The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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27 Dec 2018
History / Did NATO help in retrival of heads of Poland's King Władysław III and Zawisza Czarny [16]

Do we finally got answer to these old questions? Can NATO finally do something good for Poland? Let Turks, now being in alliance with Poland, via NATO, return heads of venerable Polish King and hero. How long humiliation of Poles needs to continue? For how long, I ask. Do anybody in NATO care? Give heads back!

Władysław III of Poland

The Janissaries killed the king's bodyguard and beheaded Władysław, displaying his head on a pole

Zawisza Czarny

He was either killed in combat at Golubac or executed in Ottoman captivity

8 Dec 2018
News / How strongly are Poles sure that president Duda defend Poland's interests ? [251]

My Polish sisters and brothers need to have something in their minds. Ruling Poland`s politicians don`t have interests of Poland in their hearts.

Why I telling so?

Look how Spain behave regarding sovereignty of Serbia and separation of Kosovo? Spain don`t accept separation of Kosovo from Serbia for its own interests. FOR ITS OWN INTERESTS. It is so because Spain have responsible politicians who care for interests of Spain as a whole. Spanish politicians care for unity and sovereignty of Spain and in that regard they behave in international relations. And what doing President Duda and government of Poland? They harming Serbia. They were among first to recognize Kosovo. Lech Kaczinsky tried to prevent that but Tusk insisted. See, Poland is sold. No legal way for Poland to defend its own sovereignty after Poland recognized Kosovo.

Beware my sisters and brothers. Protect and defend Poland! Poland is under attack from outside and from inside. Those inside works for those outside.
8 Dec 2018
Genealogy / Was name `Szczerbin` first and original Polish ethnic name, local version of Sarmatian name ? [11]

Look at this old picture >



Polish King John III Sobieski after the Battle at Vienna

After he defeated Ottomans at Vienna, Polish King John III Sobieski among other things informed Pope with words ``Bona Vindobona``. Few people know that by those words Sobieski re-claimed Sarmatian heritage of Vienna. For one of meanings, maybe exact meaning of `Bona Vindobona` is exactly > `I am the Shield of Sarmatia` or `I am liberator of Sarmatia` in other words, to paraphrase `I am re-claimer`. He said so because he knew that Pope knows truth and Pope knew the truth that behind story of Slavs stays story of Serbians (Sarmatians), that old original name of all Slavs was Sarmatian name.

I explained already in this thread > /see above/ > Srbin (Balkan and Central Europe), Szczerbin (Polani tribe speaking area), Serbjan or Serbyan (lusatia) = SARMAT = WEND = VENET.

and > Roman `Sorviodunum`. Now, let us correct what we can immediately >>> its then `Sorbiodunum` (Serbs/Sorbs is constant and in Latin transcription and pronunciation `B` always transform in `V`).


See, Vindobona was a name of a Roman military camp on the site of the modern city of Vienna in Austria. It was in time when Roman Empire had symbiotic relationship with our Slavic (ie Sarmatian) ancestors. Change of name from Vindobona to Vienna happened in the 13th century.

And guess what mind-blowing thing will you also learn today? Various old sources suggests how is `Vindobona` shared Sarmatian-Gaulish word. And that is even obvious. Gauls, as I said long time ago, were nothing but branch of Sarmatians. Gaulish windo- `white` and bona `base/bottom`. And what is the other name for lusatian Serbs even today? Wends. They are WENDI. And we know how is WENDI short form from SRWENDI or to say in native original > SRBENDI, exact word that is for designation of White hyperboreans used in ancient Indian Rg Vedic manuscripts 3.500 years ago. And we know that Buddha was White and that he was Scythian. And who were/are Scythians? Scythians were branch of Sarmatians.

Did you sow where we came from start, from word Vindobona?

Remember. Sarmats were Europe. And not only Europe. Since time immemorial. Sarmats are givers of West. Rest came later. Much much much later. From Sarmats came out other Europeans. Then, history was stolen to Sarmats and they were allowed to continue to use only other their name `Slavic name` that didn`t refer to their ethnicity but by which Sarmatians among themselves knew that they differ from others- that they are able to understand each others and that others are mute to them (Slovianin - sloviti - to talk = one who is able to talk). Still, some Sarmats, those who live in old cores, along the Danube and on the Balkan-Baltic line and Lusatia. They are still Serbs or Serbians.
30 Nov 2018
News / Are the Germans taking back Świnoujście? [22]

He said how Deutsche Banke manipulate with rates of interests

Just to remind you people here what info I gave few days ago, in my comment above.

