planning your vacation.

Meanwhile, the French will keep lingering over their hors d'oeuvres.
26 Jun 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish and East European prostitutes in the UK [240]

Hayden Panettiere

she is for sure some mix

she's Italian American
But her sexuality is at question. First she was with Wladimir Klitschko now she's with the pedophile quarterback Sanchez.
26 Jun 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish and East European prostitutes in the UK [240]

It doesn't really answer the question as to why Slavic girls that are financially stable are still slutty.

Man where do you live the States? have you been to a college party? it takes about 10 min. to get laid.
Most my friends back in Poland claim it takes several months of dating before a Polish girl gives you some.
26 Jun 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish and East European prostitutes in the UK [240]

Why are women from Slavic-speaking countries more likely to be sluts/prostitutes?

How dare you!!! a sex slave is someone not voluntarily selling herself but forced into it. Many girls answer those adds knowing there's a chance of being made into a prostitute because their terrible financial situation doesn't really leave them any other choice but to take that risk.
26 Jun 2011
Genealogy / Former Poland PM Donald Tusk - A Kashub or a German. [71]

Pennboy, I forgot that you are born in Poland.

It's OK ;)

Then you don't know Poles in America, lol OK, some of them do as you say

You said it yourself when I asked you, if you lived in a foreign country for 10 or 20 years would you stop being an American? you said never I'm a Yank (or something like that lol). Same here, when I hang out with my Polish friends we're laughing and joking in a large group it feels good it feels like you're almost back in Poland.


Allow me to correct you Sok, he wasn't at Auschwitz but Stutthof
26 Jun 2011
Genealogy / Former Poland PM Donald Tusk - A Kashub or a German. [71]

I don't say anything, I just read relevant literature on the topic. Third generation feels American, second both, first is loyal to the country of birth.

Well there you go.
26 Jun 2011
Genealogy / Former Poland PM Donald Tusk - A Kashub or a German. [71]

Your posts imply that you really adopted both identities. Next generation, your kids

I don't think so. People see me they know just by looking at me I'm Polish, the way I look, talk, walk, behave it's just different. I never really assimilated because in Poland and when I came here (even if I had a break from it) I always mostly hung out with Polish people, still do to this day. Even my English it's very good but sometimes I have a slight accent. I just always felt more Polish, I feel more comfortable around them.
26 Jun 2011
Genealogy / Former Poland PM Donald Tusk - A Kashub or a German. [71]

no PB? Then I'll ask you a question, are you an American or not?

I realize that you really can't be both. So as someone who was born in Poland, who's all ancestors were Polish and who still holds a Polish citizenship I am and feel Polish, I probably always will. That's me being honest.
26 Jun 2011
Genealogy / Former Poland PM Donald Tusk - A Kashub or a German. [71]

Even I could be a Polish citizen if I wanted to be. That doesn't make me a Pole, does it?

No it doesn't ;) what are the criteria for a non Polish born to obtain Polish citizenship?
26 Jun 2011
Genealogy / Former Poland PM Donald Tusk - A Kashub or a German. [71]

Tusks grandfather was in a concentration camp occupying an unspecified position, no prison papers can be located even though intact records of the camp have been recovered.

He was drafted into the german army which never happened to polish POWs or slave laborers which in concentration or labor camps, ever.

That does sound creepy if it's all true. Do we know which camp at least?