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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 22 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 9 / Live: 5 / Archived: 4
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From: Berlin, Germany
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
19 Jun 2018
News / Poland Sports News [1076]

At least Germans and Poles can now hang their heads in shame and desperation together....should be good for european
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Jul 2011
History / Pomerania -a Polish land since the creation of Poland and the German invaders. [60]

Maybe pgtx will leave my links alone this time...

...During the Iron Age, Western Pomerania belonged to the Jastorf culture[9] (550-50 BC).[10] As before during the Bronze Age, the dead were burned and the ashes buried in urns. Settlements and urn grave fields with artefacts were found e.g. in the then densely settled Greifswald area.[41]

The Jastorf culture is associated with early Germanic peoples.Western Pomerania belonged to the Warnow-Oder estituary subgroup of the Jastorf culture,[11] the easternmost group is designated Oder group.[42] The Oder group, formerly thought to have emerged after an immigration from Bornholm, is now thought to have evolved from a local population formerly belonging to the Pomeranian culture and the Göritz group of the Lusatian culture, who first adapted to new habits and later mingeld with a Germanic population from the West.[43]...

German since 500 BC

...It is assumed that Burgundians, Goths and Gepids with parts of the Rugians left Pomerania during the late Roman Age, and that during the migration period, remnants of Rugians, Vistula Veneti, Vidivarii and other, Germanic tribes remained and formed units that were later Slavicized.[14

Then slavicized Germans....(assumed). Now who was the invader?
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Jul 2011
History / Pomerania -a Polish land since the creation of Poland and the German invaders. [60]

But I would suggest the ideas about Slavic union would go some way to clearing up mis-perceptions in historical reality about events that happened in the past and would give a better awareness to Poles and other Slavs about their history, and improve education.

Only if they find ways to agree with their histories...
Bratwurst Boy   
26 Jun 2011
Genealogy / Former Poland PM Donald Tusk - A Kashub or a German. [71]

Why isn't PiS printing this picture in millions of copies and flooding Poland with it? ;-)

Maybe they don't believe in the supposed effect?
What if a majority says.."Tusk is German, his families were Nazis - YAY!"

Bratwurst Boy   
26 Jun 2011
Genealogy / Former Poland PM Donald Tusk - A Kashub or a German. [71]

Since some utter fag closed the thread proving some mods are products of stale daschund sperm impregnating a retarded monkey i'll adress an interesting point that arose in the Lwów thread.

*notes colorful wordings for later use*

So is Tusk a German?

Sure he is! :)


Don't tell me that means Wehrmacht...
Bratwurst Boy   
17 Jun 2011
News / Polish-German Close Cooperation Plan [31]

*he would have titled this thread - Two Central European Slavic Countries Working Hand in Hand*

Or....even better:

"Sarmatian Poland conquers secretly Germany to liberate our germanized slavic brethren - Halleluja!"

These novels set in old Breslau by Marek Krajewski as mentioned in the Spiegel-article are news to me...I think I will look out for them. They sound interesting!
Bratwurst Boy   
17 Jun 2011
News / Polish-German Close Cooperation Plan [31]

Better than him? Kaczyński.

In what way was he positive for Poland? He isolated Poland, he made Poles the laughingstock of Europe...the relationship to your neighbours detoriated to the bottom...

You want that back???

Sorry BB i live here, german newspapers praise Tusk cause he'll bend over to Berlin but when you actully live in Poland, the guy is a failure, PR is his only success.

Well...the economic data is beyond PR....Poland is on a way up, if you want to or not! ;)

erman newspapers praise Tusk cause he'll bend over to Berlin

How so? In what way does he "bend over" to Berlin?

I've read that statement repeatedly here on PF....but I still don't know what is meant with that.
Is working for good relationships equal to "bending over" in Poles mind? Is only a leader who achieves to annoy and upset a good leader???

Are international tantrums needed for Poles to feel sufficiently represented?

I will clue you in....the Kaczinsky's achieved nothing with their foot stompings. Quiet the contrary, they destroyed alot of european good will!
In delicate international relationships quiet back rubbings are much more helpful to further your case and help your interests!
Bratwurst Boy   
17 Jun 2011
News / Polish-German Close Cooperation Plan [31]

You could have worse...
Come to think of, you HAD worse!


Economic Boom
Poland Is Europe's New High-Flyer

By Jan Puhl

Poland, once a backward agricultural country, is quickly becoming an economic powerhouse in Central Europe. The Poles are strongly pro-European, and even their relationship with the Germans is no longer as tense as it was just a few years ago. Nowhere is the transformation easier to see than in Wroclaw.