And look what happened in Deutsche Bank >

German police raid Deutsche Bank offices on money laundering allegations; shares fall 3.4%

See? See. It started.

Serbs know. Remember that Serbs know.

No, they won`t have time for Świnoujście. Nor for Silesia. Nor for Lusatia...

Oh, forgot to set time and date between title and link >

Published 4:31 AM ET Thu, 29 Nov 2018 Updated 1:54 PM ET Thu, 29 Nov 2018
25 Nov 2018
News / Are the Germans taking back Świnoujście? [22]

Poles are unusually lucky Slavs. You know when would Germany have time for Świnoujście? How things stand, never. Oh, they would want but, they have a lot of problems with Serbians. You heard what President of Bosnia and Herzegovina, ethnic Serbian, Milorad Dodik said? Did you heard him? He said how Deutsche Banke manipulate with rates of interests while using Bosnian money deposits. Dodik then said how he wants to pull Bosnian deposits from Deutsceh Bank and return them in Bosnia because Deutsceh Bank can crumble.

Also, President of Bosnia revealed that Austria controls money flow of Croatia in deal with Zagreb elite, that Croatian National Bank printing money in Austria.

Oh Poles, how lucky you are. But well, you saved us from grave that was Ottoman invasion and well, we owe you few things.

No, just joking. We doing just for our own pleasure. Its only good collateral thing that Germans don`t have time to move on Poland while Serbs hold them.

How great w***e is that EU. Its a f*****g Germanic playground.

And all will be known to public.
24 Nov 2018
Off-Topic / Ukraine, Belarus, Russia in EU in 2030? [89]

Why not? Because Germanics and France want to dominate. That`s why. Why invest money in colonies?

Why do you think that Britain tries to escape?
24 Nov 2018
Off-Topic / Ukraine, Belarus, Russia in EU in 2030? [89]

People, let your friend Crow tell you something. If EU was honest and without second thought on the region, EU would back in time accept Yugoslavia in EU. It was one of most progressive states in Europe. But EU gave up. Instead, EU- western Europe, financed dissolution of Yugoslavia.

Now, for example, you have `Deautsche bank` operates with Bosnia-Herzegovina money. Germany wanted colony, that`s it, while rest of EU and NATO supported that.

So now, we, all Europeans, have what we have and will yet will have more.
24 Nov 2018
Off-Topic / Ukraine, Belarus, Russia in EU in 2030? [89]

For the sake of EU and western Europe, if I am them, I wouldn`t f*** with us Serbs. If they move us now, nothing will ever be same as it is now or ever before. And think who have more to lose.

Serbian interests must be respected.

And yes, to hell with EU membership. Really, f** it. Keep that b***.
20 Nov 2018
USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area [300]

The shooter by the name of Lopez

yes. Lopez and his friend Jimenez. Lopez shot her when she came out of the elevator. I hope Trump put that wall and separate degenerics from normal people.

Hurry up and google it!

500.000 Serbs live in Chicago. You google.

Why are you that crazy Jokere? You seams to be good man. But somehow crazy.
20 Nov 2018
Language / Polish language would look better written in Cyrillic Script? [212]

Call in Cyrillic or `Old Slavic`, doesn`t matter. Here is crucial that with Cyrilics Slavs can better protect their unique culture, values and tradition. Cyrillic is only Slavic thing.

I hope we Serbs give up from Latin alphabet that we now using parallel with Cyrillic.
20 Nov 2018
USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area [300]

Sad in what turning our Slavic Chicago thanks to hostile non-Slavs

Chicago hospital shooting: A young cop, doctor, pharmacy resident and the gunman all die in Mercy Hospital attack

Dayna Less, 25, a first-year pharmacy resident, was hit as she walked out of an elevator.

Serbian News confirms Dayna Less is girl of Serbian origin active in local numerous Serbian community


Dayna Less with her brother

18 Nov 2018
Language / Polish language would look better written in Cyrillic Script? [212]

Form of Cyrillic letters actually existed before Cirilus and Metodius categorized those letters in Cyrillic scrip. So, I will suggest Cyrillic to adopt new name, more Slavic.

However, the adaptation of

Let us be honest here. All Slavs, Poles included, adopted Christianity in order to avoid to be massacred.

BDW, Slavic (ie Sarmatian) society is original Western society. So, essentially, West is subjugated to non-West that is western Europe.
18 Nov 2018
Polonia / How do Poles feel about Romanians and Bulgarians? [27]

You Poles can`t rely on Bulgaria and Romania. Romania is pro-French and Bulgaria is pro-German. You would be of better luck if Russians control them but, Russians only sometimes have little influence. That`s all.

Historically, if it was on Romania and Bulgaria, Poland wouldn`t even exist. Their politicians are by default always set against interests of Poland. After all, like many Poland`s politicians.

For your info people. It was Bulgaria, in deal with Germany, that cut off Russian-Serbian project of South Stream. Then Russia was forced to turn to Germany and Northern Stream. Russia exactly wanted to avoid dealing with Germany (as Serbia insisted because of German-Serbian problems and Serbia don`t wish ever to depend on German transit system). That way Poland would also avoid to be bypassed.

So, see, Germany activated one of its satellites in the region- Bulgaria in this case and that`s it.

Fortunately, Russia opened new alternative and that is Turkish steam.

What is sad, official Poland never speak of truth on South Stream. That not only Serbia but also Hungary had key place in that project.

And you know what? Hungary again, with Serbia, support project of Turkish stream. At the same time, Hungary and Serbia don`t oppose to any US project on energy. What Hungary and Serbia seek is to diversify sources of energy.

What I want to tell you, by failing to support Turkish Stream and before that South Stream, official Poland work against Poland. In a most blatant example. Think about it. Why Duda`s ``patriotic`` charade? Really, why? Who is behind Duda? What magnates? From where?

stick to the topic please
15 Nov 2018
History / What is Poles opinion on Intermarium (Międzymorze)? [188]

Three Seas Initiative is the only way for Poland and Central Europe............ Croatia are both more important than any political meetings

As you wish. But, you know, its not the only way. Don`t say that Serbian on Polishforums didn`t told it to you. Much better way for official Poland was to have good relations with Serbia and Serbs. We are owners, you know. We are also strongest here in the region. Not to tell that official Poland greatly mistaken for failing to support unity of Serbian ethnic being, unity of Orthodox, Catholic and Muslim Serbs. Imagine that Serbs start to separate Orthodox Poles from Catholic. Imagine if Serbia start to call Kashubs, Lusatians, Silesians, Polabian Poles to show disloyalty to Warsaw?? Imagine that. I assure you after 20 years of Serbian ``propaganda`` what is now Poland would be much much smaller. Plus, not to tell that by betrayal of Serbs (Racowie), official Poland betrayed its historically most loyal partners and oldest allies.

So, any Poland`s deal with `Three Seas Initiative` will anyway finish in future negotiations with Serbs and will depend on Serbs. Slavic part (Dalmatia) of Adriatic coast is stolen from Serbs. Except Slovenian part. But even that little part was for Slavic world won by Serbs.

My only concern is that I think we shouldn't include Austria in this project cause they may become a trojan horse in the future.

Don`t you worry for Austria. Austria is sh** that you obviously recognized. Fear of sh** you don`t expect to come and that is Croatia. Its state created solely by wish of Vatican and Germanics. Its project old 200 years, initiated exactly from Austrian Catholics in order to stab the knife in Serbian ethnic being and form unique nation from Catholic Serbs, at a time when Serb in general were weakened from Ottomans. Croatian nation. Nation that have to be not pro-Germanic but to feel Germanic and that is what children in now Nazi Greater Croatia learning in primary schools - that don`t origin from Slavs but from Germanic Ghots. /aside from fact that even that is delusion because Ghots were branch of Sarmatians partly Romanized/

What I want to tell you, you don`t need to worry of Austria. Fear the knife of those who are convinced Croats. Not that this farce of their will continue for long but, obviously long enough that Poland experience agony.

Then, at the end, you Poles would again come to Serbs which will consolidate in the meantime. Don`t be surprise if official Serbia then say: ``We love Poles, but we can`t trust to Poland (similar to what Polish PM Tusk told to Serbs when stabbed the knife in our back). Why not give chance to bigger Lusatia, Sliesia, Kashubia, bigger Czech Republic,....?