Bratwurst Boy   
17 Jun 2011
News / Polish-German Close Cooperation Plan [31]


There are always different ways...the inside view, full of the daily strifes and little problems and then there is the outside view, how your country looks from further away without the many little problems and difficulties but more a broad overall perception...both images are seldom the same. :)

Tusk stays for a successful Poland, growing economically and politically, stable and respected, ...believe it or not! ;)
Bratwurst Boy   
17 Jun 2011
News / Polish-German Close Cooperation Plan [31]

Can't you just shake his hand and give him a punch on the arm. Then raise a glass of beer.

But that is a special occasion! ;)

We are punching each other all the time....
Bratwurst Boy   
17 Jun 2011
News / Polish-German Close Cooperation Plan [31]

Who would have thought? :-)

I'm all for it! :)
*runs after Torqi for hugs and kisses*

Tusk fits Merkel...he is like her a quiet worker, not the great poser. Pragmatic but gets things done.
They have chemistry!

Merkel has problems with these vain media-hogs who take themselves much more important than their job.
Bratwurst Boy   
16 Jun 2011
History / Historic Polish-Japanese intelligence cooperation [21]

The Japanese are good people. No wonder whatever you throw at them, they rise and rise good!

The Chinese might think

You are astoundingly generous about japanese behavior during their wars....but not so with others, why is that? ;)
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Jun 2011
News / Poland's Krab Howitzer (the 155mm gun) Has Passed the Test! [49]

And what if we ever enter a conflict with Germany or if Germany suffers an economic collapse, what about our science, manufacturing and arms sectors?

Always the optimist, eh Sok? ;)

Well, that was just how I see it. Germany's arms industry is not so much about pride or security but a huge economical factor. We sell our stuff left and right....

If Poland wants to do the same, why not!
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Jun 2011
News / Poland's Krab Howitzer (the 155mm gun) Has Passed the Test! [49]

Why inventing so much time, money and effort to build something similiar of what already exist and you could buy easily????

When you don't have a tradition in weaponry and no big R&D military industry it will be hard to build something which could be a match for other already successful systems from countries which much more expertise.

If I were Poland I would go shopping instead...
Bratwurst Boy   
8 Jun 2011
History / Poland: Her heroes and her traitors [217]

In France,when a criminal cannot be apprehended, his picture is hung on a gallows or gibbet, at the bottom of which is written his sentence of condemnation.'s not cute when the French do it!

Bratwurst Boy   
8 Jun 2011
History / Poland: Her heroes and her traitors [217]

Instead, on September 29, 1794, his portrait was hanged.

That! :)

Gotta love you guys! :):):)
Bratwurst Boy   
8 Jun 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles in the UK, you know were the door is [102]

So, you don't even have a Polish name, you're a halfbreed (with German blood

Rofl Rofl Rofl *cackle cackle* Really!!!! PolskiDump is self-hater???? *snicker* ROFL

While Germans deny that Bukowski, Nietzsche, Dirk Nowitzki & Podolski are Polish.

Not only Germans, themselves and the world too:

Bukowski was born Heinrich Karl Bukowski in Andernach, Germany, to Heinrich Bukowski and Katharina (née Fett).

Born in Würzburg, Germany, Nowitzki comes from a sports family: his mother Helga was a professional basketball player and his father Jörg-Werner was a handball player who represented Germany at the highest international level.[3]

Podolski is polish who preferred to play for Germany instead of Poland. Make of that what you will ;)
Bratwurst Boy   
27 May 2011
News / Poland reveals its new super car. [56]

It looks like a carbon copy of a Lamborghini, especially the outside.

Most newbies start out with copying successful models. The experience and the dare to try out own designs comes with time.
Bratwurst Boy   
22 May 2011
History / 'Defamation': The Anti-Semism Industry & Poland [188] was about the Jewish holocaust. Didn't his documentary coined the word "Shoa" in the first place?
It was in my understanding that this word was made known widely for the first time outside of Israel...
Bratwurst Boy   
22 May 2011
History / 'Defamation': The Anti-Semism Industry & Poland [188]

BB, no offence but you haven't had the contact with older Poles like I have. They are highly descriptive with what they see and also highly trustworthy as people. They have no axes to grind and I have the strongest inclination that they are telling the truth. Is that what bothers you, BB? I never claim to know when it comes to history and nor should those that weren't there. However, the accuracy of their accounts is not in doubt IMHO. totally misunderstood me.
I mused more or less about the making of this doku and how different it is to todays movies and dokus.
I never doubted the content!

Oh well....

I have the audacity to question objectivity of this "documentary".

This doku isn't objective, it hasn't to was very subjective on the side of the victims, understandable.
Bratwurst Boy   
22 May 2011
History / 'Defamation': The Anti-Semism Industry & Poland [188]

40 years on from the end of WWII and things were unknown? the time of "Shoa" alot of things were still unknown and Lanzmanns docu made mighty waves. Especially as that theme was still not such a media event back then and beaten to death by movies as it is now....