You fear Russians? Germans? No, don`t fear them. They don`t have historical authority. Their historical situation is even worse then Polish, if Slavs start to segment on smaller states. Especially Germany, where we Serbs will initiate re-Slavicization and then initiate formation of new Slavic states.

No, don`t fear them. Fear Serbs. For we shall re-unite. Orthodox, Catholic and Muslim Serbs and we will the re-claim what is ours. Old core of Sarmatia will then re-claim top of Slavic world and Europe. That is how must be.

Its not too late for official Poland.

Intermarium [Miedzymorze] and the new project called Three Seas Initiative is the only way for Poland and Central Europe

Just follow events and you will be surprised how is deeply official Poland involved in pan-Germanic projects against Serbs.

Few hours ago I heard new crazy news on TV. Representative in parliament of false muja-mafia Kosovo state, Enver Hoxhaj started regional journey in order to mobilize, as he said, anti-Serbian pact with Croatia, Montenergo and Macedonia. In all those states local Serbs are majority of populace, no matter are they Orthodox or Catholic. So, Shquiptar (Albanian) terrorists works with rogue regimes in those states and seek to destabilize security in entire region in order to achieve its political aims.

What I want to tell you, what `Three Seas Initiative` project Poland seek to start with Croatia? Its only way Poland`s ruling elite to have closer ties with Germany, while profit on catastrophe of Serbian people. Even if we ignore all other things, Croatia is ready to enter in pact against Serbia. When conflict escalate, its clear Serbs will reclaim what is theirs and once and for all create conditions for real peace in the region.

To give you comparison with Russia-Germany situation. Russia seeks to cooperate with Germany but, Russia, at least not publicly and for all we see, don`t works with Germany on directly anti-Serbian projects. Official Poland doing exactly this.
11 Nov 2018
Genealogy / What does my Polish name mean? [401]

Literally, Polish name means this > ``We are Sarmats from plains.`` At least in legends, Poles remembered their true identity.
11 Nov 2018
History / How much Poles trust to France? [93]

Have in mind that those are `FRIENDS` who restricting power of Poland.

By the God, I read this what I wrote 7 years ago. Back then Poland`s situation was ideal with false ``friends``. These days,``friends`` already grinding Poland slowly. What would be in next 7 years?

Except Serbia, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Russia, all other Slavic states are simple satellites to western Europe. We see how Poland struggling not to be satellite but, it will be hard. Very hard. Especially in situation when Poland don`t have clear policy but walk in fog.
10 Nov 2018
History / Occupation of Eastern Poland in 1939 [97]

Beware Poles and spread the word among Poles on the Net. Poland is in serious trouble.

I heard what Tusk today said referring to Duda and Polish government, that is Poland ruled by `modern bolsheviks`.

Listen Poles. Its all the game. Reality is that Poland have traitor Duda for president and that other traitor Tusk attacking Duda.


Either Duda and Tusk (those that corrupted them) works together or Duda represent one path to treachery, while Tusk represent other path to treachery, that is they both aren`t together in treachery but have different masters.

In any case, you would have elections. If those elections aren`t decided already (what is great probability), you Poles would be put in situation to vote for two traitors, Duda and Tusk. Real Poland need third political option. Real patriots that are interlinked with Serbs and Hungarians. But would you Poles get chance or fate or Poland is already decided, I don`t know.

God help you Poles. Just remember that one Serbian was the only one to tell you the truth. I f*** THEM all
9 Nov 2018
History / Occupation of Eastern Poland in 1939 [97]

See what I mean



I can imagine them invading Poland. You know how in WWII, USA mobilized Moroccans when made land invasion on Italy? Yes, and order to Moroccans was to rape as much as possible Italian woman.


Oh, they are already IN

9 Nov 2018
History / Occupation of Eastern Poland in 1939 [97]

Be specific. Do you mean German tanks rolling in just as they did in 1939?

I think they will use black migrants this time. To underline the point. Black Nazis are needed. After all, propaganda war always follow real war. Later will come White Nazis.
9 Nov 2018
History / Occupation of Eastern Poland in 1939 [97]

No, Russia won`t be involved. What Russia can. Poland is part of NATO. Telling you. It will be declared as internal NATO thing. First, Poland will be demonized in mass media (what already started). Then, if Poland start more to resist to EU/NATO, internal problems in Poland will start initiated from outside. It was all seen and experimented by western Europe and Clinton in Yugoslavia and Serbia. Some locals in Swinouscie or Silesia will rebel, some locals will attack Polish police and army, official Poland will react and NATO will use force against its own member to pacify non-democratic government. Duda will then, as traitor on duty, say how he regret, how he apologize because of bad behavior of Poland and he will then sign capitulation. I think, NATO will create at least two-three new states from what remain of Poland.

It will be perfect crime.
9 Nov 2018
History / Occupation of Eastern Poland in 1939 [97]

Its not all in the money. There is something in the spirit, too. If they brake your spirit, all your money, all what makes you belong to your foe.

What army Poland have that is Polish army??? Ask Polish army to whom it serve, to NATO, to EU or to Poland?

If Poland tries to abandon NATO or EU, Poland will be portioned. Mark my words. If Poland try to hide behind sovereignty it would be impossible because official Poland violated very principle of sovereignty on example of Serbia. Swinouscie, Silesia and who knows which regions will be targeted. Germany will just pay some local politician to call for outside ``help`` and that`s it. Bye Poland. And that would be internal NATO/EU question.
9 Nov 2018
History / Occupation of Eastern Poland in 1939 [97]

Partition of Poland back then is very similar to partition of Serbia these days. Just, Serbia din`t take part in partition of Poland and Poland taking part in partition of Serbia. That is Duda`s gift to Poland. That is how Duda comprehend his servitude to France, Britain, Germany and still active and kicking former USA administration of Clinton`s and Co. Idea is to involve Poland in as much as possible sh**, to ruin old Polish alliances, to make Poles be bigger Catholics then Pope himself is, to delude Polish patriots and put them in service of western Europe, to make Poland disregard international law and principles of sovereignty so that later Poland itself become subject of new partition. Is it possible that you don`t sense how Duda serve evil and helping to set Poland in trap? Silesija, Svinjska usta, etc, western Europeans prepare ground to grab everything from Poland.

It would be much better if Poles show some respect to grandfather Svetovid. Final days are coming and we are what we are. Let Jews have both- Pope from Rome and Patriarch from Constantinople. But I doubt that even they deserve that.
3 Nov 2018
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [623]

Poland won`t be capable to influence that what remain of Ukraine. Germany and France are faster. Vatican, too. Sure, Russia would rather desire to work with Poland but who gives a sh** what Russia desire. Russia was for compromise, wanted Ukraine out of NATO, even Ukraine within EU was alright. Russia wanted Ukraine as bridge between Polish and Russian interests. Russia with mediation of Serbs allowed for POLUKRBAT to happen but, then comes the maiden. You Poles can rise monument to POLUKRBAT as memory that you had influence in Ukraine. Now it goes to Germany and France. In such a situation, sure, ethnic Russians do have right to escape from it.

So, my Polish sisters and brothers you better talk of Poland within Magna Franco-Germania. Don`t dream of anything out of it. You are well enslaved.

Or, you maybe have backbone? You want to pay the price?
30 Oct 2018

I repeat, now is the chance to grab true independence. Now is the chance to be partner and not servant to Jews and their mental constructions. Poles and Russians, brake all chains and hag each others. Don`t be reluctant from powerful brotherly grip.
30 Oct 2018

Now when Patriarch of Constantinople betrayed Orthodox Slavs is historical chance for Poles to offer support to Russians. Russians are now disoriented and seek for love. I don`t know, maybe that Poland declare Warsaw to be Fourth Rome, regain its independence and that way s***w both of them- Patriarch of Constantinople and Pope of Rome. I am sure Russians would be intimidated by that.

To me First Warsaw sound better then Fourth Rome. What you think? It somehow sound even more independent.
28 Oct 2018
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [623]

Polish-Ukrainian relations depend solely on western Europe and Vatican. I doubt that will official Poland ever be able to arrange its relations with Ukraine as it suits to Polish interests. Germany would want that, Vatican would want this, France will be wise, etc, etc.... all to the time when neither Poland, neither Ukraine exist or actually exist as areas within soup of something.

Don`t you realize real reason why did Russia ever even allowed for formation of Ukrainian state and intervene only for the regions where is Russia clear to have influence. Russia drowning line. Rest? Rest is lost not only to Russia but for Poland, too. Man, Poland is lost to Poles, after all and Poles even don`t know it yet